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LeBow Hosts GIC’s Monetary and Trade Conference


May 04, 2016

Drexel University’s LeBow College of Business recently hosted the Global Interdependence Center’s 34th annual Monetary and Trade Conference, which focused on the potential impacts of mega trade agreements such as the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership and the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

Conference panelists, who discussed macro level and sectoral impacts on the economy, included:

• Gabriel Felbermayr, Director of the IFO Center for International Economics and Chair for International Trade and International Finance at the University of Munich • Damien Levie, Head of Trade & Agriculture Team, Embassy of the European Union in Washington DC • Mike Dolan, Trade Policy Specialist, International Brotherhood of Teamsters • David Salmonsen, Senior Director, International Policy, American Farm Bureau Federation • Aaditya Mattoo, Research Head of Trade and Integration Division, The World Bank • Robert B. Koopman, Chief Economist and Director of the Economic Research and Statistics Division, World Trade Organization • Serge Shikher, International Economist in the Research Division of the Office of Economics, U.S. International Trade Commission

George Tsetsekos, Dean Emeritus and Francis Professor of Finance at LeBow and a GIC Board Member; and Yoto Yotov, Professor of Economics at LeBow’s School of Economics, served as moderators.

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Headshot of Yoto Yotov

Professor, Economics

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