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Word or Action Title Page

Words or Actions: How Executives Can Impact Recruiting and Retention


September 12, 2023

Danesha Chisholm, a distinguished scholar who earned her Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) from Drexel University’s LeBow College of Business in 2022 has embarked on a transformative academic journey that delves deep into the intersection of organizational communication and social justice within the realm of human resource. With an unwavering commitment to understanding the intricate dynamics of how an organization’s words and actions can significantly influence their recruiting and retention outcomes, Chisholm’s groundbreaking dissertation research has illuminated the critical role that language and corporate behavior play in shaping a company’s reputation and it’s ability to attract and retain talent in an increasingly diverse and socially conscious world.

I want senior leaders and decision makers to see this type of research matters and it impacts their bottom line.
Danesha Chisholm, DBA '22

In an era where diversity, equity and inclusion have emerged as paramount concerns for businesses, Chisholm’s work sheds light on the complexities and nuances of these issues within the corporate landscape and even shares how it impacted her own search for new employment. Her keen insights and research methodology enabled her to uncover ways in which organizations can either bolster or hinder their recruitment and retention efforts by embracing or neglecting social justice imperatives.

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