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David Kurz and Tristan Potter Address the Fallout of COVID-19


April 08, 2020

Two LeBow professors offered their expertise on the global economic and financial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Associate Clinical Professor of Management David Kurz, EdD, and Assistant Professor of Economics Tristan Potter, PhD, each shared expert insights on KYW In Depth, a news podcast produced by Philadelphia’s KYW radio station and hosted by Matt Leon.

In his April 1 interview, Kurz explained the basics of supply chains and how the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic might change how we design and support them in the future.

“We all hope this is a unique event,” Kurz said in his interview. “Demand forecasting is a really key part of the supply chain function, and our models don’t take into account dramatic disruptions like this.”

Potter’s April 3 interview drew on his research on the Great Recession of 2008 and the ensuing recovery to identify some lessons for the current crisis. He notes that the level of unemployment claims seen in recent weeks are “historically unprecedented.”

“I think we can expect to see the unemployment rate go up in coming months,” Potter said in his interview. “People are expecting to see it go up to 10 percent in May, and it’s possible it could approach the numbers from the Great Depression.”

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Associate Clinical Professor, Management

Landscape shot of Tristan Potter, PhD Associate Professor of Economics sitting in chair in front of window

Associate Professor, Economics

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