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Marketing Courses

MKTG 201: Introduction to Marketing Management

Credits: 4.0
Level: UG

Provides a conceptual and applications-oriented framework for marketing decision-making in a dynamic environment. Emphasizes satisfying target customers and achieving organizational objectives through skillful blending of strategies in product development, pricing, promotion, and distribution.

MKTG 321: Selling and Sales Management

Credits: 4.0
Level: UG

Covers planning, direction, and control of the personal selling activities of an organization, including recruiting, selecting, training, equipping, assigning, routing, supervising, compensating, motivating, leading, and evaluating a sales force.

MKTG 322: Advertising & Integrated Marketing Communications

Credits: 4.0
Level: UG

Examines advertising principles, techniques, technologies, and methods; artistic and creative aspects; psychological appeals; and production. Covers advertising and promotion management, including organization and planning, problems and strategies, media selection and evaluation, and agency-client relationships.

MKTG 326: Marketing Insights

Credits: 4.0
Level: UG

Applies analytical tools in the investigation of marketing problems. Emphasizes systematic research design, gathering, and interpretation of information for marketing decision-making.

MKTG 347: New Product Development

Credits: 4.0
Level: UG

Analyzes the process of discovering new product opportunities and creating new product ideas that are strategically sound. Covers demand analysis, futuristics, new product strategy, creativity techniques, product evaluation, interacting with research and development departments, and developing a marketing plan.

MKTG 348: Services Marketing

Credits: 4.0
Level: UG

Covers marketing theory, concepts, strategy, and tactics as applied to the unique characteristics and demands of service-oriented industries such as health care, transportation, finance, law, consulting, education, training, tourism, security, entertainment, and hospitality within a global macroenvironment.

MKTG 355: Interactive Marketing

Credits: 4.0
Level: UG

Addresses the principles, techniques, and methods of direct, interactive marketing in an era of emerging global technologies. Emphasizes field work, projects, and presentations.

MKTG 356: Consumer Behavior

Credits: 4.0
Level: UG

Applies contemporary behavioral science to consumer decision-making, including the relationship between the efforts of business firms in marketing their products and the reactions of ultimate consumers.

MKTG 357: Global Marketing

Credits: 4.0
Level: UG

Examines international involvement of companies from exporting to the multinational enterprise stage. Covers the nature of international competition; distribution systems; pricing and credit policies; promotional methods; trade barriers and agreements; and the cultural, political, legal, ethical, and technological barriers.

MKTG 362: Brand and Reputation Management

Credits: 4.0
Level: UG

The course focuses on the strategic management of product and organization brands, both corporate and non-profit, and how one can build brands that are highly distinguished reputationally to enhance financial value, attract and keep top talent and build relationships with customers, communities, and other key stakeholders.

MKTG 363: Brand & Reputation Management Project

Credits: 1.0
Level: UG

Analysis of a “real world” organization’s corporate brand and reputation management. Topic and scope must be approved by the Academic Director of the Center for Corporate Reputation Management. The integrative experience required for completion of the Certificate in Corporate Brand and Reputation Management.

MKTG 364: Marketing for New Ventures

Credits: 4.0
Level: UG

Examines the unique marketing challenges faced by entrepreneurs launching new products and/or services. Topics include: designing new offerings, targeting customer segments, and marketing on a tight budget. The course is designed to be useful for small business owners, managers at large companies, and social entrepreneurs.

MKTG 365: Digital Marketing

Credits: 4.0
Level: UG

Marketing practices have dramatically shifted with the rise of social media and the proliferation of devices, platforms and applications. This rapidly changing environment presents new opportunities and challenges for marketers. Through a combination of case studies, best practice examples, and the development of social and digital media marketing plans, students learn how the elements of a digital strategy work together with traditional media to attract prospective customers.

MKTG 366: Customer Analytics

Credits: 4.0
Level: UG

Built around the notion of the customer lifecycle, this course will address strategic initiatives in customer strategy including customer acquisition; customer development via up-selling and cross-selling; customer attrition and retention. The course will also cover commonly used marketing analytic tools and techniques such as data exploration/visualization, decile analysis, RFM (recency/frequency/monetary) segmentation, and predictive modeling using logistic regression and machine learning tools (e.g. classification trees such as CHAID). The course uses a combination of lectures, cases, and exercises. We will be taking a very hands-on approach with real-world databases to provide you with tools that can be used immediately on the job.

MKTG 367: Data-Driven Digital Marketing

Credits: 4.0
Level: UG

This course will provide students with an overview of the rapidly-emerging field of digital marketing. Since digital marketing is constantly changing, students will become proficient at learning about new digital marketing platforms, how each channel is used to communicate with customers and be able to develop a list of “key questions” to ask about any new marketing medium. Because data and analytics are an important component of digital marketing, students will also become proficient at using data to evaluate a marketing campaign. One of the best ways to assess marketing strategies is through A/B testing and students will become expert at planning, analyzing and reporting A/B tests. We will also discuss strategies for integrating data-based decision making into organizations.

MKTG 368: Corporate Responsibility Management

Credits: 4.0
Level: UG

Companies increasingly think about their responsibility to have positive impact on society and the environment. In fact, some have argued that this is a sure path to business performance. In actuality, managing corporate responsibly is filled with pitfalls, contradictions, and dilemmas. This course will examine both the opportunities and dangers for leaders at companies large and small.

MKTG 380: Seminar in Marketing Strategy

Credits: 4.0
Level: UG

Builds upon marketing concepts learned in other courses and presents an integrated approach to marketing strategy. Uses a number of real-life cases and requires students to work in groups and make project presentations.

MKTG 510: Marketing Strategy

Credits: 2.0
Level: GR

Marketing is the practice of creating and exchanging value. Marketing strategy can be thought of as a process by which companies allocate scarce resources in order to exchange value in ways that enhance corporate performance and sustainability. The course addresses how creating and delivering superior value can improve relationships with customers and other stakeholders. It also provides students with analytical skills, decision tools, and disciplined frameworks to conduct a market analysis.

MKTG 601: Marketing Strategy & Planning

Credits: 3.0
Level: GR

Emphasizes application of strategic planning in marketing to achieve competitive advantage. Examines the role of strategic planning in developing effective marketing programs that enhance the overall performance of the firm.

MKTG 606: Customer Analytics

Credits: 3.0
Level: GR

This course is designed to give students powerful, cutting-edge tools to turn customer data into actionable managerial insights. Focus is on predictive analytic techniques used by marketers to acquire, develop, and retain customers. While students will employ quantitative methods in the course, the goal is not to produce experts in statistics; rather, students will gain the competency in the use of data to make better business decisions. The course uses a combination of lectures, cases, and exercises, and will be taking a very hands-on approach with real-world databases to provide students with tools that can be used immediately on the job.

MKTG 607: Marketing Experiments

Credits: 3.0
Level: GR

Focused at the intersection of marketing strategy and marketing analytics students will develop skills that will allow them to design, execute, analyze and communicate A/B and multivariate tests, designed to provide definitive answers to business questions like, “Which advertisement should we use?”, “How much should we be willing to spend on an advertisement?”, “Which product design should we go with?” Students will gain fluency in executing statistical methods including confidence intervals, regression, optimal design, and sequential experimentation. Students will become adept at communicating data-based conclusions to business leaders and will devise strategies for developing a culture of data-based decision making in business organizations.

MKTG 622: Buyer Behavior Theory

Credits: 3.0
Level: GR

Provides an interdisciplinary study of the theories and research of buyer behavior. Draws on concepts from marketing, anthropology, psychology, sociology, and economics and their application for marketing managers seeking insights into the consumer decision-making process.

MKTG 627: Digital Marketing

Credits: 3.0
Level: GR

This course explores how organizations and leaders can maximize the business value of social and digital media platforms. The course also provides a framework and best practices for digital media management, enhances understanding of strategic communication within the digital media context, and improves digital media communication, content management, and analytic skills. Assignments include a personal branding weekly project, an in-class digital media marketing simulation, and a final real-world group consulting project on digital media strategy and implementation. Outside experts will provide lectures on specific digital marketing topics on select weeks.

MKTG 630: Global Marketing

Credits: 3.0
Level: GR

Covers concepts, principles, and practices of international marketing management. Studies cross-cultural differences and distribution systems, pricing methods, promotional methods, trade barriers, and current factors influencing international marketing.

MKTG 638: New Product Planning, Strategy, and Development

Credits: 3.0
Level: GR

Examines the process of strategic planning for marketing innovation and development of new products in a dynamic business environment. Integrates concepts and techniques from several disciplines to understand new product development.

MKTG 652: Marketing Information Management and Research

Credits: 3.0
Level: GR

Examines the current tools available to modern marketing decision makers for information management and applies these tools in realistic situations.

MKTG 654: Corporate Brand & Reputation Management

Credits: 3.0
Level: GR

An examination of how business managers can build the reputation of their organizations in order to gain competitive advantage in the market. The course will focus on how companies can enhance their financial value through increased attention to multiple stakeholders.

MKTG 998: Dissertation Research in Marketing

Credits: 1.0-12.0
Level: GR

MKTG I999: Independent Study in MKTG

Credits: 3.0
Level: UG

Self-directed within the area of study requiring intermittent consultation with a designated instructor.

MKTG 351: Marketing for Non-Profit Organizations

Credits: 4.0
Level: UG

Applies the marketing concepts of product, price, promotion, distribution, and benefit-cost maximization to the exchange relations of non-profit organizations.

MKTG 634: Integrated Marketing Communications Management

Credits: 3.0
Level: GR

Takes the marketing manager’s viewpoint to examine the management and coordination of all marketing communication to customers and stakeholders. Discusses concepts and strategies in such areas as advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, and public relations.

MKTG 942: Models of Consumer and Firms' Decisions

Credits: 3.0
Level: GR

The course provides a flexible, hands-on understanding of regression & multilevel modeling. Course provides doctoral students starting serious empirical research with a useful toolkit of techniques. Topics include: fitting & understanding classical linear regression & generalized linear regression models (e.g., logistic & Poisson regression), using simulation to check model fit & model properties, understanding the assumptions & challenges underlying causal inference & a few techniques to perform causal inference & understanding multilevel data structures & fitting linear & generalized linear multilevel models.

Connect with Us

Thank you for your interest in the Marketing Department. We look forward to hearing from you.

Kimberly Williams

Associate Director, Marketing & Legal Studies Department Manager

(215) 895-6971

Gerri C. LeBow Hall 845