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Ohyun Kwon, PhD

Assistant Professor



As an economist with a specialization in international trade, Professor Kwon’s recent research has focused on the role of currency in international trade and finance, the impact of trade liberalization on the environment, and the economic effects of international sanctions. He earned his bachelor’s degree in Finance from Peking University in 2012 and his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2019. In the Fall of 2019, he joined the Economics Department at Drexel University.

Areas of Expertise

  • International Trade
  • Trade Agreements
  • Economics/Managerial Economics

Selected Works


Kwon, Ohyun, Zhao, Hao, and Zhao, Min Qiang, Global Firms and Emissions: Investigating the Dual Channels of Emissions Abatement. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management (Forthcoming).


PhD Economics-University of Wisconsin-Madison 2019