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Fariborz Partovi, PhD

Professor of Operations Management, Professor

Decision Sciences and MIS

Headshot of Fariborz Partovi

Gerri C. LeBow Hall 726

Areas of Expertise

  • Manufacturing Technology Development
  • Quality Management
  • Service Management
  • Six-Sigma
  • Quality Implementation
  • Production/Operations Management

Selected Works


Salmani, Yasamin, and Partovi, F. Y., The Validity study of a channel-based demand estimation ANP model. Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis 30 (Jul 2023):190-202.

Fang, Jin, and Partovi, F. Y., Technology Planning in the Hotel Industry. Tourism Management Perspectives 44 (Oct 2022).

Salmani, Yasamin, and Partovi, F. Y., Channel-level resource allocation decision in multichannel retailing: A U.S. multchannel company application. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 63 (Nov 2021).

Fang, Jin, and Partovi, F. Y., Criteria determination of Analytic hierarchy process using a topic model. Expert Systems With Applications 169 (May 2021).

Fang, Jin, and Partovi, F. Y., A Hits-Based Model for Facility Location Decision. Expert Systems With Applications 159 (Nov 2020).

Salmani, Yasamin S., Partovi, F. Y., and Banerjee, Avijit, Customer-driven investment decisions in existing multiple sales channels: A downstream supply chain analysis. International Journal of Production Economics 204 (Summer 2018):44-58.

Partovi, F. Y., A model for the efficient assigment of emergency response employees. International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management 10 (Jan 2015):33-40.

Partovi, F. Y., Selecting a fuel-efficient vehicle using data envelopment analysis. Journal of Business & Economics Studies 19 (Dec 2014):74-91.

Partovi, F. Y., Selecting Suppliers for a Long-term Relationship. International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management 8 (May 2013):109-116.

Partovi, F. Y., Corporate Philanthropic Selection Using Data Envelopment Analysis. OMEGA 39 (Mar 2011):523-537.

Kathuria, Ravi, Partovi, F. Y., and Greenhaus, Jeffrey, Leadership Practices, Competitive Priorities, and Manufacturing Group Performance. International Journal of Operations and Production 30 (Oct 2010):1080-1105.

Partovi, F. Y., An Analytic Model of Process Choice in the Chemical Industry. International Journal of Production Economics 105 (Dec 2007):213-227.

Partovi, F. Y., An Analytic model for locating facilities strategically. OMEGA 34 (Dec 2006):41-55.

Kathuria, R., and Partovi, F. Y., Aligning Work Force Management Practices with Competitive Priorities and Process Technology: A Conceptual Examination. The Journal of High Technology Management Research 11 (Sep 2003).

Partovi, F. Y., Withers, B. E., and Brafford, J. E., How Tompkins Rubber Company used Analytic Hierarchy process to Enhance ISO 9000 Related Decision Making. Production and Inventory Management Journal 41 (Sep 2002).

Partovi, F. Y., and Corredoira, Rafael, A Quality Function Deployment for the Good of Soccer. European Journal of Operational Research 137 (Sep 2002):642-656.

Partovi, F. Y., An Analytic Model to Quantify Strategic Service Vision. International Journal of Service Industry Management 12 (Sep 2001):476-499.

Partovi, F. Y., and Anandarajan, Murugan, Classifying Inventory Using an Artificial Neural Network Approach. Journal of Interactive Marketing 41 (Jan 2000):389-404.

Kathuria, R., and Partovi, F. Y., Work Force Management Practices for Manufacturing Flexibility. Journal of Operations Management 18 (Sep 1999).

Partovi, F. Y., and Epperly, J. M., A Quality Function Deployment Approach to Task Organization in Peacekeeping Force Design. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 33 (Jan 1999).

Partovi, F. Y., A Quality Function Deployment Approach to Strategic Capital Budgeting. The Engineering Economist 44 (Jan 1999).

Foulds, L. R., and Partovi, F. Y., Integrating the Analytic Hierarchy Process and Graph Theory to Model Facilities Layout. Annals of Operations Research 82 (Jan 1998):435-451.

Partovi, F. Y., A knowledge Based Approach to the Faculty-course Assignment Problem. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 29 (Jan 1996):245-256.

Partovi, F. Y., Determining What to Benchmark: An Analytical Hierarchy Process Approach. International Journal of Operations & Production Management 14 (Jan 1994):25-39.

Partovi, F. Y., and Hopton, W E., The Analytic Hierarchy as Applied to Two Types of Inventory Problems. Production and Inventory Management Journal 35 (Jan 1994):13-19.

Partovi, F. Y., and Burton, Jonathan S., Timing of Monitoring and Control of CPM Projects. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 40 (Jan 1993):1-8.

Partovi, F. Y., Using the Analytic Hierarchy Process for ABC Analysis. International Journal of Operations & Production Management 13 (Jan 1993):29-44.

Partovi, F. Y., An Analytical Hierarchy Approach to Facility Layout. Computers and Industrial Engineering 22 (Jan 1992):447-457.

Partovi, F. Y., A knowledge Based Decision Support System for Project Management. Computers & Operations Research 19 (Jan 1992):321-334.

Partovi, F. Y., An Analytic Hierarchy Approach to Activity-Based Costing. International Journal of Production Economics 22 (Jan 1991):151-161.

Arinze, Orakwue B., and Partovi, F. Y., A Knowledge Based Method for Designing Precedence Networks and Performing Job Allocation in Line balancing. Computers and Industrial Engineering 18 (Jan 1990):351-364.

Partovi, F. Y., Productivity Measurement in the Manufacturing Sector of Iran. (Jan 1990).

Partovi, F. Y., Application of Analytical Hierarchy Process in Operation Management. International Journal of Operations & Production Management 10 (Jan 1990):5-23.

Partovi, F. Y., Integrating Manufacturing Strategy and Technology Choice. European Journal of Operational Research 47 (Jan 1990):214-224.


Partovi, F. Y., “A Strategic Evaluation Methodology for Manufacturing Technology.” Selection and Evaluation of Advanced Manufacturing Technologies, Ed. M. J. Liberatore. New York: Springer-Verlag, (1990): :139-162.

Presented Research

Salmani, Y., Fang, Jin, and Partovi, F. Y., Criteria ranking using two-step methodology wit…, POMS 34th Annual Conference: Minniapo;is, MI, (Apr 2024):

Fang, Jin, Salmani, Yasamin, and Partovi, F. Y., Criteria ranking using two-step methodology wit…, North East Decision Science Institute: Boston, Ma, (Apr 2024):

Fang, Jin, and Partovi, F. Y., Technology Planning in the Hotel Industry, POMS 32nd Annual Conference: Virtual, (Apr 2022):

Fang, Jin, and Partovi, F. Y., Technology Planning in the Hotel Industry, Northeast Decision Sciences Institute (NEDSI) 2022 Conference: Newark, NJ, (Apr 2022):

Fang, Jin, and Partovi, F. Y., Technology Planning in the Hospitality Industry, Southeast Decision Sciences Institute (SEDSI): Jacksonville, FL, (Feb 2022):

Fang, Jin, and Partovi, F. Y., Improved Group Decisions in Service Industries using Topic Modelling and Analytic Hierarchy Process, POMs 31st Annual conference: Virtual, (May 2021):

Fang, Jin, and Partovi, F. Y., Criteria Determination of Analytic Hierarchy Process using A Topic Model (Updated Version), DSI 2020 Annual conference: Virtual, (Nov 2020):

Fang, Jin, and Partovi, F. Y., Criteria Determination of Analytic Hierarchy Process using A Topic Model, INFORMS Annual Meeting 2020: Virtual, (Nov 2020):

Fang, Jin, and Partovi, F. Y., Improved Group Decisions for Hotel Selection in the Analytic Hierarchy Process, Northeast Decision Sciences Institute (NEDSI) 2020 Conference: Cambridge, MA, (Mar 2020):

Fang, Jin, and Partovi, F. Y., A Hits-Based Model for Facility Location Decision, Decision Sciences Institute 2019 Annual Conference: New Orleans, LA, (Nov 2019):

Salmani, Yasamin S., and Partovi, F. Y., Which channel improvement project to invest in?, INFORMS Annual Meeting: Seattle, WA, (Nov 2019):

Fang, Jin, and Partovi, F. Y., A Hits-Based Model for Location Decision, Northeast Decision Sciences Institute 2019 Conference: Philadelphia, PA, (Apr 2019):

Salmani, Yasamin S., and Partovi, F. Y., Improving marketing channels in a multi-channel setting, DSI Annual Meeting: Chicago, IL, (Jun 2018):

Salmani, Yasamin S., and Partovi, F. Y., Channel-level benefit-cost analysis in investment decision, INFORMS Annual Meeting: Phoenix, AZ, (Jun 2018):

Salmani, Yasamin S., and Partovi, F. Y., Resource Allocation Decision in Improving Multiple Marketing Channels,, Northeast Decision Science Institute: Providence, RI, (Apr 2018):

Salmani, Yasamin S., and Partovi, F. Y., Evaluating the quality of life measurements in the U.S. metro areas regarding socioeconomic changes, Decision Science Institute: Washington, DC, (Nov 2017):

Salmani, Somayeh Y., and Partovi, F. Y., An Application of DEA Methodology in Analyzing the Quality of Life, POMS 2017: Seattle, WA, (May 2017):

Partovi, F. Y., Evaluating the quality of life measurements in the U.S. metropolitan areas with regard to socioeconomic change, POMS Annual Conference: Seattle, WA, (Apr 2017):

Salmani, Somayeh Y., and Partovi, F. Y., An Analytic Method for investment Analysis of Multichannel retailing, INFORMS 2016: Nashville, TN, (Nov 2016):

Salmani, Somayeh Y., and Partovi, F. Y., Downstream Supply ChainAnalysis : Concentration on Customer driven channel investment decision, Decision Science: Houston, TX, (Jun 2016):

Partovi, F. Y., and Ping, Yanni, Investing Disaster Preparedness: Analytical Network Process Approach, North East Decision Science Institute: Alexandria, VI, (May 2016):

Partovi, F. Y., Diet Problem Revisited, Production and Operations Management: orlando, FL, (May 2016):

Partovi, F. Y., An Analytic Network Process Approach to Human Resources, Production and Operation Management Society: Washington, DC, (May 2015):

Partovi, F. Y., Determining When to have a Vacation, North East Decision Science Institute: Cambridge, MA, (Mar 2015):

Partovi, F. Y., Assigning Employees of a Utility Company for Emergency, Northeast Decision Sciences Institute: Philadelphia, PA, (Mar 2014):

Partovi, F. Y., Service Recovery an Analytic Network Process Approach, (Oct 2013):

Partovi, F. Y., Selecting suppliers for a long term relationship, (Apr 2013):

Partovi, F. Y., Improving The Sales Process Using QFD, (Nov 2012):

Partovi, F. Y., A Data Envelopment Analysis Approach for Supplier Selection, Annual Conference of Production and Operation Management Society: Chicago, IL, (Apr 2012):

Partovi, F. Y., Selecting a Sustainable Vihecle Using TOPSIS, North East Decision Science Institute: Newport, RI, (Mar 2012):

Partovi, F. Y., Buying an Alternative Fuel Vehicle, NEDSI 2011: Montreal, (Apr 2011):

Partovi, F. Y., Supplier Selection Strategically, (Nov 2010):

Partovi, F. Y., A Qualitative Approach to Corporate Philanthropic Selection, (Mar 2010):

Partovi, F. Y., Choosing a Partner High School using Data Envelopment Analysis, (Nov 2009):

Partovi, F. Y., Integrating Quality Function Deployment and Anayltic Network Process, 10th International Symposium on the Analytic Hierarchy Process: Pittsburgh, (Aug 2009):

Anandarajan, Murugan, and Partovi, F. Y., Using Artificial Neural Networks Learning Algorithms for ABC Classification, Decision Science Institute: San Francisco, California, (Nov 2001):

Partovi, F. Y., An Analytic Model to Quantify Strategic Service Vision, NEDSI Conference: Pittsburgh, PA, (Mar 2001):

Andrew, Allen, Ebrahimpour, M, Partovi, F. Y., and Withers, B. E., ISO 9000 Implementation in Iran and Europe: Two Worlds in a Global Market, NEDSI Conference: Pittsburgh, PA, (Mar 2001):

Brafford, J. E., Partovi, F. Y., and Withers, B. E., Application of Analytic Hierarchy Process to ISO 9000 Certification, DSI: Orlando, Florida, (Nov 2000):

Anandarajan, Murugan, and Partovi, F. Y., Classifying Inventory Using an Artificial Neural Network Approach, NEDSI Conference: Atlantic City, New Jersey, (Mar 2000):

Corredoira, Rafael, and Partovi, F. Y., Quality Function Deployment for the Good of Soccer, Decision Sciences Institute: New Orleans, Louisiana, (Nov 1999):

Partovi, F. Y., A Quality Function Deployment Approach to Strategic Service Vision, DSI: Athens, Greece, (Jul 1999):

Partovi, F. Y., and Withers, B. E., Application of Analytic Hierarchy Process to ISO 9000 Certification, NEDSI Conference: Newport, RI, (Mar 1999):

Partovi, F. Y., A Quality Function Deployment Approach to Strategic Capital Budgeting, DSI: Las Vegas, Nevada, (Nov 1998):

Partovi, F. Y., A Quality Function Deployment Approach to Manpower Planning, NEDSI Conference: Boston, MA, (Mar 1998):

Partovi, F. Y., Strategic Decision Making in Operations Management, A Systems Reunion-Conference honoring Russell L. Ackoff: Philadelphia, PA, (Feb 1998):

Partovi, F. Y., Flexible Managers for Implementing Manufacturing Flexibility, DSI: San Diego, CA, (Nov 1997):

Epperly, J. M., and Partovi, F. Y., A Quality Function Deployment Approach to Task Organization in Peacekeeping Force Design, DSI: San Diego, California, (Nov 1997):

Kathuria, R., and Partovi, F. Y., Performance Impact of the Fit between Competitive Priorities and Managerial Practices: An Empirical Study, (Apr 1997):

Partovi, F. Y., Implementing Strategic Service Vision Using Quality Function Development, (Nov 1996):

Partovi, F. Y., Selecting the Required Preventive Maintenance Interval for Manufacturing Equipments, (Apr 1996):

Modi, T A., and Partovi, F. Y., Using Quality Function Deployment to Select Technology, (Mar 1995):

Kathuria, R., and Partovi, F. Y., Competitive Priorities and Compatible Managerial Behavior Patterns: A Conceptual Framework, (Jan 1995):

Partovi, F. Y., How to get Tenure, NEDSI Conference: Portsmouth, (Apr 1994):

Partovi, F. Y., Block plan Design Using the Analytic Hierarchy Process, (Jan 1994):

Arinze, Orakwue B., and Partovi, F. Y., A Knowledge based Approach to the faculty-Course Assignment Problem, DSI: San Francisco, California, (Jan 1993):

Partovi, F. Y., Determining What to Benchmark: A market Driven Approach, NEDSI Conference: Philadelphia, PA, (Jan 1993):

Partovi, F. Y., An Analytic Hierarchy Approach to Assignment Problem, NEDSI Conference: Boston, MA, (Jan 1992):

Partovi, F. Y., Using the Analytic Hierarchy Process for ABC Analysis, DSI: San Francisco, California, (Jan 1992):

Partovi, F. Y., A Multi-Criteria Model for Evaluating Shiftwork Schedule, POMS: New York, New York, (Jan 1991):

Partovi, F. Y., Estimating Activity-Based Costing Using Analytic Hierarchy Process, DSI: Miami, Florida, (Jan 1991):

Partovi, F. Y., An Analytic Hierarchy Approach to Facility Layout, NEDSI Conference: Pittsburgh, PA, (Jan 1991):

Partovi, F. Y., A Knowledge-based Decision Support System for Project Management, DSI: San Diego, CA, (Jan 1990):

Partovi, F. Y., Strategic Capital Resource Allocation in Hospitals, ORSA/TIMS Joint Meeting: Philadelphia, PA, (Jan 1990):

Partovi, F. Y., An AHP Approach to Facility Layout, ORSA/TIMS Joint National Meeting: New York, New York, (Jan 1990):

Partovi, F. Y., Strategic Dimensions of Resource Allocations in Hospitals, DSI: San Diego, California, (Jan 1990):

Partovi, F. Y., Timing of Monitoring and Control of CPM Projects, NEDSI Conference: Saratoga Springs, NY, (Jan 1990):

Partovi, F. Y., Selecting the Preventive Maintenance Intervals: An AHP Approach, POM-90 First Annual Meeting: Washington, (Jan 1990):

Partovi, F. Y., Analysis of Alternative Scheduling Policies in a Dynamic Job Shop, NEDSI Conference: Saratoga Springs, NY, (Jan 1990):

Partovi, F. Y., Strategic Choice of Equipment in Health Care Organizations, CORS/TIMS/ORSA Conference: Vancouver, Canada, (Jan 1989):

Partovi, F. Y., An Approach for Using Expert Systems in Line Balancing, DSI: New Orleans, LA, (Jan 1989):

Partovi, F. Y., An Experimental Study of Computer Support System for Strategic Choice of Technology, NEDSI Conference: Baltimore, Maryland, (Jan 1989):

Partovi, F. Y., Implementing Strategic Manufacturing Decisions, Conference on Manufacturing Management in the Nineties: The University of Toledo, (Jan 1989):


Fang, Jin, and Partovi, F. Y., Technology Planning in the Hospitality Industry, SEDSI 2022 Conference Feb 2022. (Feb 2022):

Fang, Jin, and Partovi, F. Y., Criteria determination of Analytic hierarchy process using a topic model, NEDSI 2020 Conference May 2020. (May 2020):

Fang, Jin, and Partovi, F. Y., A HITS-based Model for Facility Location Decision, NEDSI 2019 Conference Feb 2019. (Feb 2019):

Salmani, Yasamin S., Partovi, F. Y., and Banerjee, A., Resource Allocation Decisions in Improving Multiple Marketing Channers, NEDSI 2018 Conference Apr 2018. (Apr 2018):

Salmani, Yasamin S., and Partovi, F. Y., Evaluating the quality of life measurements in the U.S. metro areas regarding socioeconomic changes, DSI 2017 Annual Conference Nov 2017. (Nov 2017):

Partovi, F. Y., Supplier Selection Strategically, Decision Science Institute Jul 2010. DSI Annual Conference (Nov 2010):

Partovi, F. Y., Choosing a Partner Highschool Using Data Envelopment Analysis, Decision Sciences Institute Annual Conference Jul 2009. (Oct 2009):

Partovi, F. Y., Integrating Qulality Management and Supply Chain, 20th Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society 2009 Jan 2008. (May 2009):

Partovi, F. Y., Are Higher Salaries in NBA Correlatres with a Better Playoff Seed?, Northeast Decision Sciences Institute 2009 Feb 2009. (Apr 2009):

Partovi, F. Y., and Liu, Xiangrong, A Collaborative Contract to Maintain Long-term Relationship and Quality Improvement in Supply Chain, The Fourth IEEE Conference on Service Systems and Service Management Feb 2007. (Jul 2007):

Partovi, F. Y., and Mokhashi, K, Maximizing Customer Lifetime Value from an Operations Perspective, Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Mar 2007. (Mar 2007):

Partovi, F. Y., Enhancing the Sales Process for a Leading Wealth Management Firm, Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Mar 2007. (Mar 2007):

Partovi, F. Y., Using Quality Function Deployment in Strategic Capital Budgeting Decisions, Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Mar 2007. (Mar 2007):

Partovi, F. Y., and Liu, Xiangrong, DEA Models for Selection and Negotiation of Purchasing Bids Coordinating Between Suppliers and Buyer, Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Mar 2007. (Mar 2007):

Partovi, F. Y., Human Resource Planning using Quality Function Deployment, Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Apr 2006. (Apr 2006):

Partovi, F. Y., Capital Investment Strategies in Health Care System, Decision Sciences Annual Conference Nov 2005. (Nov 2005):

Partovi, F. Y., The Role of Manufacturing Leadership in Pursuit of Competition Priorities, Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Apr 2005. (Apr 2005):

Partovi, F. Y., Capital Resource Allocation in Hospitals, Decision Sciences Institute Nov 00-1. (Nov 2004):


Integrated Performance Based Design for Sustainable Cities of the 21st Century (National Science Foundation (NSF)) $15,750,000 May 2007.


2020 Best Application of theory award with Jin Fang (Northeast Decision Science Institute )
2020 Best PhD Student Paper Award with Jin Fang (Northeast Decision Sciences Institute)
2019 Best PhD Student Paper Award with Jin Fang (Northeast Decision Sciences Institute)
2019 Best Application of Theory Award with Jin Fang (Northeast Decision Sciences Institute)
2019 Regional Best Paper Award Finalist with Jin Fang (Decision Sciences Institute)
2017 Best Paper Award with Salmani (Northeast Decision Science Institute )
2007 Outstanding Online Instructor (Drexel University)
2007 Research Fellow (LeBow College of Business)
2007 Runner-up for best theoretical paper (Northeast Decision Sciences Institute)
2007 Excellence in Teaching Award DuPont MBA Cohot VI (LeBow College of Business)
2004 Best Paper Award (North East Decision Science Institute)
2003 Excelling in Research Award (LeBow College of Business)
2002 Best Paper Award (Northeast Region of the Decision Sciences Institute)
1995 Award for best Paper published in International Journal of Operations and Production Management (MCB University Press)
1993 Best Paper Award (North East Decision Science Institute)
1991 Research Scholar Award (Drexel University)


International Journal of Strategic Decision – Associate Editor (2017–Present)
North East Decision Science Institute – Advisory Board Member (2017–Present)