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Part-time MBA program ranks in national top ten

Appeared on November 13, 2009

BusinessWeek has ranked the part-time MBA program at Drexel University's LeBow College of Business first in the country for academic quality, and tenth overall in its 2009 rankings. LeBow was the only Philadelphia part-time MBA program to rank within the top thirty.

"The Drexel part-time MBA is committed to exceeding the needs of our students and alumni and is a key factor in their upward mobility, as evidenced by the achievements of our MBA students and alumni," George Tsetsekos, dean of the LeBow College of Business.

"To be ranked No. 1 in academic quality by BusinessWeek is a testament to our growing stature as one of the world's leading resources for business education. This ranking validates the rigorous experiential education, leadership assessment, and global perspective that LeBow provides," Tsetsekos stated.