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How to Install NVivo

Unlock Insights with Qualitative Data Analysis Software

Discover more from your qualitative and mixed methods data with NVivo, the leading qualitative data analysis solution. With NVivo, you can ask complex questions of your data to identify themes and draw conclusions, employ advanced data management and visualization tools to uncover richer insights, and produce clearly articulated, defensible findings backed by rigorous evidence – all on one collaborative platform.

Drexel-Owned Computers

Windows Users

  1. Open the Windows menu.
  2. Select Microsoft System Center.
  3. Launch Software Center.
  4. Select Applications from the menu on the left.
  5. Select the installer for NVivo.
  6. Select Install.

macOS Users

  1. Browse to Applications.
  2. Launch Self Service.
  3. Sign on using your Drexel credentials.
  4. Select Applications from the menu on the left.
  5. Locate the installer for NVivo.
  6. Select Install.

Personal Computers

Virtual Computer Lab Access

NVIvo is available in the Drexel Virtual Computer Lab.

Local Installation

Drexel University IT provides local installs of NVivo free of charge to all Drexel students via OnTheHub.