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Shefali Karani, second from left, with LeBow students and staff

Tales of Early-Career Success from an Alumna Author


April 22, 2019

On April 9, Drexel Women in Business hosted a round-table discussion with LeBow alumna Shefali Karani. To an audience of undergraduates with a range of majors, she emphasized the importance of owning your success while also communicating your ambitions through the way you dress and carry yourself.

Currently based in Dubai, Karani went to work for her family’s business, Rama Phosphates Limited, after finishing her undergraduate degree in 2010 and rose to an executive-level position at a young age. She later completed her LeBow MBA in 2013, as well as a Certificate in Business Excellence at Columbia Business School.

Karani recently published a book, “Own It! Love What You Already Have,” that details her early-career success and provides advice to young women about entering – and thriving in – the business world.

Sydney McCloud, a senior majoring in MIS and president of Drexel Women in Business, interviewed Karani as part of the discussion. “I felt she was a great fit because most of the students who attended the event had plans in potentially starting their own business one day and being their own boss,” she says.

McCloud notes that Karani stressed finding your passion if you’re unsure of your career goals and not constantly comparing yourself to others.

Mirela Hima, a senior majoring in accounting and marketing who attended the round table, was struck by the personal anecdotes Karani delivered about working in a family business. “When people try to put you down because you are a woman or because they think that you are sitting in a board room just because your family owns the business, you always want to prove them wrong through your hard work and dedication,” she says.

“She also said not to be afraid to make mistakes – you will always learn something new.”

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