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LeBow Mourns Vice Dean Tom Hindelang

December 08, 2011

It is with overwhelming sadness that I write to inform you of the death of Vice Dean Dr. Thomas Hindelang. Tom became ill at his office today and could not be revived from an apparent heart attack.

LeBow College is filled with extraordinary professors. But only one, Tom Hindelang, was known universally as “THE professor.” As the headline on a recent profile of Tom put it, he was “a teacher’s teacher.” Several current faculty are former students of Tom’s: Tony Curatola, Richard Freedman, Amy Kratchman, Dana D’Angelo and Jodi Cataline.

“With the signature cowboy hat that he dons on his frequent walks around campus, his distinguished gray beard and colorful ties, Vice Dean Tom Hindelang is hard to miss,” that profile began. “After almost 40 years at Drexel University, he’s legendary for having taught thousands of students and mentored scores of faculty.”

There are no words to adequately convey how important Tom was to his students, his faculty colleagues and to his College and University. Except, perhaps, these words from Tom himself: “One of my favorite quotes,” Tom said, “is that ‘educators touch eternity’ by passing on knowledge and their passion for teaching and learning to their students, who then continue to refine and improve everything before they pass everything along to the next generation of students.”

On behalf of the LeBow community, I extend our deepest sympathies to Tom’s wife, Chris, and their family. I will let you know soon about funeral arrangements and a memorial service.

George P. Tsetsekos

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With the signature cowboy hat that he dons on his walks around campus, his distinguished gray beard and colorful ties, Vice Dean Tom Hindelang is hard to miss.

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