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LeBow College: At Your Service

June 18, 2008

As a student, Drexel’s LeBow College of Business led you from the classroom onto the first few rungs of the corporate ladder — or perhaps inspired you to start out on your own. As an alumnus/a, LeBow College remains at your service with many resources to add to your career toolkit including professional development, human capital, facilities and knowledge on demand; membership does have its privileges.

Alumni Council Newsletter Subcommittee Chair Chuck Sacco did not have to look far when searching for a new location for his company PhindMe, a provider of mobile-marketing solutions. He and business partner Doug Bellenger, COO of PhindMe, have relocated in LeBow’s Laurence A. Baiada Center for Entrepreneurship in Technology.

“Combining PhindMe’s recent debut with the power of the Baiada Center, this is a perfect place for us to rapidly take our business from launch to nationwide success,” said Bellenger.

Resources such as the Baiada Center make it easy for alumni to re-engage with LeBow College. Additionally, LeBow also offers professional development resources through its MBA Career Services office to enable alumni to strengthen their leadership skills.

“When I meet with students and alumni to coach them about how to manage their careers, I often hear, ‘How can I gain leadership skills in my current position?’” says Kay Ford, senior director of MBA Career Services. “They see their paths forward (i.e., upward) as stalled because they need to develop leadership skills within a set of responsibilities that doesn’t offer them.”

To recharge your career, MBA Career Services will assist you in developing an action plan and setting attainable goals through a performance review. If your company does not offer stretch or development assignments, MBACS recommends learning those skills outside of your current position, such as volunteering for a favorite not-for-profit.

And MBACS is always seeking volunteer mentors for current students and alumni. The mentors spend about an hour a month with a student or alumnus/a so the time commitment is doable for most working people. If you are interested, please call 215.895.6300.

To learn more about these resources, visit

Career Services for Alumni

Whether you are looking to expand your network, enrich your career progression or are an active job seeker, LeBow College of Business offers valuable development tools to our alumni.

Talent Acquisition
Hire a talented LeBow College of Business co-op student or a graduating BS or MBA student. Our Career Services Office offers employers interested in hiring LeBow students or graduates a number of personalized services, including:

  • Prescreening applicants
  • Scheduling interviews
  • Arranging space for on-campus interviews
  • Posting positions on our job bulletin board
  • Access to EmployOn, our newest tool that matches employers and students

Corporate and Executive Education
LeBow College’s Corporate and Executive Education programs provide corporate learners - both companies and individuals - with a unique, unparalleled learning experience, giving them a distinct competitive advantage.

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