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  • Past Event.
Feb 7

David Solomon, PhD, Carroll School of Management, Boston College

This event is part of the Finance Seminar Series series.

Delivery Method: In Person
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Gerri C. LeBow Hall
3220 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104

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David Solomon is a professor in the Seidner Department of Finance. His research focuses on behavioral finance, looking at the intersection of psychology and financial markets. He is interested in the mechanics of how information gets incorporated into asset prices, including aspects such as the effects of media coverage and private meetings between firms and investors. He is also interested in the psychology of how investors evaluate their portfolio performance and the impact this has on prices and trades. This includes questions of how to account for gains and losses, how to evaluate dividend payments and the role of mental accounting and cognitive dissonance in driving behavior.

Selected Publications

“Rolling Mental Accounts.” (With Samuel M. Hartzmark, and Cary Frydma.) Review of Financial Studies, 31 (1), 362-397. January, 2018.

“Being Surprised by the Unsurprising: Earnings Seasonality and Stock Returns.” (With Tom Y. Chang, Samuel M. Hartzmark, and Eugene F. Soltes.) Review of Financial Studies, 30 (1), 281-323. January, 2017.

“Looking for Someone to Blame: Delegation, Cognitive Dissonance and the Disposition Effect.” (With Tom Y. Chang and Mark M. Westerfield.) Journal of Finance, 71 (1), 267-302. February, 2016.

David Solomon, PhD

Finance Professor



Have Questions?

Chuck Fang, PhD

(215) 571-4595

Gerri C. LeBow Hall 1125