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Vadake Narayanan, PhD

Deloitte Touche Jones Stubbs Professor, Professor


Headshot of Vadake Narayanan

Gerri C. LeBow Hall 622

Areas of Expertise

  • Cognition and Strategy
  • Organization Design
  • Implementing Strategies
  • Managing Innovation
  • Strategic Management

Selected Works


Narayanan, V.K., Yang, Yi, and DeCarolis, Donna, The Relationship between Portfolio Diversification and Firm Value: The Evidence from Corporate Venture Capital Activity. Strategic Management Journal 35 (Forthcoming):1993-2011.

Narayanan, V.K., and Chen, Tianxu, Research on Technology Standards: Accomplishments and Challenges. Research Policy 41 (Forthcoming):1357-1374.

Ma, Dali, Narayanan, V.K., Liu, Chuanren, and Fakharizadi, Ehsan, Boundary Salience: The Interactive Effect of Organizational Status Distance and Geographical Proximity on Coauthorship Tie Formation. Social Networks 63 (Jul 2020):162-173.

Narayanan, V.K., Chen, Tianxu, and Chen, Lihong, Battle On the Wrong Field? Entrant Type, Dominant Designs, and Technology Exit. Strategic Management Journal 38 (Dec 2017):2579-98.

Narayanan, V.K., Zane, Lee, and Kemmerer, B, The Cognitive Perspective in Strategy: An Integrative Review. Journal of Management 37 (Jan 2011):305-351.

Douglas, Frank, Narayanan, V.K., Mitchell, Lisa, and Litan, Robert, The case for Entrepreneurship in R&D in the pharmaceutical industry. Nature Reviews Drug Discovery 9 (Sep 2010):1-8.

Narayanan, V.K., Yang, Yi, and Zahra, S, Corporate venturing and value creation: A review and proposed framework. Research Policy 38 (Feb 2009):58-76.


Narayanan, V.K., and O’Connor, Gina, Encyclopedia on Technology and Innovation Management. UK: John Wiley, (Forthcoming).

Narayanan, V.K., Managing Technology and Innovation for Competitive Advantage. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall Longman, (2001).


Narayanan, V.K., and Fahey, Liam, “Invention and Navigation as Contrasting Metaphors for the Pathways to the Future.” Scenarios for the Future, Ed. Tsoukas and Shepherd. London: Blackwell, (2004): .


PhD Business-University of Pittsburgh 1979
MBA -Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, INDIA 1973
BS Mechanical Engineering-Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai, INDIA 1971


Fulbright Nehru Award (CIES) $20,000 Jan 2016.


2015 Fulbright Nehru Award (Fulbright)


Journal of Strategy & management – Member (2022)
Project Leadership and Society – Member (2022)
Project Leadership and Society – Member (2021)
Journal of Strategy & management – Member (2020–2021)
Journal of Strategy & Management – Member (2019)
IJPM – Advisory Board Member (2018)
Strategy & management – Advisory Board Member (2018)
Journal of Strategy & Management – Member (2017)
Sage Series on Methodology – Editor (2017)