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Drexel DECA Hosts First Conference

May 10, 2016

On February 13, 2016, Drexel DECA hosted their first Mid-Atlantic Collegiate DECA conference, welcoming students from neighboring universities including the University of Pennsylvania, the University of Delaware, and Rowan University. Those who came out had the opportunity to compete in events from different concentrations involving corporate finance and retail merchandising, among others.

DECA is a business organization that started with its roots in marketing, but has since expanded to encompass many different areas of business. It now incorporates entrepreneurship, finance and accounting, hospitality and tourism, and communications, among others. Internationally, the club has over 265,000 members and continues to grow, especially here at Drexel.

This conference was unique for Drexel DECA because it united high school and collegiate DECA members. The Pennsylvania DECA state officer team aided in administering tests, running role-plays and presenting workshops. The officer team presented a workshop for attendees called “Your Network is your Net-Worth,” during which they reinforced basic networking skills in a hands-on and interactive way.

The conference was very successful thanks to the collaborative support from the Pennsylvania state officer team, the Drexel DECA chapter, the club’s advisor, Kyle Norton, and everyone who participated!

If you are interested in learning more about Drexel DECA, you can contact the organization at

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