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Rajiv Nag and Stacy Kline to Serve As 2021-22 Dean’s Faculty Fellows


June 23, 2021

As part of LeBow’s ongoing College Research and Curriculum Innovation (CRCI) initiative, LeBow Dean Vibhas Madan, PhD, has named Rajiv Nag, PhD, clinical professor of management, and Stacy Kline, CPA, clinical professor of accounting, as Dean’s Faculty Fellows for the 2021-2022 academic year.

Nag will build on his work as a Fellow last year by further mapping and developing power skills within the LeBow undergraduate curriculum. He will work closely with the LeBow Instructional Technology team to create power-skills learning and development platforms on BBLearn as a resource for LeBow faculty and students. He will also continue to explore microcredentials and badging opportunities through the power skills development initiative.

“The first year of this initiative was one of collective discovery and sensemaking: identifying what power skills are of critical importance in the current and forthcoming job market for our students and assessing where and how our curriculum is teaching these skills,” Nag said. “Based on this analysis, the second stage of this initiative will entail the development of learning platforms in collaboration with LeBow Instructional Technology, which LeBow faculty can leverage to access, share and co-create state-of-the-art pedagogical and assessment content.”

Kline will work to ensure a holistic student experience that aligns with both market needs and expectations of students and their future employers. She will map the student experience and identify opportunities to emphasize interdisciplinary learning, integrate technology and power skills and foster career development and personal growth.

“Learning and solving problems across disciplines is key to developing the business acumen students need to succeed in their careers,” Kline said. “I’m excited to expand on my previous work on promoting student engagement and experiential learning in the Accounting department by thinking through the whole student experience and taking a macro view of the connections that students should be making.”

Both Fellows will meet monthly with Dean Madan and will provide quarterly progress reports. They will also be invited to attend Dean’s Council meetings and to solicit feedback from Council members before submitting a final report and recommendations to the Dean at the end of the Fellowship period in June 2022.

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Mentioned in this Story
Headshot of Stacy Kline

Assistant Dean for Teaching and Learning, Clinical Professor, Accounting

Headshot of Rajiv Nag

Clinical Professor, Management

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