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Skyler Logsdon Wins ALPFA Cares Scholarship

October 17, 2013

He has done it again! Skyler Logsdon, a LeBow senior majoring in entrepreneurship, has won the ALPFA Cares 20k Annual Scholarship sponsored by Boeing and KPMG. The ALPFA Foundation is an organization that awards scholarships to Lat American students studying finance and accounting with financial need.

Originally from Ojai, a small town in California, Skyler chose Drexel because he wanted to experience a big school in a big city. “I really wanted to challenge myself and get out of my comfort zone, and see if I can be something of magnitude in a big market like Philadelphia,” he says. He is also excited about the “direction and vision of Drexel University,” and the new Gerri C. LeBow Hall also added to his interest in the university.

Skyler transferred to Drexel his sophomore year from community college, crediting Ian Sladen, former assistant dean of undergraduate programs at LeBow, for guiding him along the way. “Ian was a huge reason why I transferred here. When I applied to Drexel, Ian got his hands on to my application letter, and he really liked my story. He called me and told me he is going to do whatever it takes to get me to Drexel and become an alum of LeBow College of Business.” Skyler also said that he and Sladen spoke weekly. “He really made transferring to Drexel the right decision for me. It was a no-brainer. All I had to do was pack my bags and head east.”

Like many LeBow students, Skyler is making the most of his college experience. He is currently working on his start-up company, creating a system for hair salons and barber shops to easily manage their records. The idea came to him while getting his hair cut. “Each time I got my hair cut I noticed how inefficient barbers and salons logistics and operations were. Barbers never remembered what I got, they never remember what we spoke about on my last visit, and it was mind-boggling to me that they still track their revenue by a notebook and do their scheduling on a calendar.” Like any good entrepreneur, Skyler began conducting research, asking barbers and hair stylists if they needed help in tracking customers. “I asked them, ‘What if there was a mobile platform, which allowed independent service business owners, like you, to manage your clientele information, scheduling, revenue, analytics?’” The feedback was overwhelmingly positive. “Ninety percent of the barbers/hairstylists I spoke with loved the idea, and said they would absolutely utilize the platform. So I brought on one of Drexel’s top developers, Ethan Keiser, and we began coding.”

After graduation, Skyler plans to head back west to Los Angeles. In addition to working on his start-up, he hopes to begin his career with either a top sports entertainment company such as FOX Sports, ESPN or the NFL Network, or a business consulting group such as Bain, IMG, or CAA.

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