TD Bank Endowed Professor, Professor

Gerri C. LeBow Hall 1126
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Selected Works
Lowry, Michelle, ES Risks and Shareholder Voice. Review of Financial Studies 36 (Dec 2023):4824-4863.
Lowry, Michelle, Bucking the trend: why do IPOs choose controversial governance structures and why do investors let them?. Journal of Financial Economics 146 (Oct 2022):27-54.
Lowry, Michelle, What’s good for women is good for science. The Review of Corporate Finance Studies 11 (Aug 2022).
Lowry, Michelle, Investors’ Attention to Corporate Governance. Review of Financial Studies 34 (Dec 2021):5581-5628.
Lowry, Michelle, Does common ownership really increase firm coordination?. Journal of Financial Economics 141 (Jul 2021):322-344.
Lowry, Michelle, Michaely, Roni, and Volkova, Ekatarina, Information revelation through regulatory process: Interactions between the SEC and companies ahead of the IPO. Review of Financial Studies 33 (Dec 2020):5510-5554.
Lowry, Michelle, Kwon, Sungjoung, and Qian, Yiming, Mutual fund investments in private firms. Journal of Financial Economics 136 (May 2020):407-443.
Lowry, Michelle, and Iliev, Peter, Venturing beyond the IPO: financing in newly public firms by pre-IPO investors. Journal of Finance 75 (Feb 2020):1527-1577.
Lowry, Michelle, The information advantage of underwriters in IPOs. Management Science 65 (Dec 2019):5449-5956.
Lowry, Michelle, Informed trading by advisor banks: evidence from options holdings. Review of Financial Studies 32 (Feb 2019):605-645.
Lowry, Michelle, Are all perks solely perks? evidence from corporate jets. Journal of Corporate Finance (Feb 2018).
Lowry, Michelle, Michaely, Roni, and Volkova, Ekatarina, Initial Public Offerings: A Synthesis of the Literature and Directions for Future Research. Foundations and Trends in Finance (Nov 2017).
Lowry, Michelle, Are Mutual Funds Active Voters. Review of Financial Studies (Sep 2014).
Lowry, Michelle, Are Busy Directors Detrimental?. Journal of Financial Economics (Jul 2013).
Lowry, Michelle, When do banks listen to their analysts? Evidence from mergers and acquisitions. Review of Financial Studies (Jun 2011).
Review of Corporate Finance Studies – Editor (2023–Present)
Review of Corporate Finance Studies – Associate Editor (2021–2022)
Journal of Financial Economics – Associate Editor (2019–2021)
Journal of Financial Economics – Associate Editor (2018)
Journal of Financial Economics – Associate Editor (2017)