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StudyTree Wins at Microsoft Imagine Cup U.S. Finals


May 12, 2015

Robyn Freedman, a senior marketing and finance major at LeBow, and her StudyTree app teammates won first place and $4,000 in the Innovation category of the Microsoft Imagine Cup U.S. Finals. The win advances StudyTree to the World Semi-Finals, an online competition that includes the winners of the other two competitive categories – World Citizenship and Games.

The winners of the semi-final round, to be announced the first week of June, will present at the World Finals in Seattle. There they will compete for a $50,000 prize and a chance to meet and consult with Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft.

While they’re confident in their chances to advance, and extremely proud that all of their hard work paid off with a victory, Robyn notes that just attending the Imagine Cup was an invaluable opportunity to learn and grow. “The judges and Microsoft supporters in attendance were motivational and extremely beneficial through their feedback and guidance. After presenting, we were just excited to get to the results and support all of our new friends as they presented.”

StudyTree’s pitch, where they explain their peer-to-peer tutoring app, can be seen in the Microsoft Imagine Cup recap video.

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