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ACCT Info Session Presentation

March 04, 2010

New CPA Requirements for PA and LeBow’s new Masters Degree in Accounting - Info session presentation

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LeBow’s MS in accounting students had a pass rate of 78.3 percent on the NASBA 2014 CPA exam – the second highest in the state of Pennsylvania.

LeBow has launched a revised STEM-designated MS in Accounting degree, tailored for where the profession has evolved to and where it continues to evolve.

It has been an eventful year for the Department of Accounting & Taxation. Our faculty and students continue to make significant contributions to LeBow College of Business. We are able to attract high quality students to both undergraduate and graduate accounting programs, supporting them with high-energy, tenure track faculty, motivated clinical and adjunct faculty, and our excellent committed departmental manager. Everyone is committed to improvements in accounting education for our students.