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Business and Engineering Degree Salary & Career Opportunities

A degree in business and engineering will prepare you for a wide range of careers.

The business and engineering program is an innovative approach to combining many aspects of ingenuity and technology, preparing you for more than just business and engineering jobs. Earning a degree in these disciplines supplies you with a set of skills that will prepare you for a variety of career types, including careers in technology-driven organizations in industries such as pharmaceuticals and aerospace engineering.

What Type of Skills Will You Gain From a Business and Engineering Degree?

The business and engineering degree provides training in functional business areas such as accounting, economics, finance, information systems, law, marketing, organizational behavior, operations and statistics. After completing a firm foundation in science and mathematics, the degree focuses on in-depth study of operations, technology innovation management and other functional business areas.

An example of the skills that business and engineering provides includes:

  • Producing clear, robust and efficient code
  • Conceptualizing and designing computational algorithms
  • Customer analytics
  • Identifying, building and commercializing technological innovations
  • Budgeting, product costing and analysis of financial statements
  • Developing models of dynamic systems
  • Using MATLAB for solution of contemporary engineering problems

Career Growth Opportunities for Business and Engineering Majors

Companies that succeed by bringing innovations to market need employees who can understand technology and business. A degree in business and engineering provides a cross-disciplinary skill set that bridges the gap between these two areas that often have a difficult time communicating.

What is the Average Salary for a Business and Engineering Major?

LeBow students who graduated with an undergraduate degree in business and engineering in 2021-2022 had an average starting salary of $77,000.

What Can You Do with a Degree in Business and Engineering?

There are a multitude of jobs available to someone with a business and engineering degree. The skills this degree focuses on prepares you for a wide range of jobs in many different career fields.

Common Job Titles for Undergraduate Business and Engineering Graduates

  • Business Analyst
  • Consulting Analyst
  • Engineer
  • Management Consultant
  • Manager
  • Project Manager

Innovative Industries in Business and Engineering

  • Corporations
  • Consulting
  • Engineering
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Technology

Top Job Landings for Recent Drexel Business and Engineering Graduates

Recent Drexel LeBow business and engineering majors have landed jobs at the following companies:

  • Accenture
  • Aimco
  • Amtrak
  • Bancroft Construction
  • The Boeing Company
  • Comcast
  • Goldman Sachs
  • IBM
  • Lockheed Martin
  • Microsoft
  • Morgan Stanley
  • Pfizer
  • Rockefeller & Co.
  • SpaceX
  • UTC Aerospace Systems
  • West-Ward Pharmaceuticals

Professional Organizations for Business and Engineering Graduates and Current Students

Continuing Education Opportunities for Business and Engineering Degree Graduates

Many students also choose to continue their studies in graduate schools, pursuing such degrees as:

Recent Drexel LeBow business and engineering alumni have gone on to pursue advanced degrees in the following programs:

  • Harvard University Business School (MBA)
  • New York University (MS in Individualized and Interdisciplinary Study)

Connect with Us

Jaylynn Dixon

Career Services Advisor

(215) 895-1662

Gerri C. LeBow Hall 331