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Dean’s Advisory Board Elects New Members


December 05, 2016

Three new members joined the Dean’s Advisory Board during their fall 2016t meeting: Charles Bancroft ’82, chief financial officer and head of global business operations for Bristol-Myers Squibb, Elaine Goldwater MBA ’04, director of global marketing for anti-infectives at Merck & Co. Inc., and Kristen Knouft ’93, managing director with Accenture.

Thirteen current members were elected to serve for additional three-year terms: Beth Arnholt MBA ’02, vice president, integrated talent management, Comcast Corporation; Mary Caraccioli MBA ’08, chief of public relations and media strategy, Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts; Hugh Chairnoff ’61, managing partner, SevenOaks Capital Associates, LLC; Bruce Fischer ’77, MBA ’83, retired senior vice president, strategy and portfolio, Sunoco Chemicals, Sunoco, Inc.; Sean Gallagher ’93, partner, head of US Value Equity team and chief investment officer, Goldman Sachs; Phil Garfinkle ’83, managing partner, Planet Cotton; Mark McAdoo ’87, CEO, HealthQx, LLC; Pat McGonigal ’86, venture capital and private equity investor; Drew Milstein ’82, director, Susquehanna International Group, LLP; Paul Moul ’71, managing consultant, P. Moul & Associates; David Penn ’82, senior vice president/wealth management, Janney Montgomery Scott; Stan Silverman ’69, MBA ’74, former president and CEO, PQ Corporation; and Mike Williams ’80, MBA ’83, chairman and CEO, Prospect Holding Co., LLC.

The fall Dean’s Advisory Board meeting was held in conjunction with LeBow Advisory Board and Councils Day in November. Eighty members from the college’s 10 advisory boards and councils attended the event. Drexel University President John Fry, Provost and Executive Vice President Brian Blake and LeBow College of Business Dean Frank Linnehan addressed the guests. Russ Kliman, strategic programs and innovation at SEI, discussed his company’s corporate partnership with the college.

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