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PA Women's Conference

Drexel LeBow Sponsors Pennsylvania Conference for Women

October 16, 2018

For the fifth year in a row, Drexel University’s LeBow College of Business sponsored the Pennsylvania Conference for Women, held Oct. 12 at the Pennsylvania Convention Center. LeBow’s Career Pavilion featured rich content provided by LeBow College of Business, as well as our alumni and partners.

We also held a VIP breakfast session titled “Strategic Alliances: Leveraging Universities to Solve Today’s Business Problems.” Anna Koulas, executive director of the Drexel Business Solutions Institute, which is housed at LeBow, moderated an interactive panel on how to create strategic academic partnerships that can benefit industry.

Panelists included Sara Bakes, senior director business technology at Pfizer; Amy Ellixson, VP of finance, medical device supply chain at Johnson & Johnson; and Crystal Hardie Langston, chief learning officer and head of leadership development programs at Vanguard.

The panelists spoke about starting new partnerships with academia, how successful alliances can solve today’s business problems, and they shared anecdotal success stories.

LeBow’s Raquel Arredondo, associate director of outreach, engagement and professional development, served as a breakout session panelist for a session titled “Get UnStuck: Navigating a Career Transition (POE).”

In the Career Pavilion, LeBow-led content included a session by Arredondo titled “#BossTalk: Networking Up,” which offered strategies for those working on overcoming fears about networking and beginning to develop a professional network.

Arredondo also moderated a panel discussion about “Women in Leadership” featuring alumnae Anastasia Bottos, Tamara Lashchyk and Gail Onorato, who offered strategies on how to identify a mentor or sponsor, as well as how to position yourself as an ideal mentee.

LeBow’s Carmita Champ, director of graduate admissions, served as the moderator for a panel on what a graduate degree can do for you. LeBow MBA and MS alumnae panelists included Karimah S. Bell Lynum, Brittany Jean-Baptiste, Tisha Vincent and Colleen Kirk Yurkanin. The panelists spoke about why they made the decision to earn a graduate degree, the gender-related challenges they’ve faced while moving up in their careers, and finding work-life balance.

Lisa DeLuca, director of undergraduate career services, presented a session on “Best Practices in Resume Writing.” DeLuca recently earned her Certified Professional Resume Writing designation.

Lori Miceli and Noor Jemy hosted an interactive workshop for high school attendees titled “Shine Bright: Set Yourself Apart,” which focused on building confidence and providing insights on how to distinguish yourself from other candidates when applying to college, jobs, even volunteer opportunities.

LeBow also hosted an information booth in the exhibition space to inform attendees about our programs, Corporate and Executive Education offerings and the benefits of partnering with LeBow.

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