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Benjamin Lev, PhD


Decision Sciences and MIS


FACULTY APPOINTMENTS: Trustee Professor, LeBow College of Business, Drexel University, 2014 - 2021; Department Head DS&MIS 2009-2014.

Professor, Drexel University, 2009 - present.

Professor, Department Head, Dean, School of Management, University of Michigan-Dearborn, 1990 - 2009. Emeritus professor since 2009.

Professor, Department Head, Management Department, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, 1987 to 90.

Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor, Department Head, Temple University, Management Department, School of Business Administration, 1970 to 87.

Short appointments: San Jose State University; Tianjin University, Tianjin, China; Beijing Jiaotong University; Chengdu University; Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics; Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology; Nanjing Audit University; Xidian University; The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania; Tel Aviv University, Israel, 1974 to 75.

Vice President, TIMS, INFORMS. INFORMS Fellow (class 2003).

Organized conferences: National ORSA/TIMS; INFORMS International; IFORS; ALIO-INFORMS; ICMSEM.

Editorship: EIC OMEGA 2002-2025; Co-EIC IJMSEM; Editorial Board Interfaces; IAOR; ORPJ; IIE-Transactions; ERRJ; JREPP, OR Journal, OPSEARCH, Financial Innovation; JDIM, IJAA.

Books Author or Editor 18. Journal Articles: 150. Conference committees: 60 Guest Speaker about OMEGA at 60 universities.

Areas of Expertise

  • Mathematical Programming
  • Operations Planning and Scheduling
  • Inventory Control
  • Operations Research
  • Production/Operations Management

Selected Works


Tu, Y., Lu, Y., and Lev, Benjamin, An interval two-stage robust stochastic programming under a bi-level multi-objective framework towards river basin water resources allocation. Computers and Operations Research, (VHR) 180 (Aug 2025):107045.

Hussain, W., Merigo, J. M., Rahimi, I., and Lev, Benjamin, Half a century of Omega - The International Journal of Management Science: A bibliometric analysis. OMEGA 133 (Jun 2025):103226.

Ke, W., Zhou, X., Lev, Benjamin, and Shen, W., Strategic Inventory with an Unreliable Manufacturer across Multiple Supply Chain Structures. OMEGA 133 (Jun 2025):103229.

Guo, Y., Bai, C., and Lev, Benjamin, Independence or cooperation? Evaluating emission reduction strategies in non-competitive and competitive environments. Journal of the Operational Research Society 76 (Apr 2025):659-676.

Li, Z., Zhou, Y., Tu, Y., and Lev, Benjamin, Precise refutation of social media rumors through users’ perspective: Crowd classification based on Believability. Expert Systems With Applications 268 (Apr 2025):126107.

Zhang, C., Luo, D., Su, W., and Lev, Benjamin, Optimal ranking model of fuzzy preference relations with self-confidence for addressing self-confidence failure. European Journal of Operational Research 322 (Apr 2025):615-628.

Zhou, X., Xu, J., Guo, T., Wang, S., and Lev, Benjamin, 3D hover location and drone routing optimization for one-to-many continuous wireless charging problem. IEEE Engineering Management Review 72 (Feb 2025):29-46.

Lee, C. C., Hussain, J., and Lev, Benjamin, Optimizing AI-based emission reduction efficiency and subsidies in supply chain management: A sensitivity-based approach with duopoly game dynamics. Journal of Cleaner Production 494 (Feb 2025):144991.

Wu, X., Liao, H., Lev, Benjamin, and Ding, W., A classification-based product selection method based on online reviews on multi-faceted attributes. IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems 12 (Feb 2025):11-24.

Lev, Benjamin, My Experience as OMEGA EiC. OMEGA 131 (Feb 2025):103222.

Ma, Y., Wang, Y., Li, B., and Lev, Benjamin, An improved particle swarm optimization with particle refactor operator for perishable food delivery problems by electric vehicles. International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management 19 (Oct 2024):177-188.

Sun, Y., Gan, L., Chen, Y., Lev, Benjamin, and Zhou, Y., Efficiency Evaluation for Regional Energy and Environment Using Two-stage DEA Model Considering Stochastic Factors. International Journal of Energy Research 2024 (Sep 2024):18.

Zhou, X., Sun, J., Fu, H., Ge, F., Wu, J., and Lev, Benjamin, Resilience analysis of the integrated China-Europe freight transportation network under heterogeneous demands. Transportation Research Part A 186 (Sep 2024):104130.

Lev, Benjamin, My experience as EIC of OMEGA. The 18th International conference on Management Science and Engineering Management, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (Aug 2024).

Zhu, Y., Gan, L., Li, X., Zuo, Y., Liu, J., and Lev, Benjamin, Orienting people-centred disaster shelter planning based on risk assessing with semi-supervised learning. Heliyon 10 (Jul 2024):e35128.

Lev, Benjamin, My Experience as EIC of OMEGA. The 2nd International Conference on Composite Indicators and Comprehensive Evaluation (ICCICE), Zhejiang, China July 26-28, 2024 (Jul 2024).

Zhou, X., Guo, T., Wang, S., Lev, Benjamin, and Zhang, Z., Drone-based hybrid charging for multiple sensors: A distributionally robust optimization approach. Computers & Operations Research 166 (Jun 2024):106621.

Wang, H., Bai, C., Lev, Benjamin, and Chen, W., Quick response under strategic consumers with high-price and stockout regrets. Computers & Operations Research 166 (Jun 2024):106590.

Tu, Y., Song, J., Xie, Y., Zhou, X., and Lev, Benjamin, Facilitating large-scale group decision-making in social networks: A bi-level consensus model with social influence. Information Fusion 105 (May 2024):102258.

Ke, W., Zhou, X., Lev, Benjamin, and Zhang, K., Agency, reselling, or hybrid mode? Competing with store brand. Transportation Research Part E 184 (Apr 2024):103487.

Zhang, Z., Song, X., Gong, X., Yin, Y., Lev, Benjamin, and Zhou, X., Coordinated seru scheduling and distribution operation problems with DeJong’s learning effects. European Journal of Operational Research 313 (Mar 2024):452-464.

Zhang, Z., Gong, X., Song, X., Yin, Y., Lev, Benjamin, and Zhou, X., An effective two phase heuristic for synchronized seru production scheduling and 3PLtransportation problems. International Journal of Production Economics 268 (Feb 2024):109126.

Gan, L., Wen, Q., Lev, Benjamin, and Jiang, W., Tourism ecological security evaluation based on dynamic super-efficiency network SBM from the perspective of all-for-one tourism. Journal of Cleaner Production 429 (Dec 2023):139333.

Tu, Y., Zhou, R., Zhou, X., and Lev, Benjamin, Incorporating a new perspective of Z-number into ELECTRE II with group consensus involving reliance degree and prospect theory. Applied Intelligence 53 (Oct 2023):23316-23335.

Zhou, X., Liu, H., Li, J., Zhang, K., and Lev, Benjamin, Channel strategies when digital platforms emerge: A systematic literature review. OMEGA 120 (Oct 2023):102919.

Zhu, Q., Zhou, X., Li, D., Liu, A., and Lev, Benjamin, The Impact of Government Intervention on Global Supply Chain Networks System–A Technology Spillover Perspective. Systems 11 (Sep 2023):460.

Tu, Y., Cheng, L., Liu, L., Li, Z., and Lev, Benjamin, How to Improve the Rumor-Confutation Ability of Official Rumor-Refuting Account on Social Media: A Chinese Case Study. Computer Communication 209 (Sep 2023):331-348.

Tu, Y., Ma, Z., Liu, J., Zhou, X., and Lev, Benjamin, Enhancing fuzzy evidential reasoning approach using dynamic adjustment mechanism and new rule-based transformation for engineering emergency response evaluation. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 123, Part C (Sep 2023):106470.

Ullah, A., Xu, Q., He, Y., and Lev, Benjamin, Supply chain strategy of adopting blockchain in post-sale customer care outsourcing in a competitive environment. International Journal of Production Research 61 (Sep 2023):7122-7150.

Lev, Benjamin, My Experience as EIC of OMEGA, Keynote Address, Qingdao, China Aug 14, 2023. 2023 International Conference on Intelligent Transportation and Logistics with Big Data (Aug 2023).

Lev, Benjamin, My Experience as EIC of OMEGA. the 17th International conference on Management Science and Engineering Management, Cape Town, South Africa (Aug 2023).

Gan, L., Xu, D., Chen, X., Jiang, P., Lev, Benjamin, and Li, Z., Sustainable portfolio re-equilibrium on wind-solar-hydro system: An integrated optimization with combined meta-heuristic. Energy and Environment 34 (Aug 2023):1383-1408.

Tu, Y., Shi, H., Zhou, X., Liu, L., and Lev, Benjamin, Flood risk assessment of metro stations based on the SMAA-2-FFS-H method: A case study of the 7·20 rainstorm in Zhengzhou, China. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 37 (Jul 2023):2849-2868.

Lu, J., Guo, S., Qu, J., Lin, W., and Lev, Benjamin, Stay or Leave: The Influence of Employee-oriented Social Responsibility on Turnover Intention of New Generation Employees. Journal of Business Research 161 (Jun 2023):113814.

Ullah, A., Ayat, M., He, Y., and Lev, Benjamin, An Analysis of Strategies for Adopting Blockchain Technology in the after-sales Service Supply Chain. Computers and Industrial Engineering 179 (May 2023):109194.

Gan, L., Wan, X., Ma, Y., and Lev, Benjamin, Efficiency Evaluation for Urban Industrial Metabolism through the Methodologies of Emergy Analysis and Dynamic Network Stochastic Block Model. Sustainable Cities and Society 90 (Mar 2023):104396.

Lev, Benjamin, Dias, L. C., and Anderson, J. B., Low cited articles in Operations Research/Management Science. OMEGA 115 (Feb 2023):102792.

Lu, J., Rong, D., Lev, Benjamin, Liang, M., Zhang, C., and Gao, Y., Constraints affecting the promotion of waste incineration power generation project in China: A perspective of improved technology acceptance model. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 186 Part B (Jan 2023):122165.

Ma, Y., Zhao, Y., Wang, X., Feng, C., Zhou, X., and Lev, Benjamin, Integrated BWM-Entropy weighting and MULTMOORA method with probabilistic linguistic information for the evaluation of Waste Recycling Apps. Applied Intelligence 53 (Jan 2023):813-836.

Tu, Y., Shi, H., Chen, K., Liang, Y., Zhou, X., and Lev, Benjamin, Three-reference-point based group ELECTRE III method for urban flood resilience evaluation. Expert Systems With Applications 210 (Dec 2022):118488.

Gan, L., Yang, X., Chen, L., Lev, Benjamin, and Lv, Y., Optimization Path of Economy-Society-Ecology System Orienting Industrial Structure Adjustment: Evidence from Sichuan Province in China. Ecological Indicators 144 (Nov 2022):109479.

Liao, Z., Liao, H., and Lev, Benjamin, Compromise solution s for stochastic multi-criteria acceptability analysis with uncertain preferences and non -monotonic criteria. International Transactions on Operations Research 29 (Nov 2022):3737-3757.

Li, Z., Du, X., Zhao, Y., Tu, Y., Lev, Benjamin, and Gan, L., Lifecycle Research of Social Media Rumor Refutation Effectiveness based on machine learning and visualization technology. Information Processing and Management 59 (Nov 2022):103077.

Zhu, Q., Zhou, X., Liu, A., Gao, C., Xu, L., Zhao, F., Zhang, D., and Lev, Benjamin, Equilibrium optimization with multi-energy-efficiency grade products: Government and market perspective. Energies 15 (Oct 2022):7376.

Li, L., Liu, Y., Tu, Y., Zhou, X., and Lev, Benjamin, A Novel Group TODIM Method Based on Multi-Granularity Proportional Hesitant Fuzzy Linguistic Term Sets for Water Resources Risk Evaluation. Group Decision and Negotiation 31 (Oct 2022):913-944.

Zhang, Z., Song, X., Gong, X., Yin, Y., Lev, Benjamin, and Zhou, X., An exact quadratic programming approach based on convex reformulation for seru scheduling problems. Naval Research Logistic Quarterly (Sep 2022).

Hu, Z., Wang, L., Qin, J., Lev, Benjamin, and Gan, L., Optimization of facility location and size problem based on bi-level multi-objective programming. Computers & Operations Research 145 (Sep 2022):105860.

Lev, Benjamin, My Experience as EIC of OMEGA, Keynote Address. the 16th International conference on Management Science and Engineering Management, Ankara, Turkey (Aug 2022).

Hu, S., Dong, Z., and Lev, Benjamin, Supplier selection in disaster operations management: Review and research gap identification. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 82, part B (Aug 2022):101302.

Gan, L., Wei, L., Huang, S., Lev, Benjamin, and Jiang, W., Evaluation of City-Industry Integration Development and Regional Differences Under the New Urbanization: A Case Study of Sichuan. Applied Sciences 12 (May 2022):4698.

Zheng, X-X, Chang, C-T, Li, D-F., Liu, Z, and Lev, Benjamin, Designing an incentive scheme for producer responsibility organization of waste tires: A MCGP cooperative game approach. Computers and Industrial Engineering 167 (May 2022):108009.

Zhang, Zhe, Gong, X., Song, X., Yin, Y., Lev, Benjamin, and Chen, J., A column generation-based exact solution method for seru scheduling problems. OMEGA 108 (Apr 2022):102581.

Zhang, Z., Song, X., Gong, X., Yin, Y., Lev, Benjamin, and Zhou, X., An effective heuristic based on 3-opt strategy for seru scheduling problems with learning effect. International Journal of Production Research 61 (Mar 2023):1938-1954.

Zhang, Z., Song, X., Huang, H., Yin, Y., and Lev, Benjamin, Scheduling problem in seru production system considering DeJong’s learning effect and job splitting. Annals of Operations Research 312 (Mar 2022):1119-1141.

Gan, L., Wang, L., Hu, Z., Lev, Benjamin, Gang, J., and Lan, H., Do geologic hazards affect the sustainability of rural development? Evidence from rural areas in China. Journal of Cleaner Production 339 (Mar 2022):130693.

Lin, Q., Zhao, Q., and Lev, Benjamin, Influenza vaccine supply chain coordination under uncertain supply and demand. European Journal of Operational Research 297 (Mar 2022):930-948.

Yan, Y., Zhao, Q., Qin, Z., and Lev, Benjamin, Inter-competitor Outsourcing: On the Advantages of Profit and Product Launching Time. Transportation Research Part E 158 (Feb 2022):102581.

Ma, Y., Xu, W., Wang, X., Li, Z., and Lev, Benjamin, Evaluate the locations for smart waste bins using BWM and WASPAS methods under a probabilistic linguistic environment. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 41 (Dec 2021):7199-7218.

Wang, H., Bai, C., Wei, Q., and Lev, Benjamin, Inventory and pricing decisions when dealing with strategic consumers: a comprehensive analysis. Computers & Operations Research 136 (Dec 2021):105473.

Lu, J., Jia, X., Lev, Benjamin, Zhang, C., Gao, Y., Zhao, M., and He, Y., How to understand ‘salable fake goods’ and ‘unsalable quality goods’? An insight from the view of quality responsibility and consumers’ brand loyalty. Technology in Society 67 (Nov 2021):101793.

Ma, Y., Zhang, W., Feng, C., Lev, Benjamin, and Li, Z., A bi-level multi-objective location-routing model for municipal waste management with obnoxious effects. Waste Management 135 (Nov 2021):109-121.

Zheng, X., Li, D-F., Liu, Z, Jia, F., and Lev, Benjamin, Willingness-to-cede behaviour in sustainable supply chain coordination. International Journal of Production Economics 240 (Oct 2021):108207.

Tian, X., Song, Y., Luo, C., Zhou, X., and Lev, Benjamin, Herding Behavior in Supplier Innovation Crowdfunding: Evidence from Kickstarter. International Journal of Production Economics 239 (Sep 2021):108184.

Gan, L., Wang, Yuanyuan, Wang, Y., Lev, Benjamin, Shen, W., and Jiang, W., Coupling coordination analysis with data-driven technology for disaster-economy-ecology system: An empirical study in China. Natural Hazards 107 (May 2021):2123-2153.

Tang, M., Liao, H., Mi, X., Lev, Benjamin, and Pedrycz, W., A hierarchical consensus reaching process for group decision making with noncooperative behaviors. European Journal of Operational Research 293 (Sep 2021):632-642.

Wu, X., Liao, H., Lev, Benjamin, and Zavadskas, E. K., A multiple criteria decision-making method with heterogeneous linguistic expressions. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management (Sep 2021):1-14.

Lev, Benjamin, My Experience as EIC of OMEGA, Keynote Address. the 15th International conference on Management Science and Engineering Management, Toledo, Spain (Aug 2021).

Hendiani, S., Lev, Benjamin, and Gharehbaghi, A., Diagnosing social failures in sustainable supply chains using a modified Pythagorean fuzzy distance to ideal solution. Computers and Industrial Engineering 154 (Apr 2021):107156.

Zhou, X., Chen, K., Wen, H., Lin, J., Zhang, K., Tian, X., Wang, S., and Lev, Benjamin, Integration of third-party platforms: does it really hurt them?. International Journal of Production Economics 234 (Apr 2021):108003.

Zhou, X., Li, L., Wen, H., Tian, X., Wang, S., and Lev, Benjamin, Supplier’s goal setting considering sustainability: An uncertain dynamic Data Envelopment Analysis based benchmarking model. Information Sciences 545 (Feb 2021):44-46.

Zhang, J., Yang, D., Li, Q., Lev, Benjamin, and Ma, Y., Research on Sustainable Supplier Selection Based on the Rough DEMATEL and FVIKOR Methods. Sustainability Journal 13 (Jan 2021):88.

Zhou, X., Wei, X., Lin, J, Tian, X., Lev, Benjamin, and Wang, S., Supply chain management under carbon taxes: A review and bibliometric analysis. OMEGA 98 (Jan 2021):102295.

Lev, Benjamin, Obituary - Samuel Eilon. OMEGA 97 (Dec 2020):102299.

Zhou, X., Lev, Benjamin, and Anderson, H. S., OMEGA Statistics and Trends during the EVISE era. OMEGA 97 (Dec 2020):102306.

Hendiani, S., Liao, H., Ren, R., and Lev, Benjamin, A likelihood-based multi-criteria sustainable supplier selection approach with complex preference information. Information Sciences 536 (Oct 2020):135-155.

Lev, Benjamin, Goodbye EVISE and welcome Editorial Manager!. OMEGA 96 (Oct 2020):102284.

Lev, Benjamin, My Experience as EIC of OMEGA, Keynote Address. the 14th International conference on Management Science and Engineering Management, Chisinau, Moldova (Jul 2020).

Gan, L., Shi, H., Hu, Y., Lev, Benjamin, and Lan, H., Coupling Coordination Degree for Urbanization City-Industry Integration Level: Sichuan Case. Sustainable Cities and Society 58 (Jul 2020):102136.

Mi, X., Liao, H., Liao, Y., Qi, L., Lev, Benjamin, and Al-Barakati, A., Green Supplier Selection by an integrated method with Stochastic Acceptability Analysis and MULTIMOORA. Technological and Economic Development of Economy 26 (Jul 2020):594-572.

Ming, Y., Luo, L., Wu, X., Liao, H., Lev, Benjamin, and Jiang, L., Managing Patient Satisfaction in a Blood-Collection Room by the Probabilistic Linguistic Gained and Lost Dominance Score Method Integrated with the Best-Worst Method. Computers and Industrial Engineering 145 (Jul 2020):106547.

Wang, C., Lim, M. K., Zhao, L., Tseng, M-L, Chien, C-F, and Lev, Benjamin, The evolution of Omega-The International Journal of Management Science over the past 40 years: A bibliometric overview. OMEGA 93 (Jun 2020):102098.

Qi, L., Zhao, Q., and Lev, Benjamin, Cold chain transportation decision in the vaccine supply chain. European Journal of Operational Research 283 (May 2020):182-195.

Gan, L., Jiang, P., Lev, Benjamin, and Zhou, X., Balancing of supply and demand of Renewable Energy power system: A review and bibliometric analysis. Sustainable Futures 2 (Mar 2020):100013.

Zhou, X., Chen, H., Chai, J., Wang, S., and Lev, Benjamin, Performance evaluation and prediction of the integrated circuit industry in China: A hybrid method. Socio-Economic Planning Science 69 (Mar 2020):1-12.

Liu, J-C., Zhao, W-J., Lev, Benjamin, Li, D-F., Sheu, J-B., and Dai, Y-W, Novel Equal Division Values Based on Players’ Excess Vectors and their Applications to Logistics Enterprise Coalitions. Information Sciences 512 (Feb 2020):1543-1554.

Zhou, X., Wang, Y., Chai, J., Wang, L., Wang, S., and Lev, Benjamin, Sustainable supply chain evaluation: A dynamic double frontier network DEA model with interval type-2 fuzzy data. Information Sciences 504 (Dec 2019):394-421.

Qi, L., Liao, H., and Lev, Benjamin, Games with Interval-Valued Linguistic Payoffs. The 49th International Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering (Oct 2019).

Liao, H., Long, Y., Tang, M., Streimikiene, D., and Lev, Benjamin, Early lung cancer screening using double normalization-based multi-aggregation (DNMA) and Delphi methods with hesitant fuzzy information. Computers and Industrial Engineering 136 (Oct 2019):453-463.

Ping, Y., Shen, W., and Lev, Benjamin, Using Buyback Contracts to Coordinate the Supply Chain with Group Buying. International Journal of Operations and Quantitative Management 25 (Sep 2019):135-151.

Li, Z., Zhang, Q., Du, X., and Lev, Benjamin, A Hesitant fuzzy multi-criteria group decision making method for college applicants’ learning potential evaluation. Journal of Data, Information and Management 1 (Sep 2019):1-11.

Zhou, X., Chen, H., Wang, H., and Lev, Benjamin, Natural and managerial disposability based DEA model for China’s regional environmental efficiency assessment. Energies 12 (Sep 2019).

Fan, L., Chen, G, Li, Z., Lev, Benjamin, and Zhou, X., Stack Allowance Trading Mechanism Based Optimization Strategy for Phosphogypsum Reduction in Phosphate Fertilizer Plants. The 13th International conference on Management Science and Engineering Management (Aug 2019):261-272.

Lev, Benjamin, My Experience as EIC of OMEGA, Keynote Address. The 13th International conference on Management Science and Engineering Management, Ontario, Canada (Aug 2019).

Zhou, X., Luo, R., An, Q., Wang, S., and Lev, Benjamin, Water Resource environmental carrying capacity-based reward and penalty mechanism: A benchmarking approach. Journal of Cleaner Production 229 (Aug 2019):1294-1306.

Gan, L., Wang, Y., Lin, Z., and Lev, Benjamin, A Loss-Recovery Evaluation Toll for Debris Flow. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 37 (Jul 2019).

Liao, H., Jiang, L., Lev, Benjamin, and Fujita, H., Novel operations of PLTSs based on the disparity degrees of linguistic terms and their use in designing the probabilistic linguistic ELECTRE III method. Applied Soft Computing Journal 80 (Jul 2019):450-464.

Zhou, X., Xu, Z., Chai, J., Yao, L., Wang, S., and Lev, Benjamin, Efficiency evaluation for banking systems under uncertainty: A multi-period three-stage DEA model. OMEGA 85 (Jun 2019):68-82.

Zhou, X., Wang, L., Liao, H., Wang, S., Lev, Benjamin, and Fujita, H., A Prospect Theory-based group decision approach considering consensus for portfolio selection with hesitant fuzzy information. Knowledge Based Systems 168 (Mar 2019):28-38.

Khurana, A., Adlakha, V, and Lev, Benjamin, Multi-index Constrained Transportation Problem with Bounds on Availability, Requirements and Commodities. Operations Research Perspectives 5 (Oct 2018):319-333.

Zhou, X., Wang, J., Yang, X., Lev, Benjamin, Tu, Y., and Wang, S., “Portfolio Selection under different attitudes in fuzzy environment”. Journal of Information Science 462 (Sep 2018):278-289.

Lev, Benjamin, My Experience as EIC of OMEGA, Keynote Address. the 12th International conference on Management Science and Engineering Management, Melbourne, Australia (Aug 2018).

Lev, Benjamin, Editor’s Forum: How to publish in top-tier journals. China Operations Research Society Decision Science Branch Academic (Jul 2018):24.

Zhou, X., Luo, R., Yao, L., Cao, S., Wang, S., and Lev, Benjamin, “Assessing integrated water use and wastewater treatment system in China: A mixed network structure two-stage SBM DEA model”. Journal of Cleaner Production 185 (Jun 2018):533-546.

Zhou, X., Luo, R., Tu, Y., Lev, Benjamin, and Pedrycz, W., Data Envelopment Analysis for Bi-level Systems with Multiple Followers. OMEGA 77 (Jun 2018):180-188.

Zhou, X., Xu, Z., Tu, Y., Lev, Benjamin, and Pedrycz, W., A Novel Data Envelopment Analysis Model for Evaluating Industrial Production and Environmental Management System. Journal of Cleaner Production 170 (Jan 2018):773-788.

Zhou, X., and Lev, Benjamin, OMEGA trends during the EES era. OMEGA 74 (Oct 2017):115-121.

Lev, Benjamin, My Experience as EIC of OMEGA. 3rd Forum on Big Data research and Practice (Dec 2017).

Gomez Munoz, C. Q., Garcia-Marquez, F. P., Lev, Benjamin, and Arcos, A., New Pipe Notch Detection and Location Method for Short Distances employing Ultrasonic Guided Waves. Acta Acustica United with Acustica 103 (Sep 2017):772-781.

Zhou, Xiaoyang, Yu, N., Lev, Benjamin, Tu, Yan, and Pedrycz, W., Bi-level plant selection and production allocation model under type-2 fuzzy demand Expert Systems With Applications. Expert Systems With Applications 86 (Sep 2017):87-98.

Lev, Benjamin, My Experience as EIC of OMEGA. 2nd Global Conference on Theory and Practice of OR/MS for Sustainability (Sep 2017).

Tu, Yan, Zhou, Xiaoyang, Gang, Jun, Shen, Wenjing, and Lev, Benjamin, Hierarchical Supplier Selection optimization with Multiple Items in Large-Scale Construction Projects. Journal of Infrastructure Systems 23 (Sep 2017).

Tu, Y., Ma, N., Gang, J., Zhou, X., and Lev, Benjamin, Bi-level water allocation model based on shortage control. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 502 (Aug 2017):647-657.

Tu, Y., Gang, Jun, Lev, Benjamin, and Zhou, X., Equity and Sustainability Based Model for Water Resources Planning. 11th International conference on Management Science and Engineering Management, July 28-31, 2017, Kanazawa, Japan (Jul 2017):902-911.

Zhou, X., Luo, R., Lev, Benjamin, and Tu, Y., Two-Stage Fuzzy DEA Models with Undesirable Outputs for Banking System. the 11th International conference on Management Science and Engineering Management, July 28-31, 2017, Kanazawa, Japan (Jul 2017):1604-1615.

Lev, Benjamin, My Experience as EIC of OMEGA, Keynote Address. the 11th International conference on Management Science and Engineering Management, Kanazawa, Japan (Jul 2017).

Lev, Benjamin, Editor’s Forum. International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management (Jun 2017).

Pliego Marugan, A., Garcia-Marquez, F. P., and Lev, Benjamin, Optimal Decision Making via Binary Decision Diagrams for Investments under a Risky Environment. International Journal of Production Research (Mar 2017):1-16.

Lev, Benjamin, Editor’s Panel: How to publish in top tier journals. INFORMS Conference (Nov 2016).

Lev, Benjamin, Speaker at Doctoral Colloquium. INFORMS Conference (Nov 2016).

Zhou, Xiaoyang, Luo, R., Zhao, C., Xia, X., Lev, Benjamin, Chai, J., and Li, R., Bi-Level Fuzzy Chance Constrained Hospital Outpatient Appointment Scheduling Model. Scientific Programming Journal (Oct 2016):1-14.

Lev, Benjamin, Help Your Editor Accept Your Paper, Keynote Address. the Tenth International conference on Management Science and Engineering Management, Aug. 31 – Sept 1, 2016, Baku, Azerbaijan. (Aug 2016).

Liao, Yi, Shen, Wenjing, and Lev, Benjamin, Asymmetric Information Effect on Transshipment Reporting Strategy, Received Nominated Prize Award. the Tenth International conference on Management Science and Engineering Management, Aug. 31 – Sept 1, 2016, Baku, Azerbaijan. (Aug 2016).

Zhou, X., Zhao, C., Chai, J., Lev, Benjamin, and Lai, K. K., Low-Carbon Based Multi-Objective Bi-Level Power Dispatching under Uncertainty. Sustainability Journal 8 (Jun 2016):1-23.

Lev, Benjamin, From RMTS to EES to EVISE. OMEGA 61 (Jun 2016):1.

Waissi, G. R., Demir, M., Humble, J. E., and Lev, Benjamin, Automation of Strategy Using IDEFO - A Proof of Concept. Operations Research Perspectives 2 (Dec 2015):106-113.

Li, Z., Shen, Wenjing, Xu, J., and Lev, Benjamin, Bilevel and Multi-objective Dynamic Construction Site Layout and Security Planning. Automation in Construction 57 (Sep 2015):1-16.

Zhou, X., Tu, Y., Hu, R., and Lev, Benjamin, A class of decentralized bi-level programming with multi-objectives in the upper level. 2016 12th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, FSKD 2015 (Aug 2015):391-396.

Ping, Yanni, Shen, Wenjing, and Lev, Benjamin, Supply Chain Coordination with Group Buying Through Buyback Contract, Keynote Address. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management, July 21-23, 2015. Karlsruhe, Germany (Jul 2015):223-235.

Zhou, X., Tu, Yan, Hu, R., and Lev, Benjamin, A Class of Chance Constrained Linear Bi-Level Programming with Random Fuzzy Coefficients. Proceedings of the Ninth International conference on Management Science and Engineering Management, July 21-23, 2015, Karlsruhe, Germany (Jul 2015):423-434.

Lev, Benjamin, Business Analytics, Keynote address. the Ninth International conference on Management Science and Engineering Management, July 21-23, 2015, Karlsruhe, Germany. (Jul 2015).

Gang, Jun, Tu, Y., Lev, Benjamin, Xu, Jiuping, Shen, Wenjing, and Yao, Liming, A multi-objective bi-level location planning problem for stone industrial parks. Computers & Operations Research 56 (Apr 2015):8-21.

Zhou, X., Tu, Y., and Lev, Benjamin, Production and Work Force Assignment Problem: A Bi-level Programming Approach. International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management 10 (Apr 2015):50-61.

Lev, Benjamin, and Shen, Wenjing, Guest Co-Editors, Contemporary research in Operations Management. International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management, Special Issue, 10 (Apr 2015):1-87.

Lev, Benjamin, and Shen, Wenjing, Contemporary research in Operations Management. International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management 10 (Apr 2015):1-2.

Li, Zongmin, Xu, Jiuping, Shen, Wenjing, Lev, Benjamin, and Lei, Xiao, Bi-level Multi-objective Construction Site Security Planning with Twofold Random Phenomenon. Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization 11 (Year 2015):595-617.

Tu, Yan, Zhou, Xiaoyang, Gang, Jun, Liechty, Merrill, Xu, Jiuping, and Lev, Benjamin, Administrative and Market-based Allocation Mechanism for Regional Water Resources Planning. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 95 (Feb 2015):156-173.

Tu, Yan, Zhou, X., and Lev, Benjamin, Decentralized Bilevel Optimization for Supplier Selection Problem with Multiple Items under Fuzzy Random Environment. The 7th International Conference on Business Inteligence and Financial Engineering (Bife 2014), Xian, China August 8-10, 2014 (Aug 2014).

Kowalski, K, Lev, Benjamin, Shen, Wenjing, and Tu, Yan, A Fast and Simple Branching Algorithm for Solving Small Scale Fixed-Charge Transportation Problem. Operations Research Perspectives 1 (Jul 2014):1-5.

Li, Z., Liechty, M., Xu, J., and Lev, Benjamin, A fuzzy multi-criteria group decision making method for individual research output evaluation with maximum consensus. Knowledge-Based Systems 56 (Jan 2014):253-263.

Lev, Benjamin, Four Decades of Research in Management Science and Engineering. Keynote Address, The Seventh International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management, Nov 7-9, 2013, Drexel University, Philadelphia, Pa. (Oct 2013).

Choi, Jay, Lev, Benjamin, and Kim, H-L, Exploring Determinants of Knowledge Sharing in a Social Network of Practice. Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management, Nov. 7-9, 2013. Drexel University, Philadelphia, Pa. (Oct 2013):39-53.

Adlakha, Veena, Kowalski, Krysztof, Wang, Simi, Lev, Benjamin, and Shen, Wenjing, On Approximation of the Fixed Charge Transportation Problem. OMEGA 43 (Mar 2014):64-70.

Lev, Benjamin, Economic Order Quantity Model Extensions. Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science, 3rd Ed. Saul I. Gass and Michael Fu, Eds. Springer, July 2013 (Jul 2013):223-225.

Xu, Jiuping, Li, Z., Shen, Wenjing, and Lev, Benjamin, Multi-attribute comprehensive evaluation of individual research output based on published research papers. Knowledge-Based Systems 43 (May 2013):135-142.

Lev, Benjamin, OMEGA: A Reflection on trends, statistics in the Past Decade. OMEGA 41 (Apr 2013):159-162.

Lev, Benjamin, and Kowalski, K, Modeling fixed-charge problems with polynomials. OMEGA 39 (Dec 2011):725-729.

Lev, Benjamin, My Experience as a Book Review Editor. Interfaces 40 (Dec 2010):477-479.

Adlakha, V, Kowalski, K, and Lev, Benjamin, A Branching Method for the Fixed Charged Transportation Problem. OMEGA 38 (Oct 2010):393-397.

Lev, Benjamin, and Kowalski, K, An Alternative to the Simplex Method for Solving Linear Programming Problems: A Managerial Perspective. International Journal of Management 27 (Aug 2010):326-332.

Dalalah, D., and Lev, Benjamin, Duality of the Improved Algebraic Method (DIAM). OMEGA 37 (Oct 2009):1027-1035.

Arsham, H, Adlakha, V, and Lev, Benjamin, A Simplified Algebraic Method for System of Linear Inequalities with LP Applications. OMEGA 37 (Aug 2009):876-882.

Kowalski, K, and Lev, Benjamin, On step fixed-charge transportation problem. OMEGA 36 (Oct 2008):913-917.

Kowalski, K, and Lev, Benjamin, New Approach to Fixed charges Problems (FCP). International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management 2 (Feb 2007):75-80.

Adlakha, V, Kowalski, K, Vemuganti, R. R., and Lev, Benjamin, More-for-less algorithm for fixed-charge transportation problems. OMEGA 35 (Jan 2007):116-127.

Adlakha, V, Kowalski, K, and Lev, Benjamin, Solving transportation problems with mixed constraints. OMEGA 1 (Aug 2006):47-52.

Lev, Benjamin, Meetings Exceed Expectations. Or/ms Today 32 (Aug 2005):59.

Lev, Benjamin, Guest Editor, Applications of Mathematical Programming Models,. European Journal of Operational Research 160 (Jan 2005):1-287.

Adenso-Diaz, B., Lev, Benjamin, and Artime, R, Simulation in dynamic Environments Optimization of transportation inside a coal mine. IEEE Transactions 36 (Jun 2004):547-555.

Lev, Benjamin, The Process of Book Reviewing. Interfaces 22 (Nov 1992):85-87.

Lev, Benjamin, and Weiss, HJ, Inventory Models with Cost Increases. Operations Research, (TT) 38 (Feb 1990):53-63.

Lev, Benjamin, and Kwatny, E., Simulation of a Regional Scheduling Problem. Interfaces 18 (Mar 1988):28-37.

Lev, Benjamin, Weiss, HJ, and Soyster, A.L, Optimal Ordering Policies When Anticipating Parameter Changes in EOQ Systems. Naval Research Logistic Quarterly 28 (Jun 1981).

Lev, Benjamin, and Toof, D.I., The Role of Internal Storage Capacity in Fixed Cycle Production Systems. Naval Research Logistic Quarterly 27 (Sep 1980).

Lev, Benjamin, Soyster, A.L, and Weiss, HJ, An Improved Procedure for the Finite Horizon and Price Changes Inventory Model. Journal of the Operational Research Society 30 (Jul 1979):840-842.

Lev, Benjamin, and Soyster, A.L, Inventory Models with Finite Horizons and Price Changes. Journal of the Operational Research Society 30 (Jan 1979):43-53.

Soyster, A.L, and Lev, Benjamin, An Interpretation of Fractional Objectives in Goal Programming as Related to Papers by Auerbuch, et al, and Hannon. Management Science, (TT) 24 (Dec 1978):1546-1549.

Soyster, A.L, and Lev, Benjamin, Integer Programming with Bounded Variables Via Canonical Separation. Operational Research Quarterly 29 (Dec 1978):477-488.

Soyster, A.L, Lev, Benjamin, and Slivka, W., Zero one Programming with Many Variables and Few Constraints. European Journal of Operational Research 2 (Dec 1978):195-201.

Soyster, A.L, and Lev, Benjamin, An Approach to Linear Modelling with Dispersion Surrogates. OMEGA 6 (Dec 1978):282-283.

Soyster, A.L, Lev, Benjamin, and Toof, D.I., Conservative Linear Programming with Mixed Multiple Objectives. OMEGA 5 (Feb 1977):193-205.

Lev, Benjamin, and Intrator, Y, Applications of Vanishing Variables Methods to Special Structured Transportation Problems. Computers & Operations Research 4 (Jan 1977):21-26.

Intrator, Y, and Lev, Benjamin, Methods for Identification of Vanishing Variables in Transportation Problems and its Possible Applications. Computers & Operations Research 3 (Nov 1976):295-304.

Lev, Benjamin, Revesz, G., Shea, F.J, and Caltagirone, R., Patient Flow Analysis and the Delivery of Radiological Service. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 10 (Jul 1976):159-166.

Lev, Benjamin, Caltagirone, R.J, and Shea, F.J, Patient Flow and Utilization of Resources in Diagnostic Radiology Department: Analysis by Simulation Techniques. Investigative Radiology, 7 (Dec 1972):517-525.

Lev, Benjamin, On the Loading Problem. Management Science, (TT) 18 (Mar 1972):428-431.

Lev, Benjamin, A Non iterative Algorithm for Tridiagonal Transportation Problems and its Generalization. Operations Research, (TT) 20 (Feb 1972):109-125.


Garcia-Marquez, F. P., Lev, Benjamin, and Liao, H., Outsourcing - Cases and Studies in Using Operations Research and Management Science Methods. USA: Springer, (2025).

Garcia-Marquez, F. P., and Lev, Benjamin, Sustainability: Cases and Studies in Using Operations Research and Management Science Methods (10,000 downloads by 2025). USA: Springer, (2023).

Garcia-Marquez, F. P., and Lev, Benjamin, Introduction to Internet of Things in Management Science and Operations Research: Implemented Studies (8,000 downloads by 2024). USA: Springer, (2021).

Garcia-Marquez, F. P., and Lev, Benjamin, Internet of Things: Cases and Studies (17,000 downloads by 2025). USA: Springer, (2021).

Garcia-Marquez, F. P., and Lev, Benjamin, Data Science and Digital Business (41,000 downloads by 2025). USA: Springer, (2019).

Garcia-Marquez, F. P., and Lev, Benjamin, Big Data Management (70,000 downloads by 2025). USA: Springer, (2017).

Garcia-Marquez, F. P., and Lev, Benjamin, Advanced Business Analytics (45,000 downloads by 2025). Germany: Springer, (2015).

Xu, Jiuping, Cruz-Machado, V. A., Lev, Benjamin, and Nickel, S., Proceedings of the Eight International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management, Vol. II (159,000 downloads by 2025). Germany: Springer, (2014).

Xu, Jiuping, Cruz-Machado, V. A., Lev, Benjamin, and Nickel, S., Proceedings of the Eight International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management, Vol. I (143,000 downloads by 2025). Germany: Springer, (2014).

Xu, Jiuping, Fry, John A., Lev, Benjamin, and Hajiyev, A., Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management, Vol II (200,000 downloads by 2025). Germany: Springer, (2013).

Xu, Jiuping, Fry, John A., Lev, Benjamin, and Hajiyev, A., Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management, Vol I (178,000 downloads by 2025). Germany: Springer, (2013).

Garcia-Marquez, F. P., and Lev, Benjamin, Engineering Management (25,000 downloads by 2021). USA: Intech, (2013).

Xu, Jiuping, Yasinzai, Masoom, and Lev, Benjamin, Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management Vol I and II (286,000 downloads by 2025). USA: Springer, (2012).

Lev, Benjamin, Strategic Planning in Energy and Natural Resources. Amsterdam, Holland: North Holland, (1987).

Lev, Benjamin, Production Management: Methods and Studies. Amsterdam, Holland: North Holland, (1986).

Lev, Benjamin, and Murphy, Bloom And Gleit, Analytic Techniques for Energy Planning. Amsterdam, Holland: North Holland, (1984).

Lev, Benjamin, Energy Models and Studies,. Amsterdam, Holland: North Holland, (1983).

Lev, Benjamin, and Weiss, HJ, Introduction to Mathematical Programming. Amsterdam, Holland: North Holland, (1982).


Long, Y., Liao, H., and Lev, Benjamin, “Sustainable Supply Chain Management: Definition, Bibliometrics, Applications, and Future Directions.” Sustainability, Ed. Garcia-Marquez, F-P and Lev, B.. USA: Springer, (2023): :27-52.

Garcia-Marquez, F. P., and Lev, Benjamin, “Sustainability: Cases and Studies in Using Operations Research and Management Science Methods.” Sustainability, Ed. Garcia Marquez, F-P and Lev, B. . USA: Springer, (2023): :1-8.

Shen, Q., Wan, X., Ni, W., Lev, Benjamin, and Gan, L., “Comprehensive potential evaluation for the rooftop PV development based on IPO.” Internet of Things in Management Science and Operations Research, Ed. Garcia Marquez, F-P and Lev, B. . Switzerland: Springer, (2021): :259-294.

Yao, L., Xu, Z., Zhou, X., and Lev, Benjamin, “Synergies Between Association Rules and Collaborative Filtering in Recommender System: An Application to Auto Industry.” Data Science and Digital Business, Ed. Garcia Marquez, F-P and Lev, B. . Switzerland: Springer, (2019): :65-80.

Lev, Benjamin, “Foreword.” Decision-Making Management, A. P. Marugan and F. P. G. Marquez, USA: Academic Press, (2017): :15-16.

Kim, Changhyun, and Lev, Benjamin, “Enterprise Analytics: Optimize Performance, Process, and Decisions through Big Data, Oct 2013.” Book Review in Interfaces, Ed. INFORMS. USA: INFORMS, (2013): :495-497.

Yi, L., Shen, Wenjing, Hu, X., and Lev, Benjamin, “Comparisons of Lateral Transshipment with Emergency Order Policies.” Engineering Management, Ed. Garcia Marquez, F-P and Lev, B.. USA: InTech, (2013): :23-42.

Lev, Benjamin, “Economic Order Quantity Model Extensions.” Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science, 3rd ed, Ed. Saul I. Gass and Michael Fu. USA: Springer, (2012): .

Lev, Benjamin, and Shea, F. J., “Operations Management in Radiology.” Current Concepts in Radiology, Ed. Potchen, E. J.. England: C. Mosby co., (1975): :1-18.

Lev, Benjamin, and Caltagirone, R. J, “Operational Analysis of a Radiology Department by Computer Simulation.” Advances in Cybernetics and Systems, Ed. Rose, J.. London, England: Gordon and Breach, (1974): :580-590.

Revesz, G, Shea, F. J., Lev, Benjamin, and Lapayowker, M. S., “Computer Aided Design for Improving the Delivery of Radiological Services.” Planning of Radiological Department, Ed. Kormano and Stieve. Stuttgart, Germany: George Thieme, (1974): :101-106.

Presented Research

Lev, Benjamin, My Experience as EIC of OMEGA, University of Texas San Antonio: San Antonio, TX, (Nov 2024):

Lev, Benjamin, My Experience as EIC of OMEGA, Malaysia University: Kula Lumpur, Malaysia, (Aug 2024):

Lev, Benjamin, My Experience as EIC of OMEGA, Zhejiang Gongshang University: Hangzhou, China, (Jul 2024):

Lev, Benjamin, My Experience as EIC of OMEGA, Northeastern University: Shenyang, China, (Jul 2024):

Lev, Benjamin, My Experience as EIC of OMEGA, Harbin Engineering University: Harbin, China, (Jul 2024):

Lev, Benjamin, My Experience as EIC of OMEGA, Montclair State University: Montclair, NJ, (Mar 2024):

Lev, Benjamin, My Experience as EIC of OMEGA, ChangAn University: Xian, China, (Feb 2024):

Lev, Benjamin, My Experience as EIC of OMEGA, Beijing Institute of Technology: Beijing, China, (Jan 2024):

Lev, Benjamin, My Experience as EIC of OMEGA, Northeastern University: Shenyang, China, (Jan 2024):

Lev, Benjamin, My Experience as EIC of OMEGA, Anhui Polytechnic University: Anhui, China, (Jan 2024):

Lev, Benjamin, My Experience as EIC of OMEGA, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China: Chengdu, China, (Jan 2024):

Lev, Benjamin, My Experience as EIC of OMEGA, Sichuan University: Chengdu, China, (Jan 2024):

Lev, Benjamin, My Experience as EIC of OMEGA, Zhejiang Gongshang University: Hangzhou, China, (Jan 2024):

Lev, Benjamin, My Experience as EIC of OMEGA, Southeast University: Nanjing, China, (Dec 2023):

Lev, Benjamin, My Experience as EIC of OMEGA, Nanjing university of Aeronautics and Astronautics: Nanjing, China, (Dec 2023):

Lev, Benjamin, My Experience as EIC of OMEGA, Nanjing University of Infomation Science and Technology: Nanjing, China, (Dec 2023):

Lev, Benjamin, My Experience as EIC of OMEGA, Siegen University, Siegen Germany, September 8, 2023., (Sep 2023):

Lev, Benjamin, My Experience as EIC of OMEGA, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, China, August 21, 2023, (Aug 2023):

Lev, Benjamin, My Experience as EIC of OMEGA, ChangAn University, Xian, China, August 18, 2023, (Aug 2023):

Lev, Benjamin, My Experience as EIC of OMEGA, Tianjin University, Tianjin, China, August 15, 2023, (Aug 2023):

Lev, Benjamin, My Experience as EIC of OMEGA, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology: Nanjing, China, (Dec 2019):

Lev, Benjamin, My Experience as EIC of OMEGA, Jiangnan University: Wuxi, China, (Dec 2019):

Lev, Benjamin, My Experience as EIC of OMEGA, Shanghai Jiao Tong University: Shanghai, China, (Dec 2019):

Lev, Benjamin, My Experience as EIC of OMEGA, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics: Nanjing, China, (Dec 2019):

Lev, Benjamin, My Experience as EIC of OMEGA, Northwest Polytechnic University: Sichuan, China, (Sep 2019):

Lev, Benjamin, My Experience as EIC of OMEGA, University of Electronic, Science & Technology: Sichuan, China, (Sep 2019):

Lev, Benjamin, My Experience as EIC of OMEGA, Sichuan University: Sichuan, China, (Sep 2019):

Lev, Benjamin, My Experience as EIC of OMEGA, Anhui University: Anhui, China, (Sep 2019):

Lev, Benjamin, My Experience as EIC of OMEGA, Wuhan University: Wuhan, China, (Aug 2019):

Lev, Benjamin, My Experience as EIC of OMEGA, Shenzhen University: Shenzhen, China, (Aug 2019):

Lev, Benjamin, My Experience as EIC of OMEGA, Xidian University: Chengdu, China, (Aug 2019):

Lev, Benjamin, “My Experience as EIC of OMEGA”, Beijing University of Chemical Technology: Beijing, China, (Mar 2019):

Lev, Benjamin, “My Experience as EIC of OMEGA”, Tsinghua University: Beijing, China, (Mar 2019):

Lev, Benjamin, “My Experience as EIC of OMEGA”, Beijing Jiao Tong University: Beijing, China, (Mar 2019):

Lev, Benjamin, “My Experience as EIC of OMEGA”, University of Science and Technology Beijing: Beijing, China, (Mar 2019):

Lev, Benjamin, “My Experience as EIC of OMEGA”, Beihang University: Beijing, China, (Mar 2019):

Lev, Benjamin, “My Experience as EIC of OMEGA”, Asia University: Taichung, Taiwan, (Jan 2019):

Lev, Benjamin, “My Experience as EIC of OMEGA”, National Taiwan University: Taipei, Taiwan, (Jan 2019):

Lev, Benjamin, “My Experience as EIC of OMEGA”, Chiao Tung University: Taipei, Taiwan, (Jan 2019):

Lev, Benjamin, “My Experience as EIC of OMEGA”, National Tsing Hua University: Hsinchu, Taiwan, (Jan 2019):

Lev, Benjamin, “My Experience as EIC of OMEGA”, Sydney University: Sydney, Australia, (Aug 2018):

Lev, Benjamin, “My Experience as EIC of OMEGA”, Melbourne University: Melbourne, Australia, (Aug 2018):

Lev, Benjamin, “My Experience as EIC of OMEGA”, Fuzhou Agriculture and Forestry University: Fuzhou, China, (Jul 2018):

Lev, Benjamin, “My Experience as EIC of OMEGA”, Jiao Tong Xian University: Xian, China, (Jul 2018):

Lev, Benjamin, My Experience as EIC of OMEGA, Yangzhou University: Yangzhou, China, (Mar 2018):

Lev, Benjamin, My Experience as EIC of OMEGA, Jiangsu University: Zhenjiang, China, (Mar 2018):

Lev, Benjamin, My Experience as EIC of OMEGA, Nanjing University of Information Sciences & Technology: Nanjing, China, (Mar 2018):

Lev, Benjamin, My Experience as EIC of OMEGA, Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics: Nanjing, China, (Mar 2018):

Lev, Benjamin, My Experience as EIC of OMEGA, Nanjing Audit University: Nanjing, China, (Mar 2018):

Lev, Benjamin, “My Experience as EIC of OMEGA”, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel: Beer-Sheeva, Israel, (Feb 2018):

Lev, Benjamin, “My Experience as EIC of OMEGA”, Haifa University, Department of Statistics, Haifa, Israel: Haifa, Israel, (Feb 2018):

Lev, Benjamin, My Experience as EIC of OMEGA, Shaanxi Normal University, International Business School: Xian City, China, (Dec 2017):

Lev, Benjamin, My Experience as EIC of OMEGA, Northwestern Polytechnic University: Xian City, China, (Dec 2017):

Lev, Benjamin, My Experience as EIC of OMEGA, Chengdu University: Chengdu, China, (Dec 2017):

Lev, Benjamin, My Experience as EIC of OMEGA, Sichuan University: Chengdu, China, (Dec 2017):

Lev, Benjamin, My Experience as EIC of OMEGA, South West University of Finance and Economics: Chengdu, China, (Dec 2017):

Lev, Benjamin, My Experience as EIC of OMEGA, Shantou University, Business School: Shantou, China, (Dec 2017):

Lev, Benjamin, My Experience as EIC of OMEGA, Guangdong University of Technology,: Guangzhou, China, (Dec 2017):

Lev, Benjamin, My Experience as EIC of OMEGA, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, China, (Sep 2017):

Lev, Benjamin, My Experience as EIC of OMEGA, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing, China, (Sep 2017):

Lev, Benjamin, My Experience as EIC of OMEGA, University of Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing, China, (Sep 2017):

Lev, Benjamin, My Experience as EIC of OMEGA, Beihang University, Beijing, China, (Sep 2017):

Lev, Benjamin, My Experience as EIC of OMEGA, Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, Dalian, China, (Jun 2017):

Lev, Benjamin, My Experience as EIC of OMEGA, University of Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing, China, (Mar 2017):

Lev, Benjamin, My Experience as EIC of OMEGA, Beijing Wuzi University, Beijing, China, (Mar 2017):

Lev, Benjamin, My Experience as EIC of OMEGA, Beijing Technology and Business University, Beijing, China, (Mar 2017):

Lev, Benjamin, My Experience as EIC of OMEGA, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, China, (Mar 2017):

Lev, Benjamin, My Experience as EIC of OMEGA, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel, (Jan 2017):

Lev, Benjamin, My Experience as EIC of OMEGA, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal, (Dec 2016):

Lev, Benjamin, My Experience as EIC of OMEGA, Castilla La Mancha University, Ciudad Real, Spain, (May 2016):

Lev, Benjamin, My experience as EIC of OMEGA, Hebrew University of Jerusalem 12/21/11: Mount Scopus, Jerusalem, Israel, (Dec 2011):

Lev, Benjamin, My experience as EIC of OMEGA - The International Journal of Management Science, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev 12/19/11: Beer-sheva, Israel, (Dec 2011):

Lev, Benjamin, My experience as EIC of OMEGA-The International Journal Of Management Science, Lehigh University 12/5/11: Bethlehem, PA, (Dec 2011):

Lev, Benjamin, My experience as EIC of OMEGA-The International Journal of Management Science, Monash University 7/20/11: Melbourne, Australia, (Jul 2011):

Lev, Benjamin, presentation, Attended and Presented in over 90% of ORSA/TIMS INFORMS conferences: ORSA/TIMS/INFORMS/AIIE/AEPP/Others, (Jun 2011):

Lev, Benjamin, My Experience as EIC of OMEGA-The International Journal of Management Science, National Taiwan University 11/22/10: Taipei City, Taiwan, (Nov 2010):

Lev, Benjamin, My Experience as EIC of OMEGA-The International Journal of Management Science, National Cheng Kung University 11/19/10: Tainan City, Taiwan, (Nov 2010):

Lev, Benjamin, My experience as EIC of OMEGA-The International Journal of Management Science, Chung-Yuan University 11/17/10: Chung-Li, Taiwan, (Nov 2010):


Liao, H., Zhen, Z., Jiang, L., and Lev, Benjamin, Exponent-transformation-based multiplicative consistency of intuitionistic fuzzy preference relation and its application in green supplier selection, The 15th International conference on Management Science and Engineering Management Aug 2021. Springer (Aug 2021):

Wang, Y., Gong, Z., and Lev, Benjamin, A two-stage stochastic programming model for pre-positioning of relief supplies, The 14th International conference on Management Science and Engineering Management Jul 2020. Springer (Jul 2020):

Fan, L., Chen, G, Li, Z., Lev, Benjamin, and Zhou, X., Stack Allowance Trading Mechanism Based Optimization Strategy for Phosphogypsum Reduction in Phosphate Fertilizer Plants, The 13th International conference on Management Science and Engineering Management Aug 2019. Springer (Aug 2019):

Zhou, X., Luo, R., An, Q., Wang, S., and Lev, Benjamin, “Water Resource Environmental Carrying Capacity Based Reward and Punishment Mechanism: A DEA Bench-marking Approach”, China Operations Research Society Decision Science Branch, Xian, Chian Jul 2018. (Jul 2018):

Zhou, X., Li, T., Wang, L., Tu, Y., and Lev, Benjamin, Stochastic Decentralized Bi-Level Programming for Supplier Selection and Order Allocation, The 12th International conference on Management Science and Engineering Management Jul 2018. Springer (Jul 2018):

Zhou, Xiaoyang, Luo, R., Lev, Benjamin, and Tu, Yan, Two-Stage Fuzzy DEA Models with Undesirable Outputs for Banking System, 11th International conference on Management Science and Engineering Management Jul 2017. Springer (Jul 2017):

Zhou, Xiaoyang, Gang, Jun, Lev, Benjamin, and Tu, Yan, Equity and Sustainability Based Model for Water Resources Planning, 11th International conference on Management Science and Engineering Management Jul 2017. Springer (Jul 2017):

Chang, Hsihui, Choy, Hiu Lam, Hwang, Iny, and Lev, Benjamin, Return to scale in public accounting firms, The Fourth conference on Management Science and Engineering Management Nov 2010. World Academic Union (Nov 2010):

Shea, F. J., Lapayowker, M. S., Carey, J. A., Revesz, G., Lev, Benjamin, and Kuhn, W. W., “Nine Years’ Experience with Computer Management Systems”, of International Symposium of Planning Radiology Departments, Holland, June 2 6, 1980, Vol. 3, pp. 350-359, 1980. Jun 1980. (Jun 1980):

Lev, Benjamin, and Caltagirone, R. J, “Evaluation of Various Scheduling Disciplines By Computer Simulation”, Winter Simulation Conference, Washington D.C., pp. 364 371, January 1974. Jan 1974. (Jan 1974):

Lev, Benjamin, “Distribution of Beer in Eastern U.S.”,, 22nd Annual Conference of the American Institute of Industrial Engineers, Boston, pp. 305 311, May 12 15, 1971 May 1971. (May 1971):


Image Information Processing and Evaluation for Medical Diagnosis. (U.S. National Institute of General Medical Sciences Plant GM145 48) $420,000 Jul 1971.
Image Information Processing and Evaluation for Medical Diagnosis (U.S. National Institute of General Medical Sciences Plant GM145 48) $420,000 Jul 1971.
U.S. HEW Contract No. RO3 1004 72/RO1 122118 Principal investigator 1972 73 (Funding level $7,500). Final Report May 1973 RO 1004 72 USHEW 58 pages. (HEW) $7,500 Jul 1972.
U.S. Public Health Service HSO 1566 01 Computer Management Systems in Diagnostic Radiology Investigator June 1, 1975 May 31, 1976 (Funding level $66,000). (USPHS) $66,000 Jun 1975.
U.S. Public Health Service HSO 1566 02 Evaluation of a Radiology Computer Management System consultant July 1, 1976 June 30, 1977 (Funding level $70,000). Final Report September 1977 (HSPHS) $70,000 Jul 1976.
U.S. Air Force Contract Number F49620 85 C 0013, Summer Faculty Research Program Summer 1985 (Funding level $8,880). (US Air Force) $8,880 Jun 1985.
U.S. Air Force Contract number S 760 OMG 015, November 1985 October 86 (Funding level $36,811). (US Air Force) $36,811 Nov 1985.

Professional Experience

Academic-Transformations in Business and Economics Member/Editorial Board Sep 2024-Sep 2029
Academic-Joint Management Board of the SWUFE-UD Joint Educational Institute of Data Science Member/advisory Board DE Sep 2020-Sep 2027
Academic-Cognitive and Decision-Making Research Center Member Sichuan University, Chengdu, China Apr 2019-May 2028
Academic-Journal ICSES Transactions on Neural and Fuzzy Computing Member/Editorial Board Apr 2019-May 2027
Academic-Journal of Data, Information and Management (JDIM) Member/Editorial Board Jan 2019-Dec 2028
Academic-OPSEARCH (Operations Research Society of India Journal) Member/Editorial Board Nov 2018-Dec 2028
Academic-Tulane University School of Medicine Recommendation letter for Professor in the Department of Medicine Tulane LA Sep 2018-Sep 2018
Academic-Order of Canada Evaluation of a candidate who was appointed to the Order of Canada Ottawa, Canada Aug 2018-Aug 2018
Academic-University of Missouri-St. Louis College of Business Administration External Elevator for Endowed Professorship St. Louis MO Jul 2018-Jul 2018
Academic-Financial Innovation Member/Advisory Board Nov 2017-Jun 2028
Academic-South West University of Finance and Economics, Chengdu, China Member/Advisory Board of School of Business Administration Nov 2017-Feb 2027
Academic-Sichuan University Business School External annual Reviewer for total of 28 Faculty Promotion to Full and Associate Sichuan, China Oct 2017-May 2026
Academic-Minister of Science and Technology (MOST) Taiwan International Advisory Committee of IEM Program 2017-2019 Jan 2017-Dec 2019
Memberships/Board-Operations Research Perspective Journal, Editorial Board Member Jan 2014-Apr 2028
Memberships/Board-Int. Jrnl Resp. Empl. Pract.&Principles(IJREPP), Editorial Board Member Jan 2009-Dec 2009
Memberships/Board-Int. J. Mgmt Sci. Eng. Mgmt (IJMSEM), Editorial Board Member, Co- EIC Jan 2006-Sep 2028
Academic-INFORMS, Senior Fellow Aug 2003-Nov 2028
Memberships/Board-OMEGA-The Int Jrnl of Management Science, Editorial Board Member - EIC Jul 2002-Dec 2025
Memberships/Board-Journal of Operations Research, Editorial Board Member Jan 1996-Dec 2006
Memberships/Board-INFORMS, Vice President Meetings Jan 1995-Dec 1997
Memberships/Board-TIMS, Vice President Meetings Jan 1993-Dec 1994
Memberships/Board-OR/MS Today, Editorial Board Member Jan 1992-Dec 1993
Memberships/Board-TIMS, Council Member Jan 1991-Dec 1993
Academic-Univ. Michigan-Dearborn, Prof, Chair, Dean, School of Mgmt Dearborn MI Jul 1990-Dec 2009
Memberships/Board-Institute of Ind. Eng. (IIE-Transactions), Editorial Board Member Jan 1990-Dec 2008
Memberships/Board-Interfaces, published 700 book reviews, Editorial Board Member Jan 1988-May 2026
Academic-Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Prof & Head, Mgmt Dept. Worcester MA Jul 1987-Jun 1990
Memberships/Board-Employee Responsibilities and Rights J. (ERRJ), Editorial Board Member Jan 1986-Dec 2007
Memberships/Board-International Abstracts of OR (IAOR), Editorial Board Member Jan 1983-Dec 2021
Academic-Temple Univesity, Prof & Chair, Dep. of Mgmt. Philadelphia PA Jul 1970-Jun 1987


2023 Top Cited Article 2022-2023 An exact quadratic programming approach based on convex reformulation for seru scheduling problems *Among work published between 1 January 2022 – 31 December 2023 (Naval Research Logistics)
2023 First Prize by The 20th Jiangxi Province Social Science Outstanding Achievement Award for Luo, C., Zhou, X., Lev, B., “Core, Shapley Value, Nucleolus and Nash Bargaining Solution: A Survey of Recent Developments and Applications in Operations Management”, (Jiangxi Provide, China)
2022 First Prize Award for Luo, C., Zhou, X., Lev, B., Core, Shapley Value, Nucleolus and Nash Bargaining Solution: A Survey of Recent Developments and Applications in Operations Management, OMEGA, Vol. 110, 102638, July 2022, Oct 2023 (The 20th Jiangxi Province Social Science Outstanding Achievement Award)
2020 PhD Committee of Fuqi Liang (Cum Laude) (Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands, Dec 8, 2021)
2019 Member/Advisory Board (Joint Management Board of the SWUFE-University of Delaware Joint Educational Institute of Data Science)
2019 Advisory Board, Smart Technology and Sustainability Research Center, Chengdu, China, 2019-present (University of Electronic, Science and Technology)
2019 Member, Professional Expert Board, (page 4) (Developments in Management Science in Engineering 2018: Perspective from Scientific Journals, 2018-present.)
2018 International Advisory Committee of IEM Program, 2019 (Minister of Science and Technology (MOST), Taiwan)
2018 Honorary Professor, 2019-present (Xidian University, Xian, China)
2018 Advisory Board, School of Business Adm 2017-2020 (South West University of Finance and Economics, Chengdu, China)
2017 Visiting Professor 2017-2020 (Chengdu University)
2017 Honorary Professor 2018-open (Nanjing Audit University)
2017 Adjunct Professor 2018-2020 (Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics)
2017 Trustee Professor 2014-19 (Drexel)
2017 Adjunct Professor 2018-open (Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology)
2017 Adjunct Professor 2017-2020 (Beijing Jiaotong University)
2016 PhD committee of Nuno Alexandre Correia Matins Cavaco (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal)
2016 Interview by Jeff Camm, (only 26 INFORMS members were interviewed) (INFORMS)
2015 Nominated Prize (ICMSEM)
2004 Google Scholar (
2004 Wikipedia (


Journal of Data, Information and Management (JDIM) 2019 - present – Advisory Board Member (2023–Present)
Transactions on Neural and Fuzzy Computing (2029-present) – Advisory Board Member (2023–Present)
Transformations in Business & Economics – Advisory Board Member (2023–Present)
Sustainability: “Sustainable and Ecology” – Guest Editor (2021–Present)
International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management 2006-present – Editor (2020–Present)
Operations Research Perspectives Journal 2014-present – Associate Editor (2020–Present)
Sustainability, “Sustainable Operations Planning and Scheduling” – Guest Editor (2020–Present)
Cognitive and Decision-Making Research Center 2019 - present – Advisory Board Member (2019–Present)
Financial Innovation 2017 - present – Advisory Board Member (2019–Present)
Journal on Applied Analytics (IJAA) 2017 - present – Associate Editor (2019–Present)
OMEGA - The International Journal of Management Science 2002 - present – Editor (2019–Present)
OPSEARCH 2018 - present – Advisory Board Member (2019–Present)
Sustainability: “Sustainable Operations Planning and Scheduling” – Guest Editor (2022)
Transactions on Neural and Fuzzy Computing (2019-present) – Advisory Board Member (2022)
Journal of Data, Information and Management (JDIM) 2019 - present – Advisory Board Member (2019–2022)
Sustainability: “Sustainable Operations Planning and Scheduling” – Guest Editor (2021)
Transactions on Neural and Fuzzy Computing (2029-present) – Advisory Board Member (2020–2021)
Interfaces, Book review Editor 1983 - 2011, Contributing Editor 1989 - 2017 – Associate Editor (2019–2021)
Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal (ERRJ), 1986 - 2007 – Associate Editor (2019)
Institute of Industrial Engineering-Transactions (IIE-Transactions) 1990 - 2008 – Associate Editor (2019)
International Abstracts in Operations Research (IAOR) 1983 - 2018 – Associate Editor (2019)
International Journal for Responsible Employment Practices and Principles, 2009 - 2010 – Associate Editor (2019)
International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management 2006 - present, Co-EiC – Editor (2019)
Journal of Operations Research 1996 - 2006 – Associate Editor (2019)
Operations Research Perspectives Journal 2014 - present – Associate Editor (2019)
Transactions on Neural and Fuzzy Computing, 2019 - present – Advisory Board Member (2019)
INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics (IJAA) – Associate Editor (2018)
International Abstracts of Operations Research – Associate Editor (2018)
Journal of Data, Information and Management – Associate Editor (2018)
OPSEARCH – Advisory Board Member (2018)
Transactions on Neural and Fuzzy Computing – Advisory Board Member (2018)
Financial Innovation – Advisory Board Member (2017–2018)
International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management, Co-EIC – Editor (2017–2018)
OMEGA - The International Journal of Management Science, EIC – Editor (2017–2018)
Operations Research Perspectives Journal – Associate Editor (2017–2018)
Interfaces – Associate Editor (2017)
International Abstracts of Operations Research – Associate Editor (2017)
Journal of Data, Information and Management – Associate Editor (2017)