Director, School of Economics, Professor

Mark Stehr is Professor in the School of Economics in the LeBow College of Business and in the Department of Health Management and Policy in the Dornsife School of Public Health.
Much of Dr. Stehr’s research examines the effect of health policies on health behavior. His current work focuses on corporate wellness plans, self-control problems, and financial incentives for exercise behavior. It has attracted funding from the National Science Foundation, the National Institute of Health, and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. His work has been published in The Journal of Health Economics, The Journal of Law and Economics, Health Economics, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, the National Tax Journal and other outlets.
Outside of academic research, Dr. Stehr has consulted for the City of Philadelphia on policy initiatives aimed at reducing tobacco use, and has been cited or interviewed for the Wall Street Journal, BBC News, the Business Insider, Sirius XM radio’s Top of Mind and other media outlets.
Dr. Stehr teaches students in the PhD, DBA, MBA, MS Economics and undergraduate programs. Prior to attending graduate school, Dr. Stehr taught English in China and Japan.
Areas of Expertise
- Health Economics
- Economics/Managerial Economics
- Applied Econometrics
Recent Media Mentions
Selected Works
Carrera, Mariana, Royer, Heather, Stehr, Mark, Sydnor, Justin, and Taubinsky, Dmitry, Who Chooses Commitment? Evidence and Welfare Implications. Review of Economic Studies 89 (Mar 2022):1205-1244.
Zhong, Yichen, Auchincloss, Amy, Stehr, Mark, and Langelier, Brent, Are Price Discounts on Sugar Sweetened Beverages (SSB) Linked to SSB Purchases? A Cross Sectional Study in a Large US Household and Retail Scanner Database. Nutritional Journal 20 (Mar 2021).
Carrera, Mariana, Royer, Heather, Stehr, Mark, and Sydnor, Justin, The Structure of Health Incentives: Evidence from a Field Experiment. Management Science 66 (May 2020):1890-1908.
Gefen, David, Ben Assuli, Ofir, Stehr, Mark, Rosen, Bruce, and Denekamp, Yaron, Governmental Intervention in Hospital Information Exchange (HIE) Diffusion: A Quasi-experimental ARIMA Interrupted Time Series Analysis of Monthly HIE Patient Penetration Rates. European Journal of Information Systems 28 (Sep 2019):627-645.
Carrera, Mariana, Royer, Heather, Stehr, Mark, Sydnor, Justin, and Taubinsky, Dmitry, The Limits of Simple Implementation Intentions: Evidence from a Field Experiment on Making Plans to Exercise. Journal of Health Economics 62 (Nov 2018):95-104.
Carrera, Mariana, Stehr, Mark, Royer, Heather, and Sydnor, Justin, Can Financial Incentives Help People Trying to Establish New Habits? Experimental Evidence with New Gym Members Journal: Journal of Health Economics. Journal of Health Economics 58 (Mar 2018):202-214.
Mayne, Stephanie, Auchincloss, Amy, Stehr, Mark, Tabb, Loni, Shikany, James, Schreiner, Pamela, Widome, Rachel, and Gordon-Larsen, Penny, Associations of Bar and Restaurant Smoking Bans with Smoking Behavior in the CARDIA Study: a 25-Year Study. American Journal of Epidemiology (Jan 2018).
Kern, David, Auchincloss, Amy, Stehr, Mark, Diez Roux, Ana, Moore, K, Pham-Kanter, Genevieve, and Robinson, Lucy, Neighborhood price of healthier food relative to unhealthy food and its association with type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance: The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis. Preventive Medicine 106 (Jan 2018):122-129.
Kern, David, Auchincloss, Amy, Robinson, Lucy, Stehr, Mark, and Pham-Kanter, Genevieve, Healthy and unhealthy food prices across neighborhoods and their association with neighborhood socioeconomic status and proportion black/Hispanic. Journal of Urban Health 94 (Aug 2017):494-505.
Mayne, Stephanie, Auchincloss, Amy, Stehr, Mark, Kern, David, Navas-Acien, N, Kaufman, J, Michael, Yvonne, and Diez Roux, Ana, Longitudinal Associations of Local Cigarette Prices and Smoking Bans with Smoking Behavior in the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA). Epidemiology 28 (Oct 2017):863-871.
Royer, Heather, Stehr, Mark, and Sydnor, Justin, Incentives, Commitments and Habit Formation in Exercise: Evidence from a Field Experiment with Workers at a Fortune-500 Company. American Economic Journal - Applied Economics 7 (Jul 2015):1-35.
Carpenter, Christopher, and Stehr, Mark, Intended and Unintended Consequences of Youth Bicycle Helmet Laws. Journal of Law and Economics 54 (May 2011):305-324.
Stehr, Mark, The Effect of Sunday Sales of Alcohol on Highway Crash Fatalities. B.e. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy 10 (Jul 2010).
Carpenter, Christopher, and Stehr, Mark, The Effects of Mandatory Seatbelt Laws on Seatbelt Use, Motor Vehicle Fatalities, and Crash-Related Injuries among Youths. Journal of Health Economics 27 (May 2008):642-662.
Stehr, Mark, The Effect of Sunday Sales Bans and Excise Taxes on Drinking and Cross Border Shopping for Alcoholic Beverages. National Tax Journal 60 (Mar 2007):85-105.
Stehr, Mark, The Effect of Cigarette Taxes on Smoking among Men and Women. Health Economics 16 (Dec 2007):1333-1343.
Prata, Ndola, Morris, Leo, Mazive, Elizio, Vahidnia, Farnaz, and Stehr, Mark, Relationship Between HIV Risk Perception and Condom Use: Evidence from a Population-Based Survey in Mozambique. International Family Planning Perspectives 32 (Dec 2006):192-200.
Stehr, Mark, Cigarette Tax Avoidance and Evasion. Journal of Health Economics 24 (Mar 2005):277-297.
A Field Experiment Incentivizing Exercise among Workers (Co-PI National Science Foundation) $264,000 Jul 2008.
Tobacco Policy and Control Initiative–Communities Putting Prevention to Work (CPPW) (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) $27,491 Jun 2010.
Center for Integrative Approaches to Health Disparities - Revision to Support Environmental Health Disparities Research (P60) (NIH) $198,037 Mar 2012.
Commitment Contracts for Health-Behavior Change (NIH) $466,000 Apr 2012.