Holly Martin, Director of Training and Empowerment
Stoney Creek Hospitality
Business Challenge
Stoney Creek Hospitality aimed to centralize operations for and obtain a holistic view of its multi-property hotels. The organization needed to automate property management and easily collect and use property performance data and guest information from its hotels with the ultimate goal of better managing properties and providing intelligence to support more effective marketing.
Analytics Solution
Stoney Creek Hospitality implemented Maestro Analytics, an integrated multi-property business-intelligence reporting system that pulls data by hotel, date, market or guests for the independent hotel group.
The business intelligence module allows operators to see beyond the numbers in order to increase marketing opportunities and profitability. Stoney Creek Hospitality’s spread-out property locations benefit from multi-property management, allowing the group to see the total property operation, or specific markets or hotels. Since the system is web-based, managers are able to log in from any location and easily optimize property rates or sales strategies remotely.