Associate Clinical Professor
Sport Business

Jeffrey Levine, JD, PhD, is an Associate Clinical Professor of Sport Business at Drexel University’s LeBow College of Business, leading LeBow’s Esport Business undergraduate program and serving as a member of LeBow’s DEI Action Group. A recognized expert in environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues, Levine’s interdisciplinary research explores the convergence of sustainability, social development and law in the sport and esport industries. His scholarship has been published in premier journals such as the Journal of Legal Aspects of Sport, the Harvard Journal of Sports and Entertainment Law, and Sport in Society, among others. As Past President of the Sport and Recreation Law Association, Academic Editor of Esports and the Law, member of the Sport Ecology Group, and a recipient of the ERASMUS+ Programme Grant for Sustainable Sport Management, he shapes the future of the industry through cutting-edge education, research and policy work.
Areas of Expertise
- Business of Sports
- Esports Industry
- ESG Issues
- Legal and Policy Issues
Recent Media Mentions
Selected Works
Levine, Jeffrey, Hanna, Chris D., and Porterfield, Tiara, The Big Ten’s Legal Duties and Risks: Protecting College Athletes through the Voluntary Undertaking Doctrine in a Changing Landscape. Marquette Sports Law Review 35 (Forthcoming).
Levine, Jeffrey, A Post-COVID Inflection Point and Call to Action: Theorizing a legal right to youth sport, play, and physical activity in the United States. Journal of Legal Aspects of Sport 34 (Year 2024):1-25.
OSullivan, Erin, and Levine, Jeffrey, Game On: Leveraging sports, play, and physical activity to combat the mental health crisis. Athletic Business (Nov 2023):28-30.
Morton, James T., Hanna, Chris D., and Levine, Jeffrey, Sport Management Study Abroad and International Exchange Program Innovation for a Post COVID-19 Era. International Journal of Business in Sports, Tourism and Hospitality Management 3 (Nov 2022):50-62.
Levine, Jeffrey, Hanna, Chris D., and Morton, James T., Legal Considerations of COVID-19 on the Future of Study Abroad and International Exchange Programs in Sport Management. Quinnipiac Law Review 40 (Apr 2022):289-325.
Levine, Jeffrey, and Miller, John, Legal and Risk Management Considerations and Implications of Carelessly Drafted Game Contracts: Avoiding a Legal Hurricane. Journal of Legal Aspects of Sport 32 (Feb 2022):95-120.
Menaker, Brian E., Levine, Jeffrey, and Sheptak, Dale, Assessing university responses to public records requests about stadium playing space access policies. Journal of Issues in Intercollegiate Athletics 14 (Aug 2021):441-460.
Cintron, Alicia M., Levine, Jeffrey, Williams, Dylan, and Kobritz, Jordan I., Sin City Betting on the Major Leagues? An Analysis of the Sport-Based Approach to Economic Redevelopment in Las Vegas. Sport in Society (Jul 2021).
Cintron, Alicia M., Levine, Jeffrey, and McCray, Kristy L., Preventing Sexual Violence On Campus: Conducting Background Checks On Student-Athletes. Athletic Director U (Sep 2020).
Cintron, Alicia M., Levine, Jeffrey, and McCray, Kristy L., Preventing sexual violence on college campuses: An investigation of current practices of conducting background checks on student athletes. Journal of Legal Aspects of Sport 30 (Jan 2020):41-62.
Levine, Jeffrey, Cintron, Alicia M., and McCray, Kristy L., Legal Implications of Conducting Background Checks on Intercollegiate Student Athletes. Marquette Sports Law Review (Sep 2019).
Levine, Jeffrey, Gunn, Ian I., and Moorman, Anita M., Peterson, Brady, and Elliot: Analyzing “the Trilogy” in Light of the NFL Commissioner’s Discipline Authority. Journal of Legal Aspects of Sport 29 (Aug 2019):223-254.
Staurowsky, Ellen J., Menaker, Brian E., and Levine, Jeffrey, California Judge Rules NCAA’s Show-Cause Order Violates State Law. Sports Litigation Alert 15 (Oct 2018):18-24.
Hanna, Chris D., Levine, Jeffrey, and Moorman, Anita M., Whistleblower protection in college sports. Journal of Legal Aspects of Sport 27 (Jan 2018):209-226.
Svensson, Per G., and Levine, Jeffrey, Rethinking Sport-for-Development: The Capability Approach. Sport in Society 20 (Jan 2017):905-923.
Cintron, Alicia M., Levine, Jeffrey, and Hambrick, Marion E., A case study of the National Hockey League: The question of expansion. Case Studies in Sport Management 5 (Jan 2016):17-23.
Levine, Jeffrey, Trademark court gives sport marketers cause for paws: Wolfskin v. New Millennium. Sport Marketing Quarterly 25 (Mar 2016):59 - 61.
Kobritz, Jordan I., and Levine, Jeffrey, Armageddon II: An analysis of the issues surrounding the NHL lockout. American Journal of Management 13 (Jan 2013):53 - 65.
Levine, Jeffrey, The show cause penalty and the NCAA scope of power. Arizona State Sports and Entertainment Law Journal 3 (Jan 2013):521 - 539.
Levine, Jeffrey, “Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Youth Development Through Gaming and Esports: From Theory to Pilot.” Diversity and Inclusion in the Esports, Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books, (Forthcoming) .
Levine, Jeffrey, “Bountygate Scandal: The New Orleans Saints..” Corruption and Scandal in American Sport, Ed. J. Sanderson . Santa Barbara: Bloomsbury, (2023): .
Presented Research
Levine, Jeffrey, tack of the (Playing) Space Invaders Continues: Content Analysis of New Reports of Pitch Invasion in 2023, Sport and Recreation Law Association: Baltimore, MD, (Feb 2024):
Levine, Jeffrey, Emerging practices and challenges in Collegiate Esports: Recruitment, Equity, and Navigating Title IX, (Jul 2023):
Levine, Jeffrey, Darvin, Lindsey, Moorman, Anita M., and Wells, Janelle, Surveying collegiate esports culture and Title IX implications: Seeking to level up access, opportunity, and inclusion, Sport and Recreation Law Association Conference: Las Vegas, NV, (Feb 2023):
Levine, Jeffrey, Inducement of Excitement:Marketing and Promotional Liability for Aggressive Behavior by Fans, Sport and Recreation Law Association Conference: Atlanta, GA, (Feb 2022):
Levine, Jeffrey, Darvin, Lindsey, Moorman, Anita M., and Wells, Janelle, Professors examine esports and Title IX at SRLA…, Sport and Recreation Law Association Conference: Atlanta, GA, (Feb 2022):
Levine, Jeffrey, Theorizing a legal right to youth sport, recrea…, Sport and Recreation Law Association Conference: Online, (Mar 2021):
Levine, Jeffrey, In search of best practices: A comparative policy analysis between the United States’ National Youth Sports Strategy and the youth sport policy of Nordic Nations, European Association for Sport Management Conference: Online, (Sep 2020):
Levine, Jeffrey, Jones, Gareth J., and Goldsmith, Andrew, Maximizing the effectiveness of community sport, recreation, and play assets: Understanding criminal incidents and permitting as barriers to public accessibility, Sport and Recreation Law Association Conference: Louisville, KY, (Mar 2020):
Levine, Jeffrey, and Cintron, Alicia M., Conducting background checks on student athletes: Legal implications and policy recommendations, Sport and Recreation Law Association Conference: San Antonio, TX, (Mar 2018):
2022 SRLA Best Paper Awward (Sport and Recreation Law Association)
2020 Lori K. Miller Sport and Recreation Law Association Young Professional Award (Sport and Recreation Law Association)
2020 SRLA Fellow (Sport and Recreation Law Association)
Journal of Global Sport Management – Member (2022–Present)
Journal of Legal Aspects of Sports – Member (2021–Present)
Journal of Issues in Intercollegiate Athletics – Member (2018–2021)
Journal of Legal Aspects of Sport – Member (2019)