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Market Street Gets Schooled

April 24, 2014

We experienced a bit of experiential learning ourselves recently when Market Street magazine became a client in Ronnie Gao’s undergraduate marketing research class. And boy, did those students teach us a thing or two!

The class dove in headfirst during winter term to analyze how well our magazine is received and what we might do to improve the experience for readers.

Only 10 weeks later, they emerged with findings that reassured us and a plethora of recommendations that will challenge us to get even better.

The reassuring part? You like us. You especially like our artsy covers, our features profiling successful alums and the “In My Own Words” essays written by our exceptional students. When we launched Market Street in 2011, we set out to inform, entertain and engage. We wanted to embrace and convey Drexel LeBow’s distinctive personality and strengthen its sense of community. Through online surveys and focus groups, the students have determined that you think we are succeeding.

The recommendations? You want to learn more about opportunities for engagement and campus events; you want to read more articles about local businesses; and you want more expansive text on the cover for a stronger sense of what’s inside.

You also want to see more diversity in our advertising. So far, we don’t sell advertising space; we use it to promote our MBA and other programs. We’re now thinking of turning that last suggestion into revenue that will put a little dent into our printing bill.

They also recommended we promote the magazine more vigorously among the student population. And make the website more accessible (“We couldn’t find it!”). We plan to elevate it into a truly online magazine soon (

We even learned that some of you are calling for an app to access a digital version. We’re investigating that, too.

Not bad for a bunch of undergraduates who knew little about marketing research, surveys or focus groups – and even less about alumni magazines – when their 10-week class started.

I want to thank Ron and his students, as well as all of the alums whose participation in the focus groups and surveys made the project possible (especially Bill Faust ’72).

Remember, if you have an enterprise that could use some high-quality, low- or no-cost consulting with a fast turnaround, you can’t do better than the students at Drexel LeBow (contact Liz Pelberg-Schariter at 215.895.1750).

And if you have feedback on this – or any – issue of Market Street, please don’t hesitate to contact me at

This magazine is, and always will be, a work-in-progress.

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