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Students Participate in KPMG Business Ethics Case Competition

April 15, 2013

LeBow students participated in the KPMG Intercollegiate Business Case Competition, sponsored in part by the Arrupe Center for Business Ethics at the Haub School of Business at St. Joseph's University.

The case study competition presented accounting students with the challenge of solving real-world accounting issues in a formal and competitive environment. Additionally, it provided students with the opportunity to better understand the demands and rewards of the accounting profession. In addition to Drexel LeBow, the regional schools that competed include Saint Joe's, the University of Delaware, LaSalle, Temple and Villanova.  

Students had three hours to review a case and prepare a solution to be presented to a panel of judges from KPMG. The presentation to the judges had a 20-minute time limit with an additional 10 minutes reserved for a question-and-answer period between the judges and the presenting team.  

The Drexel University team included of Trang Do, George Peart, Jin Lee and Max Newman.

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