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How to Install EndNote

The best reference management tool is getting even better. EndNote and the all-new EndNote Web help you manage and format citations like never before.

With EndNote you stay organized using features like tags that enhance productivity. You can enjoy peace of mind with data restoration functions that protect your work. Additionally, EndNote improves your writing workflow with integrated citation tools for Google Docs.

Drexel-Owned Computers

Windows Users

  1. Open the Windows menu.
  2. Select Microsoft System Center.
  3. Launch Software Center.
  4. Select Applications from the menu on the left.
  5. Select the installer for EndNote.
  6. Select Install.

macOS Users

  1. Browse to Applications.
  2. Launch Self Service.
  3. Sign on using your Drexel credentials.
  4. Select Applications from the menu on the left.
  5. Locate the installer for EndNote.
  6. Select Install.

Personal Computers

Virtual Computer Lab Access

EndNote is available to all Drexel faculty, PhDs and students in the Drexel Virtual Computer Lab.

Local Installation

Drexel University IT provides local installs of EndNote free of charge to all Drexel students via OnTheHub.