Deputy Director for Development Services
City of Philadelphia

John Mondlak is the deputy director for development services in the City of Philadelphia’s Department of Planning and Development.
Development Services works with developers, government, and institutions to facilitate the approval process for real estate development. At any time, Development Services is assisting several dozen firms with their development plans while tracking several hundred projects working their way through the system.
John managed the Development Services Program in the Department of Commerce for five years. Before that he worked for 11 years in the City Solicitor’s Office. As divisional deputy city solicitor for real estate & economic development he regularly represented the Departments of Commerce, Public Property, Streets, and Records. He has also represented the Philadelphia City Planning Commission, the Art Commission, and other departments, boards and commissions.
John has taught as an adjunct professor at Peirce College in the areas of real estate, intellectual property, research and writing. Prior to joining the City, he practiced civil litigation in Philadelphia.