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NYSE students pose after presentation

Students Pitch Stocks at NYSE Symposium

January 30, 2019

Six LeBow College of Business Finance majors enrolled in Applied Portfolio Management, the class that manages the Dragon Fund, pitched two stocks owned by the Fund at the Benchmark Investor Symposium, Best Ideas for 2019, in New York on Jan. 22.

Students Dean Blank, Maxwell Goldstein and Soham Mukherjee, who cover the technology sector in this class, pitched cybersecurity stock Proofpoint and touted the merits of cybersecurity.

Rachel Bliss, Jason Hahn and John Warkala who represent the Financial sector in class, pitched Global Payments, and spoke about why they believed the payment processing industry was a good investment choice.

Associate Clinical Professor of Finance Diana Sandberg teaches this class and explains that she divides the students into groups and each group is responsible for a sector of the economy. Other sectors students currently cover in this class include energy, industrials, materials, health care, real estate, utilities, consumer discretionary and consumer staples.

Sandberg says the invitation to present came from Kevin Kelly, CEO of Benchmark Investments, who had read about the Dragon Fund and reached out to Cathy Ulozas, Drexel’s Endowment Chief Investment Officer to invite them to participate. “She is our biggest champion,” Sandberg says of Ulozas. “She is a great cheerleader for the Dragon Fund and we are grateful for her support.”

The Dragon Fund students represented the only student-run fund that participated in this conference.

“Presenting at this symposium was such a great experience for these students,” says Sandberg. Everyone in the room was impressed by the depth of their knowledge, presentation skills and maturity.“

At the end of the day, Sandberg was invited to join Kevin Kelley at the closing bell ceremony.

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Mentioned in this Story
Headshot of Diana Sandberg

Associate Clinical Professor, Finance

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