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Fellowships are awarded to tenured or clinical faculty members at the associate level or higher who have demonstrated excellence in teaching. Fellows serve one-year terms and assist the director with developing events to promote excellence in teaching.

Teaching Fellows 2023-2024

Integrating Generative AI and Technology to Innovate Courses and Curricula

The LeBow Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning (CITL) is proud to announce its cohort of Teaching Fellows for 2023-2024.

We would like to congratulate 2023-2024 Teaching Fellows Daniel Albert, PhD, Anna Devlin, Phd, and Chris Laincz, PhD, who will work to explore, design, pilot, and share different strategies and approaches to integrate generative AI and technology and to innovate courses and curricula at LeBow.

Teaching Fellows will be advised and supported this year by Chris Finnin, PhD, Alan Hecht, and Ed Nelling, PhD, who have been instrumental in previous initiatives.

Thank you to Daniel, Anna and Chris for your dedication and efforts to explore and integrate generative AI and technology to innovate curricula at LeBow. We look forward to your contributions.

Daniel Albert, PhD
Assistant Professor, Management

Anna Devlin, Phd
Associate Clinical Professor, Decision Sciences and MIS

Chris Laincz, PhD
Associate Professor, Economics

Teaching Fellows 2022-2023

Improving the LeBow Online Experience

Many thanks to our inaugural cohort of Teaching Fellows Ed Arnheiter, PhD, Larry Duke, PhD, Chris Finnin, PhD and Alan Hecht, and the InTech team for their work over the 2022-2023 academic year to develop a framework to transform the online learning experience. In the next phase, select online MBA courses will be refreshed.

View a summary of the 2022-2023 Teaching Fellow project

Connect with Us

Stacy Kline, CPA

Assistant Dean for Teaching and Learning

(215) 895-5866

Gerri C. LeBow Hall 1224