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Vanguard Chairman and CEO Bill McNabb Delivers Keynote at CCG's Academic Conference

April 28, 2014

Chairman and CEO of the Vanguard Group Bill McNabb III delivered the keynote address at the Center for Corporate Governance (CCG) 2014 Academic Conference held at LeBow on April 25. Drexel faculty along with national and international academics participated in the conference.

In his address, McNabb spoke about the six key principles of responsible corporate governance that Vanguard adheres to and advocates by the companies in which their funds invest. Independent oversight, accountability, engagement, sensible compensation tied to performance, shareholder voting rights consistent with economic interests and minimal anti-takeover devices and annual direct elections serve to inform and influence Vanguard’s views on corporate governance. These principles highlighted the themes of many papers discussed at the conference.

The Annual Academic Conference, led by Ralph Walkling, PhD, Stratakis Chair and executive director of the Center for Corporate Governance, brings leading financial academics to Drexel to present their current analytic and empirical research on corporate governance. Participants have the opportunity to present and gain valuable insights on their research efforts from other leading internationally recognized scholars. McNabb, who is also a member of the CCG Advisory Board, said, “The research efforts by the people in this room are critical to bringing the topic of responsible corporate governance to the forefront of conversations in boardrooms and classrooms across the country and around the world.”

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Headshot of Ralph Walkling

Founder, Center of Corporate Governance, Professor Emeritus, Finance