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LeBow Receives Global Recognition for Social Impact and Sustainability Achievements


June 14, 2023

Drexel LeBow received recognition for its social impact and sustainability achievements by the Positive Impact Rating (PIR), a Swiss association that governs the rating and is globally regarded for its assessment of business schools’ social and environmental impact. The PIR results were unveiled on June 14, at the UN PRME Global Forum where LeBow achieved Level 4, the second-highest level in the Positive Impact Rating 2023 Report, “Accelerating the societal impact of business school.” LeBow stood out amongst 69 business schools from 25 countries.

The PIR is a rating conducted by students and for students. For the fourth time — but the first time LeBow has participated — students worldwide assessed their business schools on how they perceive their positive impact on the world. LeBow’s data collection was organized by undergraduate students Sam Gedeon, ’24 BS Behavioral Economics, Business and Organizations; Angelina Scavitto, ’25 BSBA Finance and Business Analytics; Samuel Vaughan, ’24 BSBA Business and Engineering; Meelan Dullabh, ’23 BSBA Business Analytics and Marketing; and graduate student Purvi Panchal, ’24 MS Business Analytics; and overseen by Sarah Haley, director of academic data management and analysis.

“LeBow receiving Level 4 recognition proves that the effort the College makes to provide an education that prepares their students for post-graduation does not go unnoticed,” said Gedeon. “Throughout my time at the College, I have appreciated how LeBow addresses and adapts to current social and environmental issues, integrating them throughout the College and our education.”

The positive impact of business schools goes beyond their contribution to business and the economy; it also addresses the need for a positive societal impact. The PIR gives students a platform to assess the positive impact of their schools, providing a unique opportunity for their voice to be heard and is the only rating worldwide in which students assess their business schools’ positive impact.

“As the world of business evolves, LeBow ensures that its students are adapting to it. Addressing the need for a positive societal impact provides the students with the skills and knowledge as they encounter issues around topics such as sustainability, diversity, equity and inclusion, and more,” added Gedeon.

Over four editions, the PIR continues to bring business schools and students together in cooperation for responsible management education, aligning with and supporting the UN Global Compact and PRME principles.

“It is indeed a proud moment for LeBow to have attained this global recognition based on our students’ feedback. It means they see and acknowledge our commitment toward positive societal impact,” said Vibhas Madan, PhD, dean and R. John Chapel Jr. Dean’s Chair. “By embracing sustainability measures and fostering thoughtful change, we will continue as a college to progress in significant ways.”

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Mentioned in this Story
Headshot of Vibhas Madan

Dean; R. John Chapel, Jr. Dean's Chair, Professor, Economics

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Director, Academic Data Management and Analysis, Dean's Office

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