At LeBow, course evaluations typically open during Week 8 and remain open until Finals Week. Course evaluations give students a chance to share feedback on their courses and instructors, and in doing so, help LeBow improve as an institution.
Below is the standard set of questions that students are asked about each LeBow course at the end of the term. Each question is rated from 1 (lowest) to 4 (highest). Students also have the opportunity to provide additional open-ended comments or feedback on the instructor or the course.
*Question 10 in the standard set is used as the overall course evaluation score, so it carries the most weight.
Standard set of 10 questions asked for all LeBow courses (online or face-to-face):
- There was an agreement between the syllabus and what was actually taught
- Instructor used class time well
- Instructor was well prepared for each class
- Instructor was readily available for consultation with students
- I felt free to ask questions in class
- Instructor raised challenging questions for discussion
- Instructor’s lectures were clearly presented and understandable
- Exams fairly reflected material that was covered in the course
- Instructor graded fairly
- Overall, the instructor’s teaching was effective*
Students in online courses are also asked the following 9 questions in addition to the standard set:
- The instructor provided timely and constructive feedback.
- The instructor did a good job of facilitating and moderating on-line discussions.
- The course was organized and structured in a manner that was conducive to learning.
- Objectives for the course were clearly defined.
- The instructor effectively made use of the online environment and tools for learning.
- How many hours per week did you spend on the course? (choices: <3, 3-6, 6-9, 9-12, >12)
- Compared to a traditional face-to-face course, this online course requires. (choices: higher, same, smaller, don’t know)
- Compared to face-to-face classes, the intellectual rigor of this online course is: (choices: greater, same, less, don’t know)
- Technology support for this course was: (choices: outstanding, very good, below average, don’t know)
If you have any questions about how to prepare for upcoming course evaluations, or how to leverage student feedback to improve your course in the future, please contact the LeBow Instructional Tech Team (