Judith Clair, PhD, Boston College
This event is part of the Management Seminar Series series.
Gerri C. LeBow HallGHall 406
3220 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104
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Selected Publications
“Hope cultures in organizations: Tackling the grand challenge of commercial sexual exploitation.” (With Sawyer, K.) Administrative Science Quarterly, 67 (2), 1–50. October, 2021.
“A feminist perspective on conducting personally relevant research: Working mothers studying pregnancy and motherhood at work.” (With Greenberg, D. and Ladge, J.J.) Academy of Management Perspective, 35, 400–417. April, 2019.
“How help during pregnancy can undermine self‐efficacy and increase postpartum intentions to quit.” (With Jones, K.P. King, E.B., Humberd, B.K. & Arena, D.F.) Personnel Psychology, 73 (3), 431–458. 2020.