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LeBow’s Graduate Admissions More Selective for 2012

October 10, 2012

A much larger pool of applicants allowed Drexel LeBow to increase our selectivity for graduate programs beginning in fall 2012. The new academic year also brings a slightly larger number of new graduate students overall.

The pool of completed applications for graduate admissions increased a whopping 19 percent for fall 2012. Enrollment for all graduate students is up from 308 to 318 for fall 2012, an increase of three percent.

The program with the most growth is LeBow’s M.S. in Accounting program, which saw enrollment increase by 73 percent. Drexel LeBow now offers two delivery options for M.S. in Accounting students: a one-year option for students with an undergraduate degree in accounting and a two-year option for students that do not already have an accounting degree.

Ron Nordone, assistant dean for graduate programs, attributes the growing number of applicants to the quality of LeBow’s programs. “We’re proud to be able to say that Drexel LeBow continues to increase in stature every year. The experiential aspects of our programs and our thorough curricula produce highly qualified graduates, and we are delighted that more and more students want to come here to earn their graduate credentials.”

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