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A Dragon on Horseback


October 28, 2014

When writing their packing lists, few incoming Drexel freshmen need to consider their horse in the items they bring along. But when you began riding in equestrian competitions at the age of 13 like Andres Bisono, it’s hard to leave your companion and passion behind. Andres flew Sting, his competition horse, from the Dominican Republic and rode in competitions up and down the East Coast during his first year at Drexel. Ultimately, he decided that his dual majors in mechanical engineering and finance left no time for riding, but he hopes to get back to it eventually.

Growing up in the Dominican Republic, Andres initially became interested in Drexel when he learned about the opportunities available through co-op and the strength of the University’s engineering program. His interest in engineering had begun at an early age as he watched bottles of Presidente beer being filled at the manufacturing plant where his mother was the operation manager. The efficiency of the process appealed to Andres and planted the seeds of an early interest in mechanization and design.

During his childhood in Santo Domingo, Andres also had the opportunity to witness a machine of a different kind – the Dominican Republic’s political machine. His father is a three-term member of the Chamber of Deputies, the lower house of the National Congress. While he has no immediate plans to go into politics, witnessing his father’s contributions to his country, social responsibility and concern for others has led him to believe in keeping his options open.

Andres added a major in finance to increase flexibility in his career path. When he graduates next year, he hopes to find work in mechanical engineering, but believes that his finance degree will give him a greater ability to contribute to his future employer’s growth and a more flexible career path.

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