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LeBow Students to Visit Shanghai, China for International Residency

November 16, 2011

This spring, students enrolled in Drexel LeBow’s Executive MBA and One-Year MBA programs will embark on an international residency to Shanghai, China. This exciting international travel experience, offers an excellent opportunity for students to closely examine various aspects of international business, including the prospects and challenges facing multinational and domestic business.

LeBow expects to schedule visits with companies in the Shanghai area and is seeking your assistance to connect us with businesses willing to host our graduate students. Each corporate visit would include a presentation by a senior team, including a review of current company philosophy, management and business strategies. If appropriate, students would also tour the company’s facilities.

Through the residency, students will analyze decision-making in international business operations and evaluate the possible economic consequences of the changing economic environment from a global viewpoint

“It is one thing to read about the impact of culture, politics and economic conditions on international business and quite another to go abroad and experience it,” says Paul E. Jensen, Ph.D., associate dean for experiential learning. “Learning firsthand from executives about the challenge of conducting business internationally adds tremendous value to the Drexel LeBow MBA programs.”

To connect LeBow with a corporation in Shanghai, please contact Megan Gray at 215.895.0975 or

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Through LeBow's international residency programs, graduate and undergraduate students traveled to locations such as Germany, the Czech Republic and Chile.