PhD Candidate

Ph.D. Student, Organizational Behavior (2025 expected)
Department of Management, LeBow College of Business
Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA
Bachelor of Science in Corporate Innovation and Entrepreneurship (2016)
Penn State Schreyer Honors College, University Park, PA
Bachelor of Science in Community, Environment, and Development (2016)
Penn State Schreyer Honors College, University Park, PA
Graduate of Penn State University’s Presidential Leadership Academy (2016)
University Park, PA
Organizational Research
Research interests include workplace loneliness, work meaningfulness, justice, diversity, and spirituality.
Community Research
Miller, M., Alter, T., & Gurklis, A. (2019). Growing community. University Park, PA: Penn State Press.
Miller, M. & Bergner, E. (2019). The power of stories to reduce stigma and promote community action. Presentation for the Pennsylvania Harm Reduction Coalition Conference, Harrisburg, PA.
Miller, M. & Bridger, J. (2018). Developing and using narratives in community-based research. Community pest management in practice: a narrative approach. New York, New York: Springer.
Miller, M. & Shear., S. (2016). Why didn’t I learn about Native American history in school? Presentation for the Interinstitutional Consortium for Indigenous Knowledge, University Park, PA.
Miller, M. (2016). Rethinking education on Native American history and culture. Poster presented at Undergraduate Research Day at the Capitol, Harrisburg, PA.
Alter, T., Sterner, G., Engle, E., Miller, M., Gurklis, A., Frumento, P., Barsom, S., Calore, G., and Goldberg, D. (2015). Achieving the Promise of Sustainability Though Civic Engagement and Public Scholarship. Prepared for Public Scholarship, Sustainability, Community Engagement Colloquium, Altoona, PA.
Teaching Experience
Courses taught as lead instructor at Drexel University:
Organizational Behavior \
Research with Industry
Chapel Leadership Development Program
Honors Leadership JumpStart – 2013-2016 – Teaching Assistant, Penn State University
Power, Conflict, and Community Decision Making – 2014-2016 – Teaching Assistant, Penn State University
Community, Local Knowledge, and Democracy – 2014-2016 – Teaching Assistant, Penn State University
Legal Aspects of Land Management – 2016 – Teaching Assistant, Penn State University
Dr. John J. Clark Outstanding PhD Behavioral Research Paper Award, 2023
Drexel Solutions Institute Graduate Research Fellow, Drexel University, 2022-2024
Dragon Fellowship, Drexel University, 2020-Present
Blue Graduate College Doctoral Fellow, Drexel University 2020-Present
Beta Gamma Sigma, Business Honor Society, 2015-Present
Gamma Sigma Delta, Agricultural Honor Society, 2015-Present
Milton J. Bergstein Student Community Service Award, Penn State University, 2016
Academic Excellence Scholarship, Penn State University, 2012-2016
Janiak Family Scholarship for Women Entrepreneurs, Penn State University, 2016
Galen Dreibelbis Endowment for Excellence in Agriculture, Penn State University, 2016
Blosinski Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences, Penn State University, 2016
Arthur Mitchell Honors Scholarship, Penn State University, 2015 & 2016
Mcclure Family Scholarship, Penn State University, 2015
Bayard D. Kunkle Scholarship, Penn State University, 2015
Louis J. D’Ambrosio Scholarship, Penn State University, 2014