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Carlos Moreira Elected to Dean’s Advisory Board


November 23, 2015

During the Nov. 17 meeting of Dean Frank Linnehan’s Advisory Board in Drexel’s LeBow College of Business, Carlos Moreira ’91 was elected for a three-year term. Moreira is a partner with PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC), where he is a member of the Health Industries Advisory (HIA) group. He has more than 20 years of experience in the life sciences industry and holds a BS in Finance and Management Information Systems from Drexel LeBow.

Additionally, a number of current members were re-elected to serve the board for another term, including Randy Burkert ’82, Angela Dowd-Burton ’74, MBA ’79 and Al Lord ’89. David Geltzer ’77 was elected to serve an additional term as chair of the board, and Al Altomari ’82 and Maria Charlton MBA ’82 were each elected to serve an additional term as vice chair.

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