Dean Emeritus George Tsetsekos: A Celebration of the Past and a Look Toward the Future
Dean Emeritus George Tsetsekos, the George Francis Professor of Finance, and his wife, Niki, marked two special events last week at Gerri C. LeBow Hall – one to celebrate the past and the other to look toward the future.
After welcoming remarks from Interim Dean Frank Linnehan, Tsetsekos and Niki unveiled a beautiful portrait of Tsetsekos who served as dean of LeBow College of Business from 2002-2012 before completing his tenure. Tsetsekos’ greatest accomplishment of his tenure was securing the $45 million gift from benefactor Bennett S. LeBow, the largest gift in Drexel history from a single donor, which paved the way to the new building.
The portrait was painted by Laurel Stern Boeck, a nationally renowned portrait artist based in New York, and will be hung in the Dean’s Suite on the twelfth floor of Gerri C. LeBow Hall.
Following the unveiling, Tsetsekos made remarks to the faculty, staff and alumni in attendance before he and Niki had the honors of placing a time capsule that had been filled with unknown memorabilia into its rightful holding spot until the building is dismantled sometime in the very distant future. A private reception followed these events.