Kaniska Dam, PhD, Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE)
This event is part of the Economics Seminar Series series.
Registration Option:
Please email Kostas Serfes, PhD, at ks346@drexel.edu for the Zoom link.
Selected publications from Kaniska Dam, PhD:
Kaniska Dam and Konstantinos Serfes (2021), A price theory of vertical and lateral integration under productivity heterogeneity, The Journal of Industrial Economics, 69:751–784.
Kaniska Dam and Prabal Roy Chowdhury (2021), Monitoring and incentives under multiple-bank lending: The role of collusive threats, Journal of Economic Theory, 197.
Kaniska Dam and Alejandro Robinson-Cortés (2020), Executive compensation and competitive pressure in the product market: How does firm entry shape managerial incentives?, Mathematical Social Sciences, 106: 60–77.