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LeBow Marketing Students Are Finalists in SAP Marketing Competition

November 04, 2010

LeBow College of Business juniors Brad Smith and Julie Ann Novak have been named finalists in the SAP Marketing Innovators Scholarship Competition, a collegiate contest in which student teams compete to create an innovative marketing campaign for SAP.

Smith and Novak will present their proposed marketing plan to SAP Marketing Executives at its North American Headquarters in Newtown Square, Pa., on Nov. 12, competing against the four other remaining teams for top honors.

The winning plan will be judged on a set of criteria that includes creativity and feasibility. Each member of the winning team will receive a $3,000 scholarship and the chance to monitor the success of their plan, or elements thereof, as it is implemented in SAP’s marketing calendar.

Smith says he’s excited to unveil his team’s plan. “We’ve put a lot of time and effort into it, and I definitely believe we’ve crafted a marketing plan with a solid foundation that we can feel confident about taking to the executives through our presentation,” he says.

Novak attributes the team’s success so far to their Drexel education. “Drexel students can take what we learn on co-op and in class, and produce something that a company such as SAP can appreciate,” she says.

Smith, from West Chester, Pa., and Novak, from Kingsley, Pa., both major in business administration with a concentration in marketing.


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