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Daniel Korschun, PhD

Department Head & Stephen Cozen Research Scholar in Marketing, Associate Professor



Daniel Korschun is an Associate Professor and Department Head of Marketing. He serves as Associate Editor at the Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, and an editorial board member at the Journal of Service Research, Journal of Business Research, and Business & Society.

Dr. Korschun’s latest research examines employee and consumer reactions to companies that take controversial political stands. His research on stakeholder responses to corporate social responsibility is published in premier journals such as the Journal of Marketing, Academy of Management Review, MIT-Sloan Management Review, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, Journal of Business Research, and the Journal of Business Ethics.

His book, We Are Market Basket (co-authored with Grant Welker, AMACOM), tells the true story of a grassroots movement to reinstate a beloved CEO and save a $4.5 billion supermarket chain. The book was named a top 15 business book of 2015 in Forbes and was also recognized as the Best General Business Book of 2015 by influential distributor CEO-READ.

In the popular press his work appears in the Harvard Business Review, Washington Post, McKinsey Quarterly, Knowledge@Wharton, Salon, and other publications. He has offered expert commentary to the New York Times, The Boston Globe, NPR-Marketplace, LA Times, USA Today, Bloomberg, CBC Canada, and many others. He appears periodically as a guest on Wharton Business Radio (Sirius 111).

On the teaching front, Dr. Korschun teaches PhD, executive MBA’s, Master’s, and undergraduates. He is a recipient of the prestigious Rothwarf Award for Teaching Excellence, the highest teaching award given to tenure-track faculty at Drexel University.

Dr. Korschun speaks regularly at company, industry, and academic conferences.

Areas of Expertise

  • Marketing Strategy
  • Brand and Corporate Reputation Management
  • Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Internal Marketing
  • Corporate Political Activism
  • Marketing

Recent Media Mentions

Selected Works


Guha, Mithila, and Korschun, Daniel, Peer Effects on Brand Activism: Evidence from Brand and User Chatter on Twitter. Journal of Business Research (Forthcoming).

Barbarossi, Camilla, Chen, Yanyan, Romani, Simona, and Korschun, Daniel, Not all CSR initiatives are perceived equal: The influence of CSR domains and focal moralities on consumer responses to the company and the cause. Journal of Cleaner Production (Forthcoming).

Haski-Leventhal, Debbie, Korschun, Daniel, and Linnenluecke, Martina, Sustainability is no Longer Enough: How Corporations are Becoming the New Climate Activists. California Management Review (Digital) (Nov 2021).

Korschun, Daniel, Brand Activism is Here to Stay: Here’s Why. NIM Marketing Intelligence Review 13 (Fall 2021).

Korschun, Daniel, Martin, Kelly D., and Vadakkepatt, Gautham, Marketing’s Role in Understanding Political Activity. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing 39 (Fall 2020):378-387.

Appels, Moritz, Edinger-Schons, Laura, Korschun, Daniel, and Balk, Luisa, Don’t mix business with politics? Understanding stakeholder reactions to corporate political activism. Marketing Review of St. Gallen 37 (Year 2020):888-894.

Grazzini, Laura, Acuti, Diletta, Mazzoli, V, Petruzzellis, Luca, and Korschun, Daniel, Standing for politics: What consequences for brands?. Italian Journal of Marketing (Feb 2020):49-65.

Haski-Leventhal, Debbie, and Korschun, Daniel, Building Effective Corporate Engagement on LGBTQ Rights. MIT/Sloan Management Review (Digital) (Fall 2019).

Wagner, Tillmann, Korschun, Daniel, and Troebs, Christian, Deconstructing Corporate Hypocrisy: Delineating its Behavioral, Moral, and Attributional Facets. Journal of Business Research (Oct 2019).

Smith, N. Craig, and Korschun, Daniel, Finding the Middle Ground in a Politically Polarized World. Sloan Management Review (Sep 2018).

Korschun, Daniel, and Smith, N. Craig, Companies Can’t Avoid Politics and Shouldn’t Try to. Harvard Business Review (Digital Article) (Mar 2018).

Korschun, Daniel, Dimitrova, Boryana V., and Yotov, Yoto, America’s worsening global reputation could put billions in US exports at risk. The Conversation / Salon / International Business Times (May 2017).

Zablah, Alex, Sirianni, Nancy, Korschun, Daniel, Beatty, Sharon, and Gremler, Dwayne, Emotional Convergence in Service Relationships: The Shared Frontline Experience of Customers and Employees. Journal of Service Research (Spring 2017).

Dimitrova, Boryana V., Korschun, Daniel, and Yotov, V. Yoto, When and How Country Reputation Stimulates Export Volume. International Marketing Review (Mar 2017).

Kull, Alexander, Mena, Jeannette, and Korschun, Daniel, A Resource-Based View of Stakeholder Marketing. Journal of Business Research 69 (Dec 2016):5553&#-775232;556.

Korschun, Daniel, Corporations and Politics: Shunning the Middle Road to Go Left or Right. Knowledge@Wharton (Summer 2016).

Korschun, Daniel, Bhattacharya, CB, and Swain, Scott D., CSR and the Frontline Context: How Social Programs Improve Customer Service. GfK Marketing Intelligence Review 8 (May 2016):24-29.

Korschun, Daniel, Boundary Spanning Employees and Relationships with External Stakeholders: A Social Identity Approach. Academy of Management Review 40 (Oct 2015):611-629.

Wang, Wenling, and Korschun, Daniel, Spillover of Social Responsibility Associations in a Brand Portfolio. Journal of Product and Brand Management 24 (Sep 2015):596 - 609.

Korschun, Daniel, Who Owns Market Basket, Really?. Washington Post (Aug 2014).

Korschun, Daniel, Bhattacharya, CB, and Swain, Scott D., Corporate Social Responsibility, Customer Orientation, and Job Performance of Frontline Employees. Journal of Marketing 78 (May 2014):20-37.

Reavey, Brooke, Howley, Michael J., and Korschun, Daniel, An Exploratory Study of Stalled Relationships Among Art Museum Members. International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing 18 (May 2013):90-100.

Korschun, Daniel, and Du, Shuili, Virtual Corporate Social Responsibility Dialogs: A Framework and Propositions. Journal of Business Research 66 (Winter 2012):1494-504.

Bhattacharya, CB, Sen, Sankar, and Korschun, Daniel, Maximizing ROI from Corporate Responsibility. European Financial Review (Jan 2012).

Bhattacharya, CB, Korschun, Daniel, and Sen, Sankar, What Really Drives Value in Corporate Responsibility. Mckinsey Quarterly (Dec 2011).

Bhattacharya, CB, Sen, Sankar, and Korschun, Daniel, How to Co-Create Corporate Responsibility Strategy. Ethical Corporation (Nov 2011).

Bhattacharya, CB, Sen, Sankar, and Korschun, Daniel, The Next Challenge for Corporate Responsibility. Efmd Global Focus 5 (Oct 2011):44-47.

Bhattacharya, CB, Korschun, Daniel, and Sen, Sankar, Strengthening Stakeholder-Company Relationships Through Mutually Beneficial Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives. Journal of Business Ethics 85 (Mar 2009):257-272.

Bhattacharya, CB, Sen, Sankar, and Korschun, Daniel, El papel de la responsabilidad social corporativa para ganar la guerra por el talento. Harvard Duesto Business Review (Nov 2008):52-64.

Bhatacharya, CB, and Korschun, Daniel, Stakeholder Marketing: Beyond the Four Ps and the Customer. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing 27 (Mar 2008):113-116.

Bhattacharya, CB, Sen, Sankar, and Korschun, Daniel, Using Corporate Social Responsibility to Win the War for Talent. Sloan Management Review 49 (Jan 2008):37-44.

Sen, Sankar, Bhattacharya, CB, and Korschun, Daniel, The Role of Corporate Social Responsibility in Strengthening Multiple Stakeholder Relationships: A Field Experiment. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 34 (Spring 2006):158-166.

Dong, Weimin, Du, Shuili, and Korschun, Daniel, Conference Summary: Integrating Social Responsibility and Marketing Strategy. Marketing Science Institute Research Reports 2003 (Nov 2003).


Korschun, Daniel, and Welker, Grant, We Are Market Basket: The Story of the Unlikely Grassroots Movement That Saved a Beloved Business. New York, NY: AMACOM, (2015).

Bhattacharya, CB, Sen, Sankar, and Korschun, Daniel, Leveraging Corporate Responsibility: The Stakeh…. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press, (2011).


Korschun, Daniel, “Market Basket: Corporate Reputation During a Governance Crisis.” University of Oxford, U.K.: Oxford Center for Corporate Reputation, (2017):.

Korschun, Daniel, “Channel Design for an Intangible Service.” Marketing Channels: A Management View 8th ed., Ed. Bert Rosenbloom. New York: Thomson/Southwestern, (2011)::6.


Korschun, Daniel, and Godfrey, Zoe, “When and How Corporate Political Activism Leads to Employee Engagement.” Employee Engagement in Corporate Social Responsibility, Ed. Haski-Leventhal, Debbie, Lonneke Roza and Stephen . New York, NY: SAGE, (Forthcoming) .

Korschun, Daniel, and Rafieian, Hoori K., “Antecedents, Moderators, and Consequences of Political CSR in the Context of MNEs.” Socially-Responsible International Business: Critical Issues and the Way Forward, Ed. L.C. Leonidou, C.S. Katsikeas, S. Samiee, and C.N.. Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar, (2019): .

Bhattacharya, CB, and Korschun, Daniel, “Motivating Boundary Spanning Employees to Engage External Stakeholders: Insights from Stakeholder Marketing.” Handbook of Stakeholder Theory, Ed. Harrison, Barney, Freeman, & Philips. Cambridge, U.K. : Cambridge University Press, (2019): .

Du, Shuili, Korschun, Daniel, Bhattacharya, CB, and Sen, Sankar, “Leveraging Corporate Social Responsibility To Maximize Social Value.” Handbook of Persuasion and Social Marketing, Ed. David Stewart. Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger Publishers, (2014): .

Korschun, Daniel, Bhattacharya, CB, and Sen, Sankar, “Stakeholder-Centricity: Managing Sustainability Successfully.” Sustainability Management – sustainable and stakeholder-oriented value, Ed. Frank Keuper and Fritz Neumann. Germany: -, (2013): .

Presented Research

Korschun, Daniel, Market Basket: Anatomy of a Multi- Stakeholder Protest, Oxford Reputation Symposium: Oxford, U.K., (Sep 2015):

Korschun, Daniel, Sirianni, Nancy, Wallace, Craig, Zablah, Alex, Beatty, Sharon, and Gremler, Dwayne, Charting New Directions for Research on Shared Frontline Experences, (Apr 2015):

Korschun, Daniel, Frontline Employees and the Psychological Boundaries of the Firm, Clemson University Distinguished Scholar Series: Clemson University, (Nov 2014):

Korschun, Daniel, Distinctive Corporate Social Responsibility Ass…, ESMT Sustainability Roundtable (European School of Management and Technology): Berlin, Germany, (Nov 2014):

Korschun, Daniel, Boundary Spanning Employees and Relationships w…, Tilburg University Seminar Series: Tilberg, the Netherlands, (Sep 2014):

Korschun, Daniel, Boundary Spanning Employees and Relationships with External Stakeholders: A Social Identity Approach, Corporate Identity/Associations Research Group Conference: Amsterdam, Netherlands, (Sep 2014):

Korschun, Daniel, Boundary Spanning Employees and Relationships w…, LUISS Seminar: Rome, Italy, (Sep 2014):

Korschun, Daniel, Boundary Spanning Employees and Relationships w…, La Sapienza: Rome, Italy, (Sep 2014):

Huang, Yanliu, Knox, George, and Korschun, Daniel, Delightful or Dependable: Variability and Customer Relationships, Wharton Customer Analytics Initiative: Philadelphia, PA, (Jun 2014):

Korschun, Daniel, Innovation and Corporate Social Responsibility, Wharton Social Impact Conference 2012: Philadelphia, PA, (Feb 2012):

Korschun, Daniel, Enhancing Stakeholder Relationships Through Corporate Social Responsibility, Wharton Executive Development Program: Philadelphia, PA, (Sep 2011):

Korschun, Daniel, Discussant: Sustainabilty and the Political / Social Environment, 11th Annual Strategy and the Business Environment (SBE) Conference: The Wharton School, Philadelphia, PA, (May 2011):

Bhattacharya, CB, Sen, Sankar, and Korschun, Daniel, Leveraging Corporate Responsibility: The Stakeh…, UNICEF: The 2011 Fundraising Forum: Athens, Greece, (Mar 2011):


Korschun, Daniel, and Wang, Wenling, Being Different at Making a Difference, 2010 Corporate Identity/Associations Research Group Convening Jan 2011. (Apr 2011):


DBA -Boston University 2008
MBA -L’Universita Commerciale Luigi Bocconi Italy 2000
BA Psychology-Brandeis University 1992


2021 Best Paper in Track for paper PEER EFFECTS IN BRAND ACTIVISM (with Mithila Guha) (American Marketing Association Summer Conference)
2019 Best Conference Paper (SIM-Societa’ Italiana di Marketing)
2018 Fulbright Grant (Fulbright)
2017 Awardee: Zendesk Business and Society Grant (Zendesk Inc.)
2017 Fulbright Scholarship Grant (Fulbright Scholar Program)
2016 Winner: Dean’s Research Award (2016) (LeBow College of Business)
2016 Fellow: Center for Teaching Excellence (2016) (LeBow College of Business)
2015 Winner: Best General Business Book of 2015 - We Are Market Basket - (800 CEO Read Business Book Awards)
2015 Research Fellow: Institute for Strategic Leadership (2015-present) (LeBow College of Business)
2015 Winner: LeBow Award for Research Excellence (2015) (LeBow College of Business)
2014 Winner: LeBow Award for Research Excellence (2014) (LeBow College of Business)
2013 Fellow, Center for Corporate Governance (2012-present) (LeBow College of Business)
2013 Grantee: Oxford University Centre for Corporate Reputation (Oxford University-Said Business School)
2013 Winner: Allen Rothwarf University Award for Teaching Excellence (Drexel University)
2013 Finalist: Architech Teaching and Technology Competition (LeBow College of Business)
2012 Winner: LeBow Excellence in Teaching Award (LeBow College of Business)
2012 Recipient: Emerald’s 2012 Citation of Excellence Awards: top 50 article for impact among articles from 300 journals worldwide (Emerald Publishing Group)
2012 Grantee: Hertz Corporation and WCAI Research Opportunity (Wharton Customer Analytics Initiative)
2012 Recipient: Best Paper Award (2nd) (International Marketing Conference, Calcutta, India)
2012 Grantee: LeBow Center for Corporate Reputation Management (LeBow Center for Corporate Reputation Management)
2008 Fellow, Center for Corporate Reputation Management (2008-2014) (LeBow College of Business)


Journal of Service Research – Member (2023–Present)
Journal of Public Policy and Marketing – Associate Editor (2020–Present)
Italian Journal of Marketing – Associate Editor (2022)
Business & Society – Advisory Board Member (2020–2022)
Business and Society Review – Advisory Board Member (2020–2022)
Journal of Business Research – Advisory Board Member (2020–2022)
Journal of Public Policy and Marketing – Guest Editor (2020–2021)
NIM Marketing Intelligence Review – Guest Editor (2020–2021)
Business and Society – Member (2019)
Business and Society Review – Member (2019)
Journal of Public Policy & Marketing – Associate Editor (2019)
Journal of Service Research – Member (2019)
Business and Society – Advisory Board Member (2018)