
Dr. Huang is a Professor of Marketing. She received her PhD in Marketing from the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. Her research interests are focused on new technology in marketing, in-store decision making, consumer planning, and consumer welfare. She conducts both field and lab studies to answer important research questions, including essential real-world business questions.
Dr. Huang’s research has been published in leading academic journals such as Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Marketing, and Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. She and her coauthors are the recipients of Journal of Marketing’s MSI/H. Paul Root Award (an annual award voted by Journal of Marketing‘s editorial review board to a paper that “has made a significant contribution to the advancement of the practice of marketing”). She also has won other research awards including Dean’s Excellence in Research Award at Drexel, research awards from Marketing Science Institute, ExCITe research funding award by Drexel’s ExCITe Center for innovative research, and the Best Retail Proposal Award by Society of Marketing Advances. She was also named a finalist for the American Marketing Association’s Marketing & Society SIG Emerging Scholar Award. Her research has been featured by multiple renowned media outlets, including Harvard Business Review, Wall Street Journal, NPR/WHYY, Fox News, NBC, Inc., CNN, Business Insider, Philadelphia Inquirer, Retail Leader, MSI Highlights, USA Today, The Economist, Yahoo Finance, LeBow Network, Drexel Now, Business News Daily, Science Daily, Stanford GSB Magazine, KMOX Radio, and BYU Radio. Dr. Huang is an Associate Editor at Service Science and is on the Editorial Review Board of Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Consumer Psychology, and Journal of Retailing. She also received the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science Best Reviewer Award.
Dr. Huang teaches extensively at the undergraduate, MBA, and doctoral levels. She is currently the PhD coordinator in the Marketing Department.
Areas of Expertise
- Consumer In-Store Decision Making
- Consumer Planning
- New Technology in Marketing
- Consumer Welfare
Recent Media Mentions
Selected Works
Rafieian, Hoori, Huang, Yanliu, and Kahn, Barbara, The Effect of Pursuing Self-Regulatory Goals on Variety Seeking in Vice Consumption. Journal of Consumer Research 50 (Apr 2024):1157-1171.
Nusrat, Farhana, and Huang, Yanliu, Feeling Rewarded and Entitled to Be Served: Understanding the Influence of Regular Versus Self-Checkout on Customer Shopping Experience. Journal of Business Research 170 (Jan 2024):1-13.
Song, Lei, Suri, Rajneesh, and Huang, Yanliu, Inferring Quality from Price: The Effect of Stereotype Threat on Price-Quality Judgments. European Journal of Marketing 57 (Oct 2023):1442-1466.
Yin, Wenyan, Nusrat, Farhana, and Huang, Yanliu, Effect of Voluntary versus Compulsory Preventive Behavior on Consumer Adaptation during COVID-19. Health Marketing Quarterly 40 (Jun 2023):227-247.
Huang, Yanliu, Yang, Zhen, and Morwitz, Vicki, How Using A Paper versus Mobile Calendar Influences Everyday Planning and Plan Fulfillment. Journal of Consumer Psychology 33 (Jan 2023):115-122.
Kim, Min Jung, Huang, Yanliu, and Chen, Allan Haipeng, A Penny Saved is A Penny Earned: How Money-Views and Self-Views Jointly Influence Consumer Financial Behavior. International Journal of Consumer Studies (Feb 2022).
Huang, Yanliu, and Yang, Zhen, Write or Type? How a Paper versus Digital Shopping List Influences the Way Consumers Plan and Shop. Journal of the Association for Consumer Research 3 (Aug 2018):396-409.
Wang, Chen, and Huang, Yanliu, “I Want to Know the Answer! Give Me Fish ‘N’ Chips!”: The Impact of Curiosity on Indulgent Choice,“ (Equal Authorship). Journal of Consumer Research 44 (Feb 2018):1052-1067.
Gao, Leilei, Huang, Yanliu, and Simonson, Itamar, The Influence of Initial Possession Level on Consumers’ Adoption of a Collection Goal: A Tipping Point Effect. Journal of Marketing 78 (Nov 2014):143-156.
Huang, Yanliu, and Hutchinson, Wes, The Roles of Planning, Learning, and Mental Models in Repeated Dynamic Decision Making. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 122 (Nov 2013):122-176.
Hui, Sam K., Huang, Yanliu, Inman, Jeff, and Suher, Jacob, (Equal Authorship) Deconstructing the ‘First Moment of Truth’: Understanding Unplanned Consideration and Purchase Conversion Using In-Store Video Tracking. Journal of Marketing Research 50 (Aug 2013):445-462.
Hui, Sam K., Inman, Jeffrey, Huang, Yanliu, and Suher, Jacob, Estimating the Effect of Travel Distance on Unplanned Spending: Applications to Mobile Promotion Strategies. Journal of Marketing 77 (Mar 2013):1-16.
Huang, Yanliu, and Hutchinson, Wes, Counting Every Thought: Implicit Measures of Cognitive Responses to Advertising. Journal of Consumer Research 35 (Jun 2008):98-118.
Hui, Sam K., Huang, Yanliu, and George, Edward, Model-based Analysis of Concept Maps in Marketing. Bayesian Analysis 33 (May 2008):479-512.
Botti, Simona, Broniarczik, Susan, Haubl, Gerald, Hill, Ronald, Huang, Yanliu, Kahn, Barbara, Kopalle, Praveen, Lehmann, Donald, Urbany, Joe, and Wansink, Brian, Choice Under Restrictions. Marketing Letters 19 (Apr 2008):183-199.
Presented Research
Li, Xinge, Zhang, Jintao, and Huang, Yanliu, Price-Quality Relationship When Using Computer vs. Phone to Shop, Society for Consumer Psychology Annual Conference, Competitive Paper: Nashville, TN, (Mar 2024):
Nusrat, Farhana, Huang, Yanliu, and Lamberton, Cait, Love at First Touch: How Swiping vs. Typing Changes Online Dating Decision-Making, Theory + Practice in Marketing (TPM) Conference: HEC Lausanne, Switzerland, (May 2023):
Yin, Wenyan, Huang, Yanliu, and Berger, Jonah, Pronoun Use in Online Review, Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference, Special Session: Denver, CO, (Oct 2022):
Yang, Zhen, Huang, Yanliu, Kahn, Barbara, and He, Jiangen, How Voice-Based Interaction between Consumers and Intelligent Virtual Agents Influences Recommended Product Decisions, Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference, Special Session: Denver, CO, (Oct 2022):
Nusrat, Farhana, Huang, Yanliu, and Lamberton, Cait, How Swiping vs. Typing Changes Online Dating Decision-Making, Society for Consumer Psychology, Flash Talk: Virtual, (Mar 2022):
Nusrat, Farhana, Huang, Yanliu, and Lamberton, Cait, Love at First Touch: How Swiping vs. Typing Changes Online Dating Decision-Making, The Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference: Virtual, (Oct 2021):
Nusrat, Farhana, and Huang, Yanliu, Less Talking, More Empathy: How to use Emojis to Help People Feel Good, Association of Marketing Theory and Practice Conference: Virtual, (Mar 2021):
Huang, Yanliu, Yang, Zhen, and Morwitz, Vicky, How A Paper versus Digital Calendar Influences Consumer’s Planning and Behavior, Society for Consumer Psychology: Huntington Beach, CA, (Mar 2020):
Yang, Zhen, Huang, Yanliu, Kahn, Barbara, and He, Jiangen, Understand Consumer Behavior and Product Decision Making in Voice-Assisted vs. Mouse-Click Shopping, Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference, Special Session: Atlanta, GA, (Oct 2019):
Huang, Yanliu, Yang, Zhen, and Morwitz, Vicky, Helping Me See the Big Picture: How A Paper versus Digital Calendar Influences Consumer’s Planning and Behavior, Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference, Special Session: Atlanta, GA, (Oct 2019):
Yang, Zhen, Huang, Yanliu, Kahn, Barbara, and He, Jiangen, Understand Consumer Behavior and Product Decision Making in Voice-Assisted vs. Mouse-Click Shopping, Theory + Practice in Marketing (TPM) Conference: New York, NY, (May 2019):
Huang, Yanliu, and Yang, Zhen, Write or Type? How a Paper versus Digital Shopp…, Society for Consumer Psychology Annual Conference: Dallas, TX, (Feb 2018):
Rafieian, Hoori K, Huang, Yanliu, and Kahn, Barbara, Variety Counts: How Variety is Perceived in the Presence of Self-Regulatory Goals, Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference: San Diego, CA, (Oct 2017):
Huang, Yanliu, and Yang, Zhen, How Digital vs. Paper Shopping List Influences the Way Consumers Plan and Shop, CONSUMER RESPONSE TO THE EVOLVING RETAILING LANDSCAPE Conference organized by the Jay H. Baker Retailing Center at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania in collaboration with the Marketing Science Institute (MSI) and AMA: Philadelphia, PA, (Jun 2017):
Rafieian, Hoori K, Huang, Yanliu, and Kahn, Barbara, Consumer Goal Pursuit: Less of More or More of Fewer Goal-Inconsistent Variety Seeking Behaviors, Society for Consumer Psychology Annual Conference: San Francisco, CA, (Feb 2017):
Kim, Min Jung, Huang, Yanliu, and Chen, Allan, Two Different Paths, One Destination: How Money-Views and Self-Views Jointly Influence Saving Behavior, Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference (Oct 2015): New Orleans, LA, (Oct 2015):
Huang, Yanliu, Panelist, Eye Tracking Methods, Measures and Models for Consumer Research, Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference: New Orleans, LA, (Oct 2015):
Huang, Yanliu, Dholakia, Utpal M., and Tam, Leona, The Motivational Effects of Deliberative and Implemental Mindsets on Sequential Planning Across Domains, Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference: Baltimore, MD, (Oct 2014):
Huang, Yanliu, Wang, Chen, and Zhu, Juliet, The Effect of Interplay between Embarrassment and Agentic-Communal Orientations on Consumer Choice, Special Session, Association for Consumer Research: Chicago, IL, (Oct 2013):
Huang, Yanliu, Hui, Sam K., Inman, Jeff, and Suher, Jacob, Capturing the ‘First Moment of Truth’: Understanding Point-of-Purchase Drivers of Unplanned Consideration and Purchase Using Video Tracking, Special Session, Association for Consumer Research: Vancouver, BC, (Oct 2012):
Gao, Leilei, Huang, Yanliu, and Simoson, Itamar, Tipping Points in Consumer Choice: The Case of Collections, Behavioral Decision Research in Management Conference: Boulder, CO, (Jun 2012):
Huang, Yanliu, Hui, Sam K., Inman, Jeff, and Suher, Jacob, Capturing the ‘First Moment of Truth’: Understanding Point-of-Purchase Drivers of Unplanned Consideration and Purchase Using Video Tracking, Yale’s 2012 Customer Insight Conference: New Haven, CT, (May 2012):
Huang, Yanliu, Hui, Sam K., Inman, Jeff, and Suher, Jacob, The Effect of In-Store Travel Distance on Unplanned Purchase with Applications to Store Layout and Mobile Shopping Apps, Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference, Special Session: St. Louis, MO, (Oct 2011):
Dimoka, Angelika, and Huang, Yanliu, Uncovering the Neural Correlates of Consumer Self-Positivity Bias, Interdisciplinary Symposium on Decision Neuroscience: Philadelphia, PA, (Sep 2010):
Huang, Yanliu, and Hutchinson, Wes, There is More to Planned Purchases than Knowing What You Want: Dynamic Planning and Learning in A Repeated Multi-Store Price Search Task, Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference: Pittsburgh, PA, (Oct 2009):
Huang, Yanliu, and Meyer, Robert J., Tradeoffs in the Dark: The Effect of Experience on Extrapolated Consumer Preferences, Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference: Pittsburgh, PA, (Oct 2009):
Huang, Yanliu, and Dimoka, Angelika, Effective Health Marketing: Using fMRI to understand Underlying Mechanisms of Self-Positivity Bias, INFORMS Annual Conference: San Diego, CA, (Oct 2009):
Huang, Yanliu, and Meyer, Robert J., Tradeoffs in the Dark: The Effect of Experience on Extrapolated Consumer Preferences, Marketing Science Conferencence: Ann Arbor, MI, (Jun 2009):
Huang, Yanliu, and Hutchinson, Wes, There is More to Planned Purchases than Knowing What You Want: Dynamic Planning and Learning in A Repeated Multi-Store Price Search Task, Society for Marketing Advances: St. Petersburg, FL, (Nov 2008):
Huang, Yanliu, Hui, Sam K., and Kahn, Barbara, Health Communication Effectiveness: Using Underlying Processes to Understand the Relationship between Risk Attitudes and Behavioral Intentions, Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference: Memphis, TN, (Oct 2007):
Huang, Yanliu, Hui, Sam K., and Kahn, Barbara, Health Communication Effectiveness: Using Underlying Processes to Understand the Relationship between Risk Attitudes and Behavioral Intentions, Marketing Science Conferencence: Singapore, (Jun 2007):
Huang, Yanliu, and Hutchinson, Wes, Counting Every Thought: Implicit Measures of Cognitive Responses to Advertising, Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference: Orlando, FL, (Oct 2006):
2023 Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science Best Reviewer Award (Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science)
2022 Dean’s Research Fellow in Marketing (LeBow College of Business, Drexel University )
2022 Faculty Summer Research Award ($7,000) (Drexel University)
2021 Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science Best Reviewer Award (Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science)
2019 2020 Faculty Summer Research Award ($7,000) (Drexel University)
2018 Faculty Summer Research Award ($7,000) (Drexel University)
2016 2017 ExCITe Research Funding Award For Innovative Research ($5,000, with Zhen Yang, Barbara Kahn, and Jiangen He) (ExCITe Center of Drexel University )
2015 Finalist, MASSIG Emerging Scholar Award (American Marketing Association, Marketing & Society SIG )
2014 Dean’s Excellence in Research Award (LeBow College of Business, Drexel University )
2014 Winner, MSI/H. Paul Root Award (the American Marketing Association and the Marketing Science Institute)
2013 Dean’s Excellence in Research Award (LeBow College of Business, Drexel University )
2010 Marketing Science Institute Research Award # 4-1621 . (with Sam K. Hui, J. Jeffrey Inman, and Jacob A. Suher) (Marketing Science Institute )
2010 Best Reviewer Award (2010 Global Marketing Conference at Tokyo)
2008-2009 Dean’s Fellowship (Competitive Award for Fifth Year Support) (Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania)
2008 Marketing Science Institute Research Award #4-1515 (with Wes Hutchinson) (Marketing Science Institute )
2008 Winner, Commercial Space and Customer Service Management Best Retail Proposal Award (Society for Marketing Advances (SMA))
2007 INFORMS Doctoral Consortium Fellow (INFORMS)
2006-2008 Russell Ackoff Doctoral Student Award for Research on Human Decision Processes (Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania)
Journal of Consumer Psychology – Member (2021–Present)
Service Science – Associate Editor (2020–Present)
Journal of Retailing – Member (2017–Present)
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science – Member (2017–Present)