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Locating Zoom Records Made Before 6-1-2021

On July 1, 2021, Drexel IT finalized it’s plan to streamline the Zoom recording process by imposing an 18 week (126 day) limit on the storage of all Zoom recordings within Zoom itself. From June 1, 2021 on, all recordings are automatically imported into Drexel Streams where there is no storage limit. Recordings older than June 1, 2021 were migrated to OneDrive for long-term storage. Those recordings can be located by following the steps below.

Method 1: Using the OneDrive Application (preferred)

Windows 10

  1. Launch File Explorer.
  2. Browse to OneDrive - Drexel University.
  3. Browse to the Zoom Recordings folder.


  1. From Finder, open the Go menu.
  2. Select Computer.
  3. From the left sidebar, select OneDrive - Drexel University.
  4. Browse to the Zoom Recordings folder.

Method 2: Using the OneDrive Website

  1. Browse to
  2. Select the OneDrive tile on the left.
  3. Select Zoom Recordings.

Locating a Specific Recording

All recordings migrated to OneDrive were placed in spearate folders with titles that include the date, time and name of the meeting during which they were recorded. From the Zoom Recordings folder, simply browse to the folder representing the recordin you are interested in.

Have Questions?

Albert Riess, III

Executive Director of Technology

(215) 895-6393

Gerri C. LeBow Hall 570