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MNG Direct


Anthony Hillman, Vice President, Analytics and Platform Lead


MNG Direct


Marketing Consulting

Business Challenge

MNG Direct’s clients were seeking a novel data-driven solution for their marketing campaigns. To move with a changing environment, the company needed to structure its organization and offerings around more than marketing; it needed to advance to becoming a marketing technology provider.

Analytics Solution

MNG Direct structured its organization, from how it builds technology to how it positions its offerings to a data-driven and technology-enabled organization. The company built not only statistical models to best identify which target was ideal for a type of communication, but it concentrated on how best to deliver that communication, from continual improvement on email engagement to optimization of content for maximizing outcomes.

MNG Direct continued to revolutionize how it built models to specifically target managed care messaging based on plan identification and Health Care Provider (HCP) awareness on existing favorable coverage. It achieved this by constantly monitoring utilization of cost effective managed care options for HCPs patient population in support of patient outcomes in the ACA.


The solution changed the trajectory of the organization to become one centered on data and analytics as a core offering to assist marketing teams make data-driven decisions. MNG Direct is a leading provider of marketing technology solutions in the pharmaceutical, biotechnology and device space.

These efforts resulted in a direct bottom line improvement on MNG Direct’s data-driven solutions of nearly 300 percent over the last three years. In addition, the company has improved its email engagement metrics by more than 30 percent in that time period by utilizing data-driven decision making on its creative design.

The benefits garnered from its position as a marketing technology delivery organization continue to advance awareness of the company’s cutting-edge solutions and drive an increasing positive impact for its customer base.