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Enabling Registration for Zoom Meetings

When scheduling a Zoom meeting for an event, seminar or other general presentation, you may be interested in having participants register beforehand. Doing this will allow you to collect information about participants as well as restrict access to the meeting so that only registered participants can join. If this is for an internal event where only Drexel community members will be attending, we recommend using the existing LeBow Website registration process (email for more information). If this is for an external event, you can use the built-in registration system available in Zoom. Follow the instructions below to enable registration for your events in Zoom.

Adding Registration to a Zoom Meeting ###

  1. Browse to
  2. Select Sign In Standard to sign in with your Drexel credentials through Drexel Connect.
  3. Select Meetings from the menu on the left.
  4. Select Schedule a New Meeting.
  5. Check Required in the Registration section.
  6. Complete the remainder of the Schedule a Meeting form.
  7. Select Save.

Configuring Event Registration ###

  1. From, navigate to the appropriate meeting.
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the meeting page to the Registration section.

Changing Registration Options ####

  1. Select Edit next to Registration Options.
  2. Select the Registration tab.
  3. Set the appropriate options.
    • Approval - Determines if registrants are automatically approved or if the must must manually approve them.
    • Notification - Sends the host an email every time a participant registers.
    • Other Options
      • Close registration after event date - The registration option will no longer be available once the meeting begins.
      • Show social share buttons on registration page - Allows participants to share the event registration on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and/or via email.
  4. Select Save All.

Collecting Participant Information ####

By default, Zoom will collect the name and email address of each participant that registers. If you would like to collect additional information:

  1. Select Edit next to Registration Options.
  2. Select the Questions tab.
  3. Choose all the pre-defined options you would like.
  4. Select the Custom Questions tab.
  5. Add questions for any custom information you would like to collect.
  6. Select Save All.

Configure Registration Email Options ###

  1. From, navigate to the appropriate meeting.
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the meeting page to the Registration section.
  3. Select the Email Settings tab.

Change the Registration Email Contact ####

To change the email address registration requests go to

  1. Select Edit next to Email Contact.
  2. Enter the appropriate email contact information in the provided form.
  3. Select Save.

Change the Email Text Registrants Receive ####

  1. Select Edit next to Confirmation Email to Registrants.
  2. Configure the Subject and Body of the email message participants will receive when registering for your event.
  3. Select Save.

Change the Registration Email Branding ####

  1. From, navigate to the appropriate meeting.
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the meeting page to the Registration section.
  3. Select the Branding tab.
  4. Use the Upload buttons to add a Banner and/or Logo image to your emails.

Manually Approving Registrants ###

  1. From, navigate to the appropriate meeting.
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the meeting page to the Registration section.
  3. Select View or Edit next to Manage Attendees.
  4. Place a check next to each participant you want to approve or, if you wish to approve everyone, place a check in the top-most box (next to the table headers) and select Approve.