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David Gefen, PhD

Academic Director of the Doctorate in Business Administration (DBA) Program; Provost Distinguished Research Professor, Professor

Decision Sciences and MIS


I joined Drexel in 1997, and am now the Provost Distinguished Research Professor. My research deals with interpersonal trust as it relates to the development and implementation of IT, management of the outsourcing of IT contracts, research methodology and especially covariance based structured equation modeling, and, recently, text analysis. That research has been informed by my experience in the industry prior to being an academic. The research findings of those streams of research have been published in some of the leading business journals, including MISQ, ISR, IEEE TEM, JMIS, and Omega. I am also the author of a textbook on VB.NET Programming and Outsourcing and a book on the Art of IS Outsourcing.

Review recent CACM video at

According to Scientific Index 2023, my research places me as ranked in the top 3,900 among the over 1,300,000 scientists, in top 0.3%, in the list that “indicates that the scientist is among the World’s and/or Country’s Top 2% Scientists in the specified rank” (

According to my research is am ranked #703 in the world and #331 in the US :

According to I am among the top researchers in MIS.

According to I am ranked 6,877 among 9,071,122 scientists across disciplines and am the 9th most cited in Information Systems through 2021.

In my previous life I worked many years for a software development and implementation vendor whose specialty among other things was large logistics systems. I held many positions in that company. I was a senior software programmer designing, writing, and implementing critical business systems, and then a chief programmer whose responsibilities included being the one who designs how the components of a new system join together. I was also a systems analyst of the core section of a very large logistics system that we developed for a client, and, in that capacity, was one of the core team leaders of that project. After we released the project I was asked to stay on to manage its maintenance, which perhaps is better described as continued development. After some years in that capacity, during which I earned an M.Sc. in computer information systems, I applied to the PhD program at GSU. I had the privilege to be guided by Professor Straub, who was to become one of the leading names in MIS research methodology.

Prior to becoming the Academic Director of the Doctorate in Business Administration (DBA) Program at Drexel, I was a senior editor at MISQ, the leading MIS journal and one of the top FT50 journals based on which Business Schools are research ranked.

I am currently a Senior Editor at JAIS and on the Editorial Board of JMIS, an FT50 journal.

Areas of Expertise

  • eCommerce
  • Outsourcing
  • Information System Management
  • Online Auctions
  • Technology Adoption
  • SAS
  • Data Analysis
  • Computer Information Systems/Management Information Systems

Selected Works


Gefen, David, Leffew, Barry, Ragowsky, Arik, and Riedl, Rene, The Importance of Distrust in Trusting Digital Worker Chatbots. Communications of the ACM 68 (Apr 2025).

Puy, Arnald, Bacon, Ethan, Carmona, Alba, Flinders, Samuel, Gefen, David, Khanjani, Mohammad, Larsen, Kai R., Lachi, Alessio, Linga, Seth N., Piano, Samuele Lo, Melsen, Lieke A., Murray, Emily, Sheikholeslami, Razi, Sobhani, Ariana, Wei, Nanxin, and Saltelli, Andrea, Socio-environmental modelling shows physics-like confidence with water modelling surpassing it in numerical claims. iScience, Cell Press (Mar 2025).

Ben-Assuli, Ofir, Gefen, David, and Shamir, Noam, Acquisition of patients’ information under ED congestion – An empirical investigation. Health Systems (Dec 2024):1-20.

Jackson, Frederick, D’Innocenzo, Lauren, and Gefen, David, Embracing Survivalist Entrepreneurship: How African American Men Leverage Business Ownership Out of Economic Necessity. Businesses 4 (May 2024):177-195.

Ghashami, Farnaz, Gantz, Christopher, and Gefen, David, The Role of Parents’ Mores on Their Intentions to Enroll Their Children in a School-based Telemedicine Program. Communications of the Association for Information Systems 53 (Oct 2023):44.

Gefen, David, Ben Assuli, Ofir, and Denekamp, Yaron, Adaptive Structuration Theory: A Health Information Exchange (HIE) Diffusion Study. Information Systems Management (Feb 2023):1-19.

Lee, Diane, and Gefen, David, The Interplay of Trust and Subjective Norms in Telemedicine Adoption by a Minority Community at Einstein Medical Center Philadelphia. The DATA BASE for Advances in Information Systems 53 (Nov 2022):46-64.

Idell, Kelly, Gefen, David, and Ragowsky, A, Managing IT Professional Turnover: It Is Not As Much About Compensation As It Is About Distrust. Communications of the Association of Computing Machinery 64 (Sep 2021):72-77.

Wang, Conglong, Le-Scherban, Felice, Taylor, Jennifer, Salmoirago-blotcher, Elana, Allison, Matthew A., Gefen, David, Robinson, Lucy, and Michael, Yvonne, The Associations of Job Strain, Life Events and Social Strain with Coronary Heart Disease in the Women’s Health Initiative Observational Study. Journal of the American Heart Association 10 (Mar 2021):e017780.

Nacarelli, Victoria, and Gefen, David, Trustworthiness and the Adoption of Business Analytics. Information Systems Management (Feb 2021).

Fresneda, Jorge, and Gefen, David, Gazing at The Stars Is Not Enough, Look at The Specific Word Entropy, Too!. Information & Management 57 (Dec 2020).

Gefen, David, Ben Assuli, Ofir, Shlomo, Nir, Robertson, Noreen, and Klempfner, Robert, A Case-Study of Applying Text Analysis to Identify Possible Adverse Drug Interactions: The Case of Adalat (Nifedipine). Health Informatics Journal 26 (Jul 2020):1060-1078.

Gefen, David, Fresneda, Jorge, and Larsen, Kai R., Trust and Distrust as Artifacts of Language: A Latent Semantic Approach to Studying their Linguistic Correlates. Frontiers in Psychology 11 (Mar 2020):1-14.

Leimeister, Jan Marco, Becker, Jorg, Heinzl, Armin, Winter, Robert, and Gefen, David, Doing a Doctorate in BISE in Germany, Austria and Switzerland? A Debate on the Why, What and How. Business & Information Systems Engineering (Oct 2019).

Gefen, David, Ben Assuli, Ofir, Stehr, Mark, Rosen, Bruce, and Denekamp, Yaron, Governmental Intervention in Hospital Information Exchange (HIE) Diffusion: A Quasi-experimental ARIMA Interrupted Time Series Analysis of Monthly HIE Patient Penetration Rates. European Journal of Information Systems 28 (Dec 2019):627-645.

Gefen, David, A Post-Positivist Answering Back. Part 2: A Demo in R of the Importance of Enabling Replication in PLS and LISREL. ACM SIGMIS Database 50 (Summer 2019):12-37.

Fresneda, Jorge, and Gefen, David, A Semantic Measure of Online Review Helpfulness and the Importance of Message Entropy. Decision Support Systems (Aug 2019).

Gefen, David, A Post-Positivist Answering Back. Part 1: Good for You Karl Popper!. ACM SIGMIS Database 50 (May 2019):9-17.

Warkentin, Merrill, Sharma, Shwadhin, Gefen, David, Rose, Greg, and P.A, Pavlou, Social identity and trust in internet-based voting adoption. Government Information Quarterly 35 (Spring 2018):195-209.

Gefen, David, Miller, Jacob, Armstrong, Johnathon, Cornelius, Fran, Robertson, Noreen, Smith-McLallen, Aaron, and Taylor, Jennifer, Identifying Patterns in Medical Records with Latent Semantic Analysis. Communications of the ACM 61 (Jun 2018):72-77.

Gefen, David, Endicott, James, Fresneda, Jorge, Miller, Jacob, and Larsen, Kai R., A Guide to Text Analysis with Latent Semantic Analysis in R with Annotated Code Studying Online Reviews and the Stack Exchange Community. Communications of the Association for Information Systems 41 (Dec 2017).

Gefen, David, and Riedl, Rene, Adding Background Music as a New Stimuli of Interest to Information Systems Research. European Journal of Information Systems 27 (Oct 2017):46-61.

Gefen, David, and Larsen, Kai R., Controlling for Lexical Closeness in Survey Research: A Demonstration on the Technology Acceptance Model. Journal of the Association for Information Systems 18 (Oct 2017):727-757.

Fredman, Sela, Minkov, Einat, Bekkerman, Ron, and Gefen, David, Quantifying the Web Browser Ecosystem. PLOS ONE (Jun 2017).

Riedl, Rene, Javor, Andrija, Gefen, David, Felten, Andrea, and Reuter, Martin, Oxytocin, Trust, and Trustworthiness: The moderating role of music. Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics 10 (Mar 2017):1-8.

Sollner, Matthias, Benbasat, Izak, Gefen, David, Leimeister, Jan Marco, and Pavlou, Paul, MIS Quarterly Research Curations Trust. MIS Quarterly Online (Nov 2016).

Bansal, Gaurav, Zahedi, Mariam, and Gefen, David, Do Context and Personality Matter? Trust and Privacy Concern in Disclosing Private Information Online. Information & Management 53 (Aug 2015):1-21.

Gefen, David, Ragowsky, A, Miller, Jacob, Licker, Paul, and Stern, Myles, The Center Cannot Hold: How Leading Firms are Managing the Changing IT Boundaries. Communications of the Ais 36 (May 2015).

Bansal, Guarav, Zahedi, Mariam, and Gefen, David, The Role of Privacy Assurance Mechanisms in Building Trust and the Moderating Role of Privacy Concern. European Journal of Information Systems (Jan 2015).

Ragowsky, A, Licker, Paul, Miller, Jacob, Gefen, David, and Stern, Myles, Do Not Call Me Chief Information Officer, but Chief Integration Officer. A Summary of the 2011 Detroit CIO Roundtable. Communications (Cais) 34 (Winter 2014):1333-1346.

Gefen, David, and Pavlou, P.A., The Boundaries of Trust and Risk: The Quadratic Moderating Role of Institutional Structures. Information Systems Research 23 (Nov 2012):940-959.

Gefen, David, and Carmel, Erran, Why the First Provider Takes it All: The Consequences of a Low Trust Culture on Pricing and Ratings in Online Sourcing Markets. European Journal of Information Systems 22 (Winter 2013):604-618.

Dimoka, Angelika, Banker, Rajiv D., Benbasat, Izak, Davis, Fred D., Dennis, Alan R., Gefen, David, Gupta, Alok, Ischebeck, Anja, Kenning, Peter, Muller-Putz, Gernot, P.A, Pavlou, Vom Brocke, Jan, and Weber, Bernard, On the Use of Neurophysiological Tools in IS Research: Developing a Research Agenda for NeuroIS. Management Information Systems Quarterly 36 (Spring 2012):679-702.

Gefen, David, Ragowsky, A, McClean, Eph, Rivard, S., Markus, M.L., and Rossi, M., ICIS 2011 Panel Report: Are We on the Wrong Track and Do MIS Curricula Need to Be Reengineered?. Communications of the Association for Information Systems 30 (Apr 2012):Online.

Gefen, David, Rigdon, Ed, and Straub, Detmar W., An Update and Extension to SEM Guidelines for Administrative and Social Science Research. Management Information Systems Quarterly 35 (Jun 2011):III-XIV.

Gefen, David, Ragowsky, A, Licker, Paul, and Stern, Myles, The Changing Role of the CIO in the World of Outsourcing: Lessons Learnt from a CIO Roundtable. Communications of the Association for Information Systems 28 (Mar 2011):233-242.

Carmeli, Abraham, Gelbard, Roy, and Gefen, David, The Importance of Innovation Leadership in Cultivating Strategic Fit and Enhancing Firm Performance. Leadership Quarterly 21 (Jun 2010):339-349.

Benbasat, Izak, Gefen, David, and Pavlou, P.A., Introduction to the Special Issue on Novel Perspectives on Trust In Information Systems. Management Information Systems Quarterly 34 (Jun 2010):367-371.

Bansal, Guarav, Zahedi, Mariam, and Gefen, David, The Impact of Personal Dispositions on Information Sensitivity, Privacy Concern and Trust in Disclosing Health Information Online. Decision Support Systems 49 (Apr 2010):138-150.

Ragowsky, Arik, and Gefen, David, Why Information Systems Management is in Trouble and how to Save it: A Case Study in the Automotive Industry. Communications of the Association of Computing Machinery 52 (Feb 2009):130-133.

Gefen, David, Ragowsky, A, and Ridings, Cathy, Leadership and justice: Increasing non participating users assessment of an IT through passive participation. Information and Management 45 (Nov 2008):507-512.

Gefen, David, Lichtenstein, Yossi, and Wyss, SImon, Business Familiarity as Risk Mitigation in Software Development Outsourcing Contracts. Management Information Systems Quarterly 32 (Sep 2008):531-551.

Ragowsky, A, Licker, Paul, and Gefen, David, Give Me Information, Not Technology. Communications of the Association of Computing Machinery 51 (Jun 2008):23-25.

Gefen, David, Benbasat, Izak, and Pavlou, P.A., A Research Agenda for Trust in Online Environments. Journal of Management Information Systems 24 (Jun 2008):275-286.

Gefen, David, and Carmel, Erran, Is the World Really Flat? A Look at Offshoring in an Online Programming Marketplace. Management Information Systems Quarterly 32 (Jun 2008):367-384.

Ragowsky, Arik, and Gefen, David, What Makes the Competitive Contribution of ERP Strategic. The Database for Advances in Information Systems 39 (May 2008):33-49.

Benbasat, Izak, Gefen, David, and Pavlou, P.A., Introduction to the JMIS Special Issue on Trust in Online Environments. Journal of Management Information Systems 24 (Winter 2008):5-11.

Gefen, David, Grey, Nitza, and Paravastu, Narasimha, Are Cross-Gender conversations in Threaded Discussions reminiscent of Communicating across Cultural Boundaries?. International Journal of Information and Comm Tech Ed 10 (Jun 2007).

Geri, Nitza, and Gefen, David, Is There a Value Paradox of E-learning in MBA Programs?. Journal of Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology 4 (Jun 2007):163-174.

Gefen, David, Geri, Nitza, and Narasimhan, P, Vive la Difference: The Cross-Culture Differences within Us. International Journal of E-Collaboration 3 (May 2007):1-16.

Gefen, David, and Heart, Tzipi, On the Need to Include National Culture as a Central Issue in ECommerce Trust Beliefs. Journal of Global Information Management 14 (May 2006):1-30.

Gefen, David, Zviran, Moshe, and Ellman, Natalie, What can be Learned from Failed CMMi Projects?. Communications of the Association for Information Systems 17 (May 2006):801-817.

Gefen, David, Pavlou, P.A., Benbasat, Izak, McKnight, H., Stewart, K, and Straub, Detmar W., ICIS Panel Summary: Should Institutional Trust Matter in Information Systems Research?. Communications of the Association for Information Systems 17 (May 2006):205-222.

Ridings, Cathy, and Gefen, David, Psychological Barriers: Lurker and Poster Motivation and Behavior in Online Communities. Communications of the Association for Information Systems 18 (May 2006):329-354.

Gefen, David, If You Spoke as She Does, Sir, Instead of the Way You Do: A Sociolinguistics Perspective of Gender Differences in Virtual Communities. The Database for Advances in Information Systems 36 (Sep 2005):78-92.

Pavlou, P.A., and Gefen, David, Psychological Contract Violation in Online Marketplaces: Antecedents, Consequences, and Moderating Role. Information Systems Research 16 (Aug 2005):372-399.

Procaccino, Drew J., Verner, J M., Shelfer, K M., and Gefen, David, What Do Software Practitioners Really Think About Project Success: An Exploratory Study. Journal of Systems and Software 78 (May 2005):194-2043.

Gefen, David, and Straub, Detmar W., A Practical Guide to Factorial Validity Using PLS-Graph: Tutorial and Annotated Example. Communications of the Association for Information Systems 16 (May 2005):91-109.

Ratnasingam, P., Gefen, David, and Pavlou, P.A., Facilitating conditions and Institutional trust in electronic marketplaces. Journal of Electronic Commerce 3 (Mar 2005):69-82.

Carmeli, Abraham, and Gefen, David, The Relationship between Work Commitment Models and Employee Withdrawal Intentions. Journal of Managerial Psychology 20 (Feb 2005):63-86.

Gefen, David, and D.W, Straub, Consumer Trust in B2C e-Commerce and the Importance of Social Presence: Experiments in e-Products and e-Services. OMEGA 32 (Dec 2004):407-424.

Ridings, Cathy, and Gefen, David, Virtual community attraction: Why people hang out online. Journal of Computer Mediated Communication 10 (Nov 2004):1-20.

Straub, Detmar W., M.C, Boudreau, and Gefen, David, Validation guidelines for IS positivist research. Communications of the Association for Information Systems 14 (Sep 2004):380-426.

P.A, Pavlou, and Gefen, David, Building effective online market places with institution based trust. Information Systems Research 15 (Sep 2004):37-59.

Gefen, David, What makes ERP implementation relationships worthwhile: Linking trust mechanisms and ERP usefulness. Journal of Management Information Systems 21 (Sep 2004):275-301.

Gefen, David, and Ragowsky, Arik, A Multi-Level Approach to Measuring the Benefits of an ERP System in Manufacturing Firms. Information Systems Management 22 (Jan 2004):18-25.

Gefen, David, Rose, Greg M., Pavlou, P.A., and Warkentin, Merrill, Cultural Diversity and Trust in IT Adoption: A Comparison of USA and South African e-Voters. Journal of Global Information Management 13 (Jan 2004):54-78.

Gefen, David, TAM or just plain habit: A look at experienced online shoppers. Journal of Organizational and End User Computing 15 (Sep 2003):1-13.

Gefen, David, Karahanna, E, and Straub, Detmar W., Trust & TAM in online shopping: An integrated Model. Management Information Systems Quarterly 27 (Sep 2003):51-90.

Gefen, David, and Ridings, Cathy, IT Acceptance: Managing user - IT group boundaries. The Database for Advances in Information Systems 34 (Sep 2003):25-40.

Gefen, David, Karahanna, E, and Straub, Detmar W., Inexperienced and experienced with online stores: the importance of TAM and trust. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 50 (Sep 2003):307-321.

Gefen, David, Tutorial assessing undimensionality through LISREL: An explanation and example. Communications of the Association for Information Systems 12 (Sep 2003):1-26.

Gefen, David, and Straub, Detmar W., Managing user trust in B2C e-services. E-Service Journal 2 (Sep 2003):7-24.

Gefen, David, Reflections on the dimensions of trust and trustworthiness among online consumers. The Database for Advances in Information Systems 33 (Sep 2002):38-53.

Gefen, David, Nurturing clients trust to encourage engagement success during the customization of ERP systems. OMEGA 30 (Sep 2002):287-299.

Ridings, Cathy, Gefen, David, and Arinze, Orakwue B., Some antecedents and effects of trust in virtual communities. Journal of Strategic Information Systems 11 (Sep 2002):271-295.

Gefen, David, Customer loyalty in e-commerce. Journal of the Association for Information Systems 3 (Sep 2002):27-51.

Gefen, David, and Ridings, Cathy, Implementation team responsiveness and user evaluation of CRM: A quasi experimental design study of social exchange theory. Journal of Management Information Systems 19 (Sep 2002):47-63.

Warkentin, Merrill, Gefen, David, Pavlou, P.A., and Rose, G M., Encouraging Citizen Adoption of eGovernment by Building Trust. Electronic Markets 12 (Mar 2002):157-162.

M.C, Boudreau, Gefen, David, and Straub, Detmar W., Validation in IS research: A State of the art assessment. Management Information Systems Quarterly 25 (Sep 2001):1-16.

Gefen, David, E-commerce- the role of familiarity and trust. OMEGA 28 (Sep 2000):725-737.

Gefen, David, D.W, Straub, and M.C, Boudreau, Structural equation modeling and regression: Guidelines for research practice. Communications of the Association for Information Systems 4 (Sep 2000):1-70,

Gefen, David, and Straub, Detmar W., The relative importance of perceived ease of use in IS adoption: A study of ecommerce adoption. Journal of the Association for Information Systems 1 (Sep 2000):1-30.

Gefen, David, It is not enough to be responsive: The role of cooperative intentions in MRP(II) adoption. The Database for Advances in Information Systems 31 (Sep 2000):65-79.

Gefen, David, and Keil, Mark, The Impact of Developer Responsiveness on Perceptions of Usefulness and Ease of Use: An Extension of the Technology Acceptance Model. The Database for Advances in Information Systems 29 (Sep 1998):35-49.

Gefen, David, and Straub, Detmar W., Gender differences in perception and adoption of E-Mail: An Extension to the technology acceptance model. Management Information Systems Quarterly 21 (Sep 1997):389-400.


Straub, Detmar W., Gefen, David, and Recker, Jan, QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH IN INFORMATION SYSTEMS., (2022).

Gefen, David, Psychology of Trust: New Research. USA: Nova Publisher, (2013).

Gefen, David, The Art of Successful Information Systems Outsourcing. USA: Business Expert Press, (2010).

Gefen, David, and Govindarajulu, Chittibabu, Advanced VB.NET: Programming Web and Desktop Applications in ADO.NET and ASP.NET. (2003).


Lee, Diane, and Gefen, David, “Promises and Challenges of Medical Patient Healthcare Portals in Underserved Communities: The Case of Einstein Medical Center Philadelphia (EMCP).” Impacts of Information Technology on Patient Care and Empowerment, Ed. Roger McHaney and Iris Reychav. USA: IGI Global, (Forthcoming) .

Gefen, David, Fresneda, Jorge, and Larsen, Kai R., “Trust and Distrust as Artifacts of Language: A Latent Semantic Approach to Studying Their Linguistic Correlates.” Semantic Algorithms in the Assessment of Attitudes and Personality, Ed. Jan Ketil Arnulf, Kai R. Larsen, Oyvind Lund Marti. Lausanne: Frontiers Media SA: Frontiers in Psychology, (2021): :35-48.

Gantz, Christopher, and Gefen, David, “Challenges Implementing Telemedicine at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP).” Impacts of Information Technology on Patient Care and Empowerment, Ed. Roger McHaney and Iris Reychav. USA: IGI Global, (2019): .

Ratnasingam, P., Gefen, David, and Pavlou, P.A., “Lessons Learned from EDI and its Impact on Institutional Trust in Electronic Marketplaces.” Utilizing and Managing Commerce and Services Online, USA: Cybertech Publishing, (2007): .

Ridings, Cathy, and Gefen, David, “The Development of Trust in Virtual Communities.” Mordern Organizations in Virtual Communities, Ed. Kisielnicki Jerzy. USA: Idea Group Publishing, (2006): :115-125.

Gefen, David, Rose, G M., and Warkentin, Merrill, “Chapter V: Culture and Trust in the Adoption of Electronic Voting: A Look at the USA and South Africa.” Advanced Topics of Global Information Management. Volume 5 , Ed. Felix Tan and Gordon Hunter. USA: Idea Group, (2006): .

Presented Research

Gefen, David, How to Tell Your NeuroIS Story to an MIS Audience, Keynote Address at NeuroIS: Vienna, Austria, (Jun 2019):


Gefen, David, Van Den Bulck, Hilde, Jabbari, Shahin, Rezapour, Rezvaneh, Pessianzadeh, Aria, and Kayastha, Kshitij, Tracking Reddit Discourse to Discover the Evolving Meaning of Trust in ChatGPT, AMCIS 2024 May 2024.

Gray, Damon, and Gefen, David, FinTech Adoption Among African Americans: Overcoming Legacy Financial Barriers, NEDSI 2024 Feb 2024.

Sharma, Rachit, and Gefen, David, Air pollution, temperature, and social stressors in pediatric seizures and epilepsy: A Structural Equation Modeling approach, ISEE 2023 Conference May 2023. International Society for Environmental Epidemiology

Sierra, Jaime A Nieto, and Gefen, David, No Treatment Without a Diagnosis: Government Regulatory Exclusion Influences on Employees Work Environments, their Behaviors, Attitude and Engagement and Perceived Performance in a Healthcare Setting, NEDSI 2023 Best Paper Award Jan 2023.

Mossafer, Dodi, Gefen, David, and Dai, Qizhi, On the Role of Trust and Previous Psychological Contract Violation in Consumer Switching to Telemedicine Services, NEDSI 2023 Jan 2023.

Ghashami, Farnaz, Gefen, David, and Gantz, Christopher, A Conceptual Framework: The Role Of Parents’ Personal Mores And Trust In A School-Based Telemedicine Program, 53rd Annual Conference of the Decision Sciences Institute Jul 2022.

Heart, Tsipi, Padman, Rema, Ben Assuli, Ofir, Gefen, David, and Klempfner, Robert, On Intelligence Augmentation and Visual Analytics to Enhance Clinical Decision Support Systems, HICSS Sep 2021.

Lukyanenko, Roman, Larsen, Kai R., Parsons, Jeffrey, Gefen, David, and Mueller, Roland, Toward creating a general ontology for research validity, ER 2019; 38th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, November 4-7 Aug 2019.

Gefen, David, Miller, Jacob, Ben Assuli, Ofir, Shlomo, Nir, Robertson, Noreen, Cornelius, Fran, and Klempfner, Robert, Avoiding Risky Drug Combination in the Elderly: The Case of Adalat (Nifedipine), SHICIS2018 Nov 2018.

Rigdon, E.E., and Gefen, David, Questioning Some Claims Associated with PLS Path Modeling, AMA Summer Marketing Educators’ Conference 2011 Apr 2011.

McGarvey, Kevin, and Gefen, David, Shortening The Sales Cycle: A Quantitative Study Linking Contrual Level Theory And Choice In Financial Services, NEDSI Feb 2022. (Feb 2022):

Larsen, Kai R., Gefen, David, Stacie, Petter, and Eargle, David, A Novel Algorithm for Establishing a Construct Distance Map: Stargazing in the Case of Trust, AMCIS 2020 May 2020. (Aug 2020):

Wang, Conglong, Le-Scherban, Felice, Taylor, Jennifer, Salmoirago-blotcher, Elana, Allison, Matthew A., Gefen, David, Robinson, Lucy, and Michael, Yvonne, The Associations of Psychosocial Stressors and Coronary Heart Disease, Circulation Nov 2019. American Heart Association (Nov 2019):

Bansal, Guarav, Zahedi, Mariam, and Gefen, David, The Moderating Influence of Privacy Concern on the Efficacy of Privacy Assurance Mechanisms for Building Trust: A Multiple-Context Investigation, International Conference on Information Systems Jul 2008. (Dec 2008):

Ragowsky, Arik, Licker, Paul, and Gefen, David, Functional Information Resource Maturity (FIRM), 3rd ILAIS conference Mar 2008. (Mar 2008):

Paravastu, Narasimha, and Gefen, David, Impact of Trust, Interdependence and Perceptions of Strategic Salience on IT Outsourcing Success, NEDSI Mar 2008. (Mar 2008):



Professional Experience

Corporate-Yael Software and Systems Manager of Software Maintenance and Implementation Sep 1985-Aug 1993


2009 Service Excellence Award (LeBow College of Business)
2003-2007 Communications of the Association for Information Systems: Vol. 24, Article 14. (Ranked among “Top IS Researchers Publishing in the “Core Three” Basket of IS Journals 2003-2007”)
2001-2005 Communications of the Association for Information Systems (18), 2006, pp. 296-328. (• Recognized as 6th in the list of Top IS Researchers between 2001 and 2005)
2000-2001 Faculty Teaching Award, Graduate Level (Drexel University)
2000 Excellence in Teaching Award (LeBow College of Business)
1999 Excellence in Teaching Award (LeBow College of Business)
1990-2008 THCI (1:3), September, 2009, pp. 55-108 (Recognized as 3nd / 4th most prolific HCI author between 1990 and 2008)


JAIS – Senior Editor (2022–2023)
JMIS – Advisory Board Member (2022–2023)
JMIS - Journal of Management Information – Advisory Board Member (2021)
JMIS - Journal of Management Information – Member (2017–2020)